
Thai drug lords are everywhere, and "big leaves" are actually legalized

author:Xia Yu said

When traveling abroad, we must stay away from drugs and protect our personal and property safety; #珍爱生命 Stay away from drugs #

Thai drug lords are everywhere, and "big leaves" are actually legalized

When traveling in Thailand, be sure to travel together, never go to casinos, and never accept alcohol, tobacco and drinks from strangers! Anything to eat! Remember to be careful, you must be on guard.

Thai drug lords are everywhere, and "big leaves" are actually legalized

It can be said that few countries in the world understand the harm of drugs better than China;

Historically, in our Opium War, Lin Zexu sold cigarettes

"If opium does not end for a day, and this minister does not return for a day, he swears that this matter will always be the same, and there will be no reason to stop it."

Thai drug lords are everywhere, and "big leaves" are actually legalized
Thai drug lords are everywhere, and "big leaves" are actually legalized
Thai drug lords are everywhere, and "big leaves" are actually legalized

Over the years, countless of our police uncles have died in anti-narcotics operations, we must stay away from drugs, make clear its harm, not let the people's police sacrifice in vain, remember history, and never let history repeat the mistakes of the past.

Thai drug lords are everywhere, and "big leaves" are actually legalized
Thai drug lords are everywhere, and "big leaves" are actually legalized
Thai drug lords are everywhere, and "big leaves" are actually legalized
Thai drug lords are everywhere, and "big leaves" are actually legalized

With the legalization of cannabis in Thailand, we must be vigilant, especially those who travel to Thailand, and must #cherish life and stay away from drugs#. Finally, I still advise you, if you can not go to Thailand, it is best not to go, our country has good mountains and waters, countless places of interest and monuments are enough for you to play, why run such a dangerous place? Have money to burn.

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