
When the weather is cold, the hands and feet are cold, teach you a ginger ale gummies, soft glutinous Q bomb is super delicious, and the method is also simple

author:Vegetarian dishes

When the weather is cold, the hands and feet are cold, teach you a ginger ale gummies, soft glutinous Q bomb is super delicious, and the method is also simple. Many girls have cold hands and feet all year round, especially when it is cold in the north, there is no heating or electric blanket, often sleep until four or five o'clock in the morning are not warm hands and feet, cold can not sleep, in the words of our hometown, people who are afraid of cold are not firepower, today share a small snack - ginger ale gummies, to drive away the cold and warm the stomach, soft glutinous Q bomb is very delicious, it is very convenient to carry out, the ingredients are basically available at home, the method is also very simple, let's take a look at the production method with me.

When the weather is cold, the hands and feet are cold, teach you a ginger ale gummies, soft glutinous Q bomb is super delicious, and the method is also simple

Prepare the ingredients:

Ginger, glutinous rice flour, brown sugar, water, coconut paste


When the weather is cold, the hands and feet are cold, teach you a ginger ale gummies, soft glutinous Q bomb is super delicious, and the method is also simple

1. To make ginger candy, the main material we use is ginger, first peel the ginger, and then cut it into ginger slices.

When the weather is cold, the hands and feet are cold, teach you a ginger ale gummies, soft glutinous Q bomb is super delicious, and the method is also simple

2. Put the sliced ginger in the blender, do not rush out the beaten ginger puree, spread a cage cloth in the bowl and filter it.

When the weather is cold, the hands and feet are cold, teach you a ginger ale gummies, soft glutinous Q bomb is super delicious, and the method is also simple

3. Filter a total of 150g of ginger water, and then put 150g of glutinous rice flour in a small amount and many times, and stir until there is no dry powder like this.

When the weather is cold, the hands and feet are cold, teach you a ginger ale gummies, soft glutinous Q bomb is super delicious, and the method is also simple

4. Now we boil a brown syrup, 150g of brown sugar, put a little water into it, the sugar water is still very thin when it is stirred at the beginning, and when the water slowly evaporates away, it will become more and more viscous.

When the weather is cold, the hands and feet are cold, teach you a ginger ale gummies, soft glutinous Q bomb is super delicious, and the method is also simple

5. Pour the syrup into the glutinous rice flour while it is hot, and the final stirred state is this powder paste of the same color.

When the weather is cold, the hands and feet are cold, teach you a ginger ale gummies, soft glutinous Q bomb is super delicious, and the method is also simple

6. Brush some oil inside the mold to prevent sticking, pour the powder paste into it, seal a plastic wrap on the surface to prevent water vapor dripping from affecting the molding, and then poke a few small holes to make it breathable.

When the weather is cold, the hands and feet are cold, teach you a ginger ale gummies, soft glutinous Q bomb is super delicious, and the method is also simple

7. After the water is boiled, steam for half an hour, when the time is out of the pot, the liquid becomes solid after steaming, at this time, do not rush to demold, naturally cool for an hour to form.

When the weather is cold, the hands and feet are cold, teach you a ginger ale gummies, soft glutinous Q bomb is super delicious, and the method is also simple

8. When demolding, just tear it off, so that our ginger ale gummies are ready.

When the weather is cold, the hands and feet are cold, teach you a ginger ale gummies, soft glutinous Q bomb is super delicious, and the method is also simple

9. When you cut it with a knife, you can feel its stickiness.

When the weather is cold, the hands and feet are cold, teach you a ginger ale gummies, soft glutinous Q bomb is super delicious, and the method is also simple

10. In order to avoid eating too sticky hands, wrap a layer of coconut paste on the surface, or granulated sugar to increase the flavor, brown sugar is not very sweet, it is not recommended that you reduce the amount of sugar to make ginger ale gummies, stored in a clean environment, can be stored for a long time will not become bad, like friends can try at home.