
Revealing the Secrets of Ancient Family Affection: There Are Really Drops of Blood to Recognize Relatives


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Was there really blood in ancient times to recognize relatives?

This is an interesting question, because blood recognition has appeared in many film and television works, giving the impression that ancient people could determine blood relations through this method. However, is there really a scientific basis for blood recognition? According to the information on the Internet, blood drops are mainly divided into two types: one is the bone drop method, and the other is the blood combination method.

The bone dripping method refers to the dropping of the blood of a living person on the bones of a dead person to observe whether it penetrates, and if it can penetrate, it indicates that there is a blood relationship such as parents, children, brothers, etc. This method first appeared during the Three Kingdoms period, and there are records that Xiao Zhuo, the son of Xiao Yan, the emperor of Liangwu of the Southern Dynasty, used this method to verify whether he was the son of the Marquis of Dongdu. However, there is no scientific basis for this method, because after a long period of rotting or drying, the surface of the bone will become loose or crispy, and anyone's blood will seep in. And if the bone remains intact or soft tissue remains, no one's blood will seep in.

Revealing the Secrets of Ancient Family Affection: There Are Really Drops of Blood to Recognize Relatives

The blood combination method refers to the fact that when both parties are alive, the blood of the two people is dripped in a vessel filled with water to see if they are condensed, and if they are condensed, it means that there is a father-son or brotherly relationship. This method appeared around the Ming Dynasty and is also a common plot in film and television works. However, there is no scientific basis for this method, because blood will rupture and dissolve in water due to different osmotic pressures, regardless of whether it is biophilic or not. And if you don't use water, directly dripping the blood of two people together does not mean anything, because there are many people with the same blood type, and there is not necessarily a relative. Moreover, in vitro cells will rupture on their own, and they will naturally condense together over time.

Therefore, the ancient blood recognition is actually not scientifically based, just a folklore or custom, and cannot really determine the parent-child relationship. In modern forensic science, paternity testing mainly detects DNA genetic markers and analyzes and judges according to genetic laws. This method is the most accurate and reliable.

What was the way to recognize relatives in ancient times?

In ancient societies, due to war, famine, poverty and other reasons, many people would lose contact with their relatives or be forced to separate from their relatives. When these people later want to find or recognize their relatives, they need some way to prove their kinship. In ancient times, there were mainly the following methods of recognizing relatives:

Revealing the Secrets of Ancient Family Affection: There Are Really Drops of Blood to Recognize Relatives

One is through physiognomy characteristics. Ancient people believed that blood relations affect a person's appearance, so some facial characteristics can be inherited, such as the color and shape of the eyes, the height of the nose, the thickness of the lips, etc. If two people have similar physiognomic characteristics, they may be relatives. However, this method is not accurate, because physical characteristics are also affected by factors such as environment, living habits, age, etc., and there may also be coincidences or impersonations.

The second is through the marks on the body. In order to prevent the separation of relatives, ancient people sometimes left some marks on themselves or their children, such as tattoos, imprints, scars, etc. These signs can be used as a basis for recognition because they are unique and cannot be easily imitated or erased. However, this method is also flawed, because the marks may be blurred or deformed over time, and they can also be deliberately forged or destroyed.

The third is evidence through items. When the ancients separated, they sometimes left some items as souvenirs or souvenirs, such as jade pendants, jewelry, clothes, letters, etc. These items can be used as evidence of identification because they have specific shapes, colors, patterns, words and other characteristics that can be used to identify or convey information. But this method is also not perfect, as items can be lost, damaged, exchanged, or stolen.

The fourth is through a blood test. Although the ancients did not have modern genetic testing technology, they also knew that blood is an important sign of blood relations. They will use some simple methods to test the properties of the blood, such as color, viscosity, clotting time, etc. If two people have the same or similar blood nature, they may be relatives. However, this method is also not precise enough, because the nature of blood can also be affected by factors such as diet, disease, drugs, etc., and there may be miscalculations or cheating.

Revealing the Secrets of Ancient Family Affection: There Are Really Drops of Blood to Recognize Relatives

To sum up, the ancient methods of recognizing relatives have certain limitations and uncertainties, and cannot guarantee a 100% correct rate. Only when multiple methods confirm and support each other can the credibility and success rate of recognition be improved.