
China's "chip maniac" fell off the horse and threatened to buy TSMC, Ren Zhengfei was heartbroken!

author:Wang Stone Technology

The reason why chips are difficult to break through is because chips can not be made by throwing money, and some of us entrepreneurs are accustomed to throwing money, building houses, building roads, bridges, digging tunnels, as long as there is money, they will definitely be able to do things.

Some entrepreneurs have fallen into this cognition, so in the face of the semiconductor industry, they also choose to throw money more directly, but ignore the important technical breakthrough links, which Ren Zhengfei has long seen through.

China's "chip maniac" fell off the horse and threatened to buy TSMC, Ren Zhengfei was heartbroken!

Ren Zhengfei once said that making chips requires not only throwing money, but also mathematicians, physicists, and chemists.

It is a pity that this warning issued by Ren Zhengfei has not attracted attention, and now the side effects of some companies throwing money to make chips have been highlighted.

According to an official recent notification, the State Supervision Commission has opened a case for investigation into the suspected job-related crimes of Zhao Weiguo, former chairman of Unigroup Co., Ltd.

Eight months after Zhao Weiguo evaporated, news finally came that the investigation results were suspected of embezzlement and bribery, illegal profit for relatives and friends, and damage to the interests of listed companies.

As a national team that used to be in the semiconductor industry and one of China's largest semiconductor companies, shouldering the responsibility of revitalizing China's technology industry, Zhao Weiguo's crime has surprised many netizens.

China's "chip maniac" fell off the horse and threatened to buy TSMC, Ren Zhengfei was heartbroken!

From a business point of view, Unigroup once supported half of the domestic chip sky with its own efforts, and it has also become a key link in the mainland to break through the neck of the chip.

But such a company was eventually in vain because of the chairman's crime, why did Unigroup, which was originally the "light of hope" of domestic chips, end up in such a situation?

I think that the root cause has to start after Zhao Weiguo took charge of Unigroup, due to his inflated ambitions, it eventually prompted Unigroup to have big problems.

It is understood that since Zhao Weiguo officially took over the operation of Unigroup in 2009, in just over a decade, the asset scale of Unigroup has increased from 1.3 billion yuan in 2009 to 297.8 billion yuan in 2019, and its operating income has increased from less than 300 million to 70 billion.

However, the rapid development of Unigroup is not the achievements of R&D and chips, but Zhao Weiguo's single-minded mergers and acquisitions and the expansion of the group through capital operation.

China's "chip maniac" fell off the horse and threatened to buy TSMC, Ren Zhengfei was heartbroken!

Public information shows that from 2013 to 2018, Zhao Weiguo invested nearly 100 billion yuan in 16 companies in just 6 years, including 11 in the chip field, and has listed companies more than a dozen times.

At the craziest time, Zhao Weiguo offered $23 billion to buy Micron in the United States, but was later stopped by the United States.

Subsequently, Zhao Weiguo became interested in MediaTek and TSMC, and even threatened to buy TSMC, but these investments were too expensive and eventually disappeared.

It is also under this operation that the market value of Unigroup has grown rapidly, and Zhao Weiguo's value has soared to 25 billion, because under the clever seizure, the company controlled by Zhao Weiguo has won 49% of the equity of Unigroup.

But water can carry boats can also overturn boats, Zhao Weiguo did bring Unigroup to a new height, and finally collapsed because of the scale of debt, just because of the default of 6.883 billion yuan of due debts, Unigroup was sued by the bank and stirred up thousands of waves.

China's "chip maniac" fell off the horse and threatened to buy TSMC, Ren Zhengfei was heartbroken!

In the end, Unigroup has been bankrupt and liquidated due to insolvency, in order to avoid high-quality projects flowing to foreign hands, the state broke off after the thunderstorm, took over Unigroup, and completed the reorganization of Unigroup within one year.

While the data were reviewed, Zhao Weiguo eventually became a prisoner, which had to be regretted.

Unigroup was originally a high-quality enterprise, if Zhao Weiguo could have invested the money for capital mergers and acquisitions in research and development more than 10 years ago, then he would not be so passive now.

The reason why the United States stuck the neck of Chinese companies is because in the past few years, many Chinese companies have cheated subsidies under the slogan of developing the semiconductor industry, and Zhao Weiguo is a typical example.

In addition, there is Chen Jin in the "Hanxin No. 1" incident, which defrauded 1.1 billion yuan of scientific research funds and fled to the United States, and Wuhan Hongxin, Changsha Chuangxin, Chengdu GF, Jinan Quanxin, etc. were all rotten due to fraud, and these enterprises defrauded countless taxpayers of money and caused serious losses to the country.

China's "chip maniac" fell off the horse and threatened to buy TSMC, Ren Zhengfei was heartbroken!

As Ren Zhengfei said, the neck is not American at all, but our own. If we do not fundamentally solve the problem, the development of China's semiconductor industry will indeed encounter a lot of resistance.

Therefore, in the face of chip-related projects, we must conduct strict review, capitalists will always speculate on some key projects, the past has caused a large number of asset loss, I hope that there will be no more problems such as Unigroup in the future. If you agree with the view, please like and support.

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