
Today I will share how Baoma should pay attention to how to correct postpartum diet

author:Light rain 29014

Confinement is one of the important periods for women. Because after 280 days, 40 weeks, 10 months of life with the ball, the baby was finally born. But the separation of flesh and bones, physical exertion and blood consumption during childbirth, always make women weak. Such weakness cannot be made up overnight, but depends on careful conditioning and recuperation.

Today I will share how Baoma should pay attention to how to correct postpartum diet

Postpartum dietary modification is especially important for women during confinement. Due to the exhaustion and blood loss during childbirth, the mother loses a lot of protein, fat, sugar, various vitamins, a variety of minerals and water, so she should eat reasonably after childbirth.

Today, I will share with you how to correct postpartum diet, what should be precautioned for?

1. Drinking high-fat soup can easily affect appetite and body shape. At the same time, a high-fat diet can also increase the fat content in the milk, making it intolerable and absorbed by the newborn and causing diarrhea.

2. After childbirth, the function of the digestive system takes a while to recover, so you can choose some foods that are easier to digest a few days after giving birth. It is possible to transition from porridge, noodles to porridge, and then rice and pasta.

3. Eat small and frequent meals, do not eat gluttonously.

4. It is best to focus on natural foods and do not take too many nutritional products.

5. Drink more warm boiled water and avoid cold drinks.

6. Do not control the intake of diet in order to restore your figure. For mothers in confinement, especially breastfeeding mothers, adequate calorie intake should be ensured, and breastfeeding mothers should consume 700 more calories per day than normal women.

7. Ensure the food intake of calcium and iron. Because new mothers lose a lot of calcium and iron during pregnancy and labor, they should ensure that they get enough calcium and iron from food every day, and the daily intake of calcium should be no less than 1.1 grams, and the iron intake should be 20 mg.

8. Avoid large fish and meat within two weeks after giving birth. Before the gastrointestinal function recovers, fish and meat can be boiled into soup and eaten, and meat can be eaten after two weeks. However, greasy soups should also be eaten with caution

Today I will share how Baoma should pay attention to how to correct postpartum diet

The general principles of maternal postpartum diet maintenance can be summarized as: one clear, two warm, three supplements.

1. The first stage: one clearing

Straightening and siltation. Remove waste blood, waste water, waste from the body. The food is mainly light.

2. The second stage: two temperatures

Gentle conditioning. Smooth lactation, lactation, regulate liver and spleen. Nutritional supplementation needs to be gradual, with gentle eating and slow supplementation.

3. The third stage: three supplements

Nourish the kidney and nourish the nutrients.

1. Foods to be avoided

(1) Do not eat beans and milk for one week after surgery to avoid flatulence.

(2) Avoid greasy foods.

(3) Avoid dark foods to avoid darkening the color of the scar.

(4) Avoid irritating foods such as coffee, tea, peppers, and wine.

(5) Avoid fermented foods to avoid flatulence.

(6) Avoid spicy and dry food, so as not to affect the milk, resulting in dry stool and sores in the mouth and tongue.

(7) Avoid raw cold and hard food, so as not to damage the spleen and stomach, affect digestion, and cause loose and painful teeth.

(8) Avoid fried foods, which are usually difficult to digest and have insufficient nutrients.

(9) Avoid monosodium glutamate, which will affect the development of infants, resulting in impaired iron and zinc absorption in infants, resulting in adverse reactions such as poor taste, anorexia, mental retardation, growth retardation and late puberty in infants.

(10) Avoid tea, because tea contains caffeine, which enters the baby's body through breast milk, which can easily cause infant intestinal spasms and mental excitement.

The provision of postpartum food should contain the energy and nutrients needed by the mother, and the food intake should ensure a balanced nutrient. Through proper cooking, the loss of various nutrients in food is reduced as much as possible and the digestion and absorption rate is improved. The food itself must be clean, non-toxic and free from contamination. The nurse should formulate a reasonable meal system for the mother, with a regular and quantitative ratio, and the proportion of each meal should be appropriate.

Today I will share how Baoma should pay attention to how to correct postpartum diet