
Liver Detoxification: 6 Steps to Liver Cleansing

author:AA amphoteric
Liver Detoxification: 6 Steps to Liver Cleansing

Lemonade, fresh lemonade and mint leaves, detox water

Everyone's health and well-being depends on how well her body clears and removes toxins. Due to exposure to environmental toxins, toxic body care products, and processed foods, most people desperately need serious detoxification! To learn how to detoxify your body, liver cleansing is a great way to get started.

One of the main ways the body eliminates toxins is through the liver. In fact, the liver is one of the hardest working organs in the body. It tirelessly detoxifies our blood, produces the bile needed to digest fat, breaks down hormones, and stores essential vitamins, minerals, and iron.

When the liver is not functioning well, we cannot properly digest food, especially fat. This is why it is so important to avoid fatty liver and follow a liver cleansing diet to remove toxins from the body.

What does the liver do?

Some of the basic functions of the liver include:

  • Processes nutrients absorbed by the intestines so that they are absorbed more efficiently
  • Regulates blood composition to balance proteins, fats and sugars
  • Destroys old red blood cells
  • Produces essential chemicals to help blood clot properly
  • Breakdown and metabolism of alcohol and drugs
  • Produces essential protein and cholesterol
  • Removes toxins from the blood, including bilirubin, ammonia, etc
  • Stores minerals, iron, and vitamin A

Scientