
Mourn! Jack Ultraman plays the return to the Land of Light

author:Bobo BOBO

On March 22, 2023, Mr. Shi Lang, the actor of the classic "Jack Ultraman", died of lung cancer at the age of 74.

Mourn! Jack Ultraman plays the return to the Land of Light

Hearing this news, the editor had mixed tastes in his heart. The first Ultraman disc I bought as a child was Jack Ultraman. The image of "Xiangxiu Tree" is deeply imprinted in my heart. From suicide transformation to a 1v2 must-win bug attribute, although the picture quality is not good, the music and realistic tokusatsu technology are the most classic for me.

Mourn! Jack Ultraman plays the return to the Land of Light

In recent years, although new Austrians have emerged one after another, the Ott brothers have always made cameo appearances, and now the death of the old man is bound to make the combination of the Ott brothers no longer complete, which can also be described as a great regret.

Mourn! Jack Ultraman plays the return to the Land of Light

I hope Jack Ultraman can rest well in the Land of Light.

Mourn! Jack Ultraman plays the return to the Land of Light