
How did the historical background, political and social systems of the Sultanate of Roma develop? Inheritance of artistic heritage

author:Madman Day

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How did the historical background, political and social systems of the Sultanate of Roma develop? Inheritance of artistic heritage
How did the historical background, political and social systems of the Sultanate of Roma develop? Inheritance of artistic heritage

Text | Madman Day

Edit | Madman Day


During its period of development and prosperity, the Sultanate of Roma also became a cultural and academic center. Traditional handwritten documents and ancient artefacts of the Sultanate of Roma have been inscribed on UNESCO's List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, making them an important part of the global cultural heritage.

History of the Sultanate of Roma

The Sultanate of Roma (Kerajaan Melayu Riau-Lingga) originated in the 13th century and was founded on small islands in and around northern Sumatra. It is a country ruled by Malays, and like other Malay countries on the islands, its history and culture are influenced by Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam.

According to historical records, the Sultanate of Roma was originally founded by a kingdom called Mahalaya, one of the first Malay kingdoms in northern Sumatra. In the centuries that followed, the Sultanate of Roma grew and expanded its territory and influence, becoming an important center of trade and culture.

How did the historical background, political and social systems of the Sultanate of Roma develop? Inheritance of artistic heritage

During the 16th and 17th centuries, there were several wars between the Sultanate of Roma and the Dutch East India Company. Although the Sultanate of Roma defeated the Dutch for a time, it was eventually forced to sign a series of unequal treaties and became part of the Dutch colony.

With Dutch rule, the political and economic status of the Sultanate of Roma gradually declined. However, its cultural and religious traditions have still been preserved and developed as an important part of Indonesian culture.

The period of development and prosperity of the Sultanate of Roma was mainly concentrated during the 17th and 18th centuries. During this period, the Sultanate of Roma became an important trading center, trading with merchants from Southeast Asia, India, Arabia and Europe.

How did the historical background, political and social systems of the Sultanate of Roma develop? Inheritance of artistic heritage

The prosperity of the Sultanate of Roma is largely due to its geographical location and natural resources. The Strait of Malacca in the north of Sumatra was an important shipping lane, making the Sultanate of Roma a center of trade in Southeast and South Asia.

In addition, the Sultanate of Roma is also a rich region, rich in rubber, palm oil, spices and mineral resources, which support its economic development.

How did the historical background, political and social systems of the Sultanate of Roma develop? Inheritance of artistic heritage

During its period of development and prosperity, the Sultanate of Roma also became a cultural and academic center. At that time, many scholars and artists came to the Sultanate of Roma to communicate with local scholars and artists, and created many excellent cultural works.

In addition, Islamic scholars in the Sultanate of Roma have carried out extensive research and educational activities, producing many distinguished scholars and leaders.

How did the historical background, political and social systems of the Sultanate of Roma develop? Inheritance of artistic heritage

With the gradual expansion and control of the Dutch East India Company, the Sultanate of Roma gradually became a colony in the 19th century and became part of the Dutch East India colonial empire. The Dutch colonized and exploited the Sultanate of Roma and exploited it, destroying its economic and political system and leading to its gradual decline.

In the early 20th century, nationalist and independence movements began to emerge in Indonesia. In this context, the Sultanate of Roma became part of the Indonesian independence movement and fought for Indonesian independence together with nationalists from other regions.

In 1945, Indonesia declared its independence and established the Republic of Indonesia. However, due to political and geographical complexity, the Sultanate of Roma did not immediately gain independence. Finally, in the 50s of the 20th century, the Sultanate of Roma was incorporated into a province of the Republic of Indonesia and became part of Indonesia.

How did the historical background, political and social systems of the Sultanate of Roma develop? Inheritance of artistic heritage

In general, the dissolution of the Sultanate of Roma and its incorporation into the Republic of Indonesia was an important event in its history. It represents a turning point in Indonesian history and also reflects the experiences and struggles of Southeast Asian countries under colonial rule.

