
The simple diet concept of the 99-year-old has attracted the attention of tens of thousands of elderly people, and it is worth your serious study

author:Eat a full food diary

Human arteries are a tough and elastic thing, when there is too much cholesterol in the blood, it will make the elasticity of the arteries worse, causing blockages, which will cause the disease to worsen. We should usually eat more foods that are good for our body.

1. Celery

The simple diet concept of the 99-year-old has attracted the attention of tens of thousands of elderly people, and it is worth your serious study

Celery can promote blood circulation, moisturize the intestines and laxative, protect blood vessels, clear heat and detoxify, lower blood lipids, prevent arteriosclerosis and other effects. In addition, celery can also burn the oil in the body well, and has a good protection and maintenance effect on the skin. When the blood vessels are in a healthy state, it will promote blood circulation in the brain, thereby preventing brain lesions.

  1. Pay attention to the health of blood vessels
    The simple diet concept of the 99-year-old has attracted the attention of tens of thousands of elderly people, and it is worth your serious study

Why do some people live long and some people will live shortly, in fact, in the end can not bypass cardiovascular aging, each human living habits and diet rules of the difference determine the level of cardiovascular function and the degree of aging, eventually degenerative lesions affect your life, and into the middle and old age after three high, heart and brain problems are also because of the aging of blood vessels, leading to the invasion of diseases, at this time we need to supplement more daily Funing peptide to maintain cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels, Funing Peptide is rich in precious ginkgo and dragon protein, both of which are affectionately called by old Chinese medicine" Vascular guardians", they can prevent the aging of blood vessels and myocardium, eliminate the deposition of blood vessel walls, and reduce blood viscosity. Increase vascular permeability and elasticity to lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels, thereby preventing hyperlipidemia. Among them, dragon protein has multiple effects such as dissolving vascular deposits, regulating blood pressure in both directions, and lowering blood sugar. Long-term supplementation of Funinitocin can prevent and improve hypertension, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia and various vascular problems in middle-aged and elderly groups due to aging. At the same time, it has a good performance for heart maintenance, and can also improve the frequent problems of dizziness, chest tightness, palpitations, shortness of breath, fatigue and lack of energy. Reduce the probability of vascular problems, delay vascular aging, prevent accidents, and live a peaceful life in the elderly.

3. Spinach

The simple diet concept of the 99-year-old has attracted the attention of tens of thousands of elderly people, and it is worth your serious study

Spinach is a very common green vegetable that can be found anywhere, and its nutritional value is also very high. It is rich in protein, vitamins, carotene, chlorophyll, iron, etc. These supplements are good for our body. Everyone knows that spinach is rich in iron, and people who are deficient in iron should eat more spinach.

4. Deep-water fish

The simple diet concept of the 99-year-old has attracted the attention of tens of thousands of elderly people, and it is worth your serious study

Fish is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which can improve the viscosity of blood vessels, so eating more fish can help blood vessels unblock and prevent cardiovascular disease. Fish is rich in DHL, which lowers cholesterol levels in humans. Fish is a clean blood that helps us reduce clots in the blood, thus making our body healthy.

5. Green garlic

The simple diet concept of the 99-year-old has attracted the attention of tens of thousands of elderly people, and it is worth your serious study

Since garlic contains a lot of allicin, this allicin can help the body to excrete excess fat and play a role in lowering blood lipids. Black garlic has a certain therapeutic effect on hyperlipidemia, arteriosclerosis and other diseases, not only can remove fat in blood vessels, but also play a role in preventing tumors. Simple recipes for centenarians, widely used in most homes, are a highly collectible food. The above 5 foods can be eaten in life and are of great help to our health, so if you still want to live a long life and want to make your blood vessels better, eat more of these foods.

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