
Tokyo Dream Record Volume 5

author:Guoxue Xiao Confucian student

  folk custom

  Those who sell food and drink in hundreds of houses, pack fresh plates and utensils, car eaves moving, kit kat cute, food taste and soup, do not dare to sketch. They sell medicine and sell gua, and all have crown belts. As for beggars, there are also specifications. A little slack, not tolerated. His soldiers, peasants, industrialists, and merchants all walked hundreds of households in their own clothes, each with its own color, and did not dare to cross the outside. It is said that the incense shop wraps the incense person, that is, the top hat shawl; the quality bank is in charge, that is, the soap shirt horn with no top hat and so on. Pedestrians in the market will recognize who it is. Coupled with the high friendship of human feelings, if you see that the people of the outside world are bullied by others, the people will rescue them. Or see the military shop to receive the struggle business, cross-body to persuade the rescue, there is a wine and food eaves official rescue, there is no fear. Or if there are newcomers from outside and neighbors living on the left, they borrow envoys, offer soup and tea, guide the sale and purchase, and so on. There are also people who mention tea bottles, and the neighbors support each other's tea every day and ask each other about the movement. Wherever the house of the Hundred Ji Fierce, everyone is full of doors. Its main hotel household, seeing the foot shop three or two times to play wine, dared to borrow two or five hundred silver utensils. Even the poor and poor people called for wine in the shop and also used silverware to provide it. If you drink overnight, take it the next day. The brothels only called for wine in the shop, and the silverware was delivered, and the same was true. Its vastness is large, and there is nothing in the world. With its vast population, adding hundreds of thousands of people does not add more, and subtracts less. The so-called flower array wine pool, fragrant yam sea. Don't have a yufang alley, a Yanguan song building, tens of thousands, do not want to be broken.

  Ginwa Tricks

  Chong, Guan, in Jingwa, Trick art: Zhang Tingsuo, Book of Mencius. Advocate small songs: Li Shishi, Xu Boxi, Feng Yinu, Sun Sansi, etc., sincerely their horns. Singing disciples: Zhang Qiqi, Wang Jingnu, Zuo Xiaosi, An Niang, Mao Tuan, etc. The teaching workshop was reduced and reviewed: Zhang Cuigai, Zhang Cheng's disciple, Xue Zida, Xue Zixiao, Qi Zhi'er, Yang Zongxi, Zhou Shounu, And Zhixin. General miscellaneous drama: the cane head puppet Ren Xiaosan, the daily five more head back to the small miscellaneous drama, almost late to see. Hanging silk puppet, Zhang Jin thread. Li Waining, a puppet of medicine hair. Zhang Zhenmiao, Wen Nuge, Zhen Qiang, no erect navel, small drop knife, muscle and bone rope miscellaneous tricks. Hun-eye, Li Zongzheng, Brother Zhang, Ande Tin Lane. Sun Kuan, Sun XV, Zeng Wudang, Gao Shu, and Li Xiaoxiang, lectured on history. Li Zhi, Yang Zhongzhong, Zhang Shiyi, Xu Ming, Zhao Shiheng, Jia Jiu, novel. Wang Yanxi, Gai Zhongbao, Liu Mingguang, And Sanle. Zhang Zhennu, Dancing Whirling. Yang Wangjing, children's sumo wrestling, miscellaneous dramas, knife drops, brute cards. Dong Fifteen, Zhao Qi, Cao Baoyi, Zhu Bo'er, No Sleepy Camel, Brother Wind Monk, Trick Six Lane, Shadow Drama. Ding Yi, Skinny Ji, etc., make Qiao Shadow Play. Liu Bai fowl, get ants. Kong Sanchuan, Ju Xiucai, and Zhu Gong Tuning. Mao Detail, Hober Ugly, Business Mystery. Wu Ba'er, Hopson. Zhang Shanren, speaking a joke. Liu Qiao, Hebei Zi, Shuai Sui, Hu Niu'er, DaYan Wu, Chongming Qiao, Camel Er, Li Dun, etc., miscellaneous classes. Enter the three gods and ghosts of the sun. Huo Sijiao said "Three Points". Yin Chang sells, "History of the Five Dynasties". Wen Ba Niang, called Guozi. The rest are innumerable. Not in the wind and rain. The sheds look at people, day by day. The church is straight and straight, and every time it is taken to rest, people are allowed to watch. In the month before each internal banquet, the disciples gathered in the workshop, practiced team dance, and made music and miscellaneous drama festivals.