Political and social system of the Sultanate of Roma

The system of royal power and administration in the Sultanate of Roma adopted a mixed model of Islamic law and traditional culture. Its political system centers on the Sudan, a monarch with religious and political authority who rules the country.

The sultanates of the Romani Sultanate were usually held by nobles or members of the royal family, who had extensive authority and status in religious and political terms.

In the political system of the Roma Sultanate, the power of the sultan was exercised through a series of administrative officials and nobles. Sudan usually appoints a prime minister or minister to manage the day-to-day affairs of the country, in addition to a series of administrative officials who are responsible for managing the different regions and administrations.

How did the historical background, political and social systems of the Sultanate of Roma develop? Inheritance of artistic heritage

In addition to the political system, the Sultanate of Roma has a complex judicial system that combines Islamic law and local traditional law. In this system, the Sudan usually appoints judges and officials to administer and adjudicate cases. These officials were usually composed of Islamic scholars and aristocrats who tried cases according to Islamic and traditional law.

The social structure and strata of the Sultanate of Roma are determined mainly by factors such as religion and wealth. Islam is the dominant religion in this country, so religious belief is an important indicator of social status. At the same time, the possession of wealth and land was an important means of gaining status and power in the society of the Roma Sultanate.

In the social structure of the Roma Sultanate, the sultan and members of the royal family usually occupy the highest echelons of society. They wield extensive authority and influence in politics, religion, and economics. The next level was the aristocracy and wealthy merchants, who owned large amounts of land and wealth and played important roles in social and political affairs.

How did the historical background, political and social systems of the Sultanate of Roma develop? Inheritance of artistic heritage

This is followed by ordinary civilians, who usually work in agriculture, handicrafts and trade, and live relatively harshly.

In addition, the Sultanate of Roma has a number of more specific social groups, such as slaves and tribal peoples. Slaves were usually made up of prisoners of war, debtors and other socially vulnerable groups. They are treated as property and forced to serve their owners. Tribal peoples often live in more remote areas and have their own traditional culture and social structures.

The religious and cultural traditions of the Sultanate of Roma are predominantly Islam and the traditional culture of the Sultanate itself. Islam is the main religion in the Sultanate of Roma and plays a vital role in public life and private conduct. In Islam, faith, etiquette and morality are important values that shape the cultural traditions of the Sultanate of Roma.

Religion is an important subject in the cultural traditions of the Sultanate of Roma and artistic and literary works are often associated with religion. For example, the architecture and painting of the Sultanate often dealt with Islamic motifs and motifs.

How did the historical background, political and social systems of the Sultanate of Roma develop? Inheritance of artistic heritage

In addition, poetry and music are also important parts of the culture of the Roma Sultanate, and they are often associated with the history and traditions of Islam and the Sultanate.

In addition to Islam, the traditional culture of the Sultanate is also an important part of the culture of the Sultanate of Roma. The traditional culture of the Sultanate includes language, clothing, food, dance, music, etc., and these cultural elements vary from region to region. The traditional culture of the Sultanate usually reflects the way of life, beliefs and values of the local people.

Culture and art of the Sultanate of Roma

The literature and language of the Sultanate of Roma are characterized by strong Islamic and Sultanate traditions.

How did the historical background, political and social systems of the Sultanate of Roma develop? Inheritance of artistic heritage

Linguistically, the official language of the Sultanate is Arabic. Arabic is the language of the Islamic holy text, the Qur'an, and is therefore commonly spoken in the Sultanate of Roman. In addition, the Sultanate has other languages such as Nahua, Hausa, and Igbo, which are usually the mother tongues spoken by the local people.

In literature, the literature of the Sultanate of Roma is usually associated with the history and traditions of Islam and the Sultanate. The most famous of these is the Tarikh al-Fattash, an encyclopedia of the history of the Sultanate, including political, religious, economic and cultural aspects.

Written by Abd al-Rahman al-Sadi, a historian of the Sultanate, the book is one of the most important historical documents of the Sultanate of Roma.

