
These open source Java, Apk decompilation tools, you have ever used

author:Teach yourself how to code

Java development artifact IDEA, with its own class decompilation function, and debugging is also very convenient. So, are there any other decompilation tools besides IDEA that can be decompiled? Here are some of the open-source decompilation tools in Github.


Jadx can decompile bytecode from APK, dex, aar, aab, jar, and zip files into Java classes. App process debugging and anti-obfuscation code can also be attached. Support GUI and command line two running modes

These open source Java, Apk decompilation tools, you have ever used

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Open source, lightweight Java, apk decompilation tools, you can also view, edit bytecode

These open source Java, Apk decompilation tools, you have ever used
These open source Java, Apk decompilation tools, you have ever used
These open source Java, Apk decompilation tools, you have ever used

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jd-gui this tool, should be used by many friends, green, light, exe file only 1M+.

These open source Java, Apk decompilation tools, you have ever used
These open source Java, Apk decompilation tools, you have ever used

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Luyten is a tool I haven't used and don't know much about it. It also has basic class decompilation tools

These open source Java, Apk decompilation tools, you have ever used
These open source Java, Apk decompilation tools, you have ever used

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Recaf can make some simple edits in addition to basic class decompilation functionality

These open source Java, Apk decompilation tools, you have ever used
These open source Java, Apk decompilation tools, you have ever used

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GDA (GJoy Dex Analyzer) is a powerful Dalvik bytecode decompiler developed in C++ and open source, which has the advantages of fast analysis, low memory and disk consumption, and has a stronger ability to decompile apk, dex, odex, oat, jar, class, aar files, and also supports deobfuscation.

These open source Java, Apk decompilation tools, you have ever used
These open source Java, Apk decompilation tools, you have ever used

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fernflower, a jar decompilation tool, requires command line mode, no GUI interface. This functionality has been integrated into the IDEA plugin

These open source Java, Apk decompilation tools, you have ever used

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cfr, also a decompilation tool that runs in command-line mode. Decompile the file, which can be a single class, can be a jar

java -jar cfr-0.152.jar F:\demo\target\demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
These open source Java, Apk decompilation tools, you have ever used

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Decompilation and anti-obfuscation tools, at some point, can help us understand and learn something. However, these tools are only for learning, pay attention to the scale, and anti-obfuscation is not always successful.