  Marry a woman

  Whoever marries a daughter-in-law, first drafts a post, the two families allow it, and then starts a detailed post, ordering three generations of names, and discussing that relatives have the official position of serving the relatives and the field. The second eaves xukou wine, in the bottle of wine, filled with eight large flowers, luo silk raw color or silver victory eight pieces, and also with the red eaves, called "pay the eaves red", with the female family. The woman's family took two bottles of fresh water, three or five live fish, and a pair of spoons, and sent them in the yuan wine bottle, which is called "returning to the fish basket". Or make a small determination, a big decision, or a daughter-in-law and a non-match. If the daughter-in-law, that is, the male family's relatives or in-laws look at the woman's family, that is, insert the crown with a plutonium, it is called "inserting the plutonium"; or if it is not intentional, that is, leaving one or two color segments at the ends and suppressing it, then the relatives are not harmonious. There are several matchmakers, the upper class wears a hijab, wears a purple back, and says that the official relatives are blessed in the palace; the middle one wears a crown, a yellow bun back, or only a skirt hand, and a green umbrella, all of which are accompanied by two people. It was decided, that is, to hope that the matchmaker would pass the word. In the order of the festival, that is, to chase the female family with the head of the festival and the sheep wine, and to follow the family's abundance and frugality. Female families often make clever things like that. The next time the financial gift, the second time to report the closing day. The next big gift, the first day or morning under the makeup crown pollen, the woman's home back to the male dress flower head and so on. The day before, the woman's family first came to hang up the account and lay the bedroom, which is called "paving the house". The female family's relatives are in the city of tea and wine. On the day of the wedding, the child's family welcomes the guest to the door of the woman's house with a car or a flower eaves, and the female family manages to welcome the guests, with the color section, making music to promote the makeup on the eaves, from the person who refuses to start, frying the bite of the city, called "rising eaves", and then doing. Welcome guests first return to the door of the child's house, from the people and children's families begging for money and goods in the city, etc., called "blocking the door". When the bride gets out of the car, there are yin and yang people fighting, the inner sheng grain bean money fruit grass festival and other mantras, looking at the door and scattering, the children and generations scramble to pick it up, called "sprinkling grain beans", the common cloud hates the green sheep and other killing gods. The new person gets off the car eaves, steps on the green cloth strip or felt mat, is not allowed to step on the ground, one person holds the mirror upside down, leads the new person to cross the saddle grass and the scale, enters, and hangs the tent in a room, which is called "sitting on the false tent"; or just walks into the room and sits on the bed, which is also called "sitting rich". Its sending female guests, rushing to retreat, is called "walking". After the guests feasted three cups, the son-in-law had a public dress and flowers, raised a bed in the middle hall, and placed a chair on it, which was called "high sitting", the first media clan please, the second aunt or the concubine clan please, each poured a cup to drink; the second mother-in-law please, the square sat down. The new person's door forehead, with a section of color, shattered under it, horizontally smeared and hung, son-in-law into the room, that is, the crowd scrambled to pull the small piece away, called "lishi pay the door red". The son-in-law invites the bride out in front of the bed, and the two families each produce a colorful section, and the two families are one heart, which is called "tying towel", the man hangs on the wat, the woman hangs on the wat, the woman goes out in the hand, the face is facing each other, to the front of the family temple to worship, the woman is upside down, the woman is helped into the room to worship, the man and the woman compete to worship one after the other, the bed woman sits to the left, the man sits to the right, and the woman scatters the money and fruits, which is called "scattering the tent". Male left female right, less hair, two out of the horse segment, plutonium, wooden comb, head whiskers and the like, called "combined bun". Then use two lamps to connect them with colored knots, and drink one lamp from each other, which is called "exchanging a cup of wine". Drink and throw the cup, and the flower crown is under the bed, the cup is one by one, and the common cloud "big auspicious" is congratulated. Then cover up the tent. In the palace courtyard, the relatives went with the son-in-law, and when they had left the house, they went out of the house, thanked the relatives, and drank again. After scattering. The next day, on the fifth day, with a zhuo, a mirror on it, looked at the hall to worship, called the "bride's worship hall". The second time to pay homage to the elder relatives, each has a colorful section of clever shoes and socks as a gift, which is called "congratulations". The honorable leader reciprocated a horse back, which is called "greeting". The son-in-law visits the woman's house, which is called "worship door". Powerful can be fun, the next day is the past, called "face to face the door", otherwise, three days and seven days can be, congratulations are also like the gift of the female family. Wine scattered, female furniture advocates conformity, welcome son-in-law to return home, three days, the female family sent a color section of oil honey note: "honey" mistakenly engraved "secret". Steamed cakes, called "honey and oil steamed cakes". His daughter's family came to the meeting, called "the woman". For seven days, the female return is taken, or the color section is sent to the head with it, which is called "washing hair". In January, the assembly celebrates, which is called the "full moon". Since then, the number of rituals has been simplified.


  On the first day of the first month, the parents' house will be filled with a silver pot, or a painted pot, a bunch of millet stalks, covered with a splendid embroidery or raw color pad, with flowers and grasses, and the pattern of five men and two women, and the five men and two women will be combined with a plate and sent steamed buns, which is called "sharing pain". And as a sleeping sheep, a sleeping deer sheep, and a fruit, it takes the meaning of "sleeping and lying down". And the tooth clothing book, etc., is called "spawning". In the case of the birth of the mantle, people scrambled to send corn charcoal vinegar and the like. Three sunsets. Seven days is called "one lap". Until the full moon, the color and embroidery thread are raw, the rich and noble gold and silver rhinoceros jade is for it, and the fruit is greatly exhibited. Pro-guest sheng set, fried fragrant soup in the basin, under the fruit color money green onion garlic, etc., with a number of color around it, known as "pot". Stirring water with a plutonium is called "stirring pot". The viewers each sprinkle money in the water, which is called "adding pots". The jujube in the basin stands upright, and the woman strives for food, thinking that it is a sign of giving birth to a man. Bathing, falling tires, thanking the guests all over, holding teeth into other people's rooms, called "moving". Giving birth to a child for 100 days, placing a meeting, called "a hundred leaves". On the birthday of the coming year, it is called "Zhou Yao", and the list of plates on the ground, the fruit trees, diets, official curses, pen research, scales and other things applied by the needle and thread, looking at the first ones, think of them as signs, called "trials". This child's grand gift also.

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