How did the historical background, political and social systems of the Sultanate of Roma develop? Inheritance of artistic heritage

In addition, the Sultanate of Roma has some notable literary works, such as the poetry and prose works of Abd al-Rahman ibn Muhammad al-Shaghouri, as well as the works of other Sultanate historians and writers.

These works usually deal with themes such as Islam, the history and traditional culture of the Sultanate, and make an important contribution to the culture and history of the Roma Sultanate. The art and architecture of the Sultanate of Roma are distinctly characteristic of Islam and the Sultanate's traditions.

How did the historical background, political and social systems of the Sultanate of Roma develop? Inheritance of artistic heritage

In terms of architecture, buildings in the Sultanate of Roma are mainly made of red clay and clay. These buildings are often in the traditional Sultanate architectural style, with features such as curves and domes to suit the local climate and environment.

Sultanate buildings are often used for religious, political and cultural events such as mosques, royal palaces and markets. The most famous of these buildings is the Great Mosque of Gao on the banks of the Niger River, a mosque made of red clay and clay with a very strong Sultanate architectural style.

How did the historical background, political and social systems of the Sultanate of Roma develop? Inheritance of artistic heritage

In art, works of art in the Sultanate of Roma usually deal with themes such as Islam and the history and culture of the Sultanate. These works of art include paintings, sculptures, ceramics and textiles, among others, all with unique styles and characteristics. The most famous of these art forms are the woodblock paintings of Sikasso, which were often used to decorate buildings and furniture, as well as to document the history and culture of the Sultanate.

The music and dance of the Sultanate of Roma is also an important part of the country's culture, with strong characteristics of the Sultanate and Islamic culture.

Musically, the music of the Romani Sultanate usually uses a combination of African primitive instruments and Arabic musical styles. Some of these instruments include the lute, koto, drum, and iron sheets. These instruments are commonly used in religious, entertainment, and social events such as weddings, festivals, and celebrations.

How did the historical background, political and social systems of the Sultanate of Roma develop? Inheritance of artistic heritage

In terms of dance, the dances of the Sultanate of Roma are often combined with music, expressing emotions, stories and beliefs. These dances often have unique movements and steps, such as specific movements of the feet and hands, shaking and turning of the body, etc. Some of these dances also include the playing and singing of instruments such as drums and iron sheets.

Legacy and inheritance of the Sultanate of Roma

As a country with a long history and a unique culture, the Sultanate of Roma has left behind a rich heritage and heritage. In terms of heritage, the Sultanate of Roma has left many precious cultural heritages in terms of architecture, art, literature, music, dance, handicrafts and so on. Among them, the famous ones are the Sultan's castle, the royal palace, the mosque, ancient handwritten documents, carvings, fabrics and jewelry.

In terms of inheritance, the cultural heritage of the Sultanate of Roma has been widely valued and passed on locally. Government and civil society organizations regularly organize various cultural events, exhibitions and performances to protect and pass on these cultural and traditional cultures. In addition, some non-governmental organizations and individuals are also committed to preserving and passing on traditional handicrafts, music, dance and other cultural elements.

How did the historical background, political and social systems of the Sultanate of Roma develop? Inheritance of artistic heritage

Author's opinion:

It is worth mentioning that the traditional handwritten documents and ancient handicrafts of the Sultanate of Roma have been inscribed on UNESCO's List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, becoming an important part of the global cultural heritage. These legacies and traditions are not only a precious treasure of the culture of the Sultanate of Roma, but also an important part of the cultural heritage of mankind and should be protected and passed on globally.


The Rise and Fall of the Songhay Empire by Robin P. Blackhurst

The Sudan of the Three Niles: The Funj Chronicle by Muhammad al-Tunisi

3. "The Cambridge History of Africa, Volume 3: From c. 1050 to c. 1600," edited by Roland Oliver and Michael Claude

Islam and Colonialism: The Doctrine of Jihad in Modern History by Rudolph Peters

5.The Cultural Atlas of Africa, edited by Jocelyn Murray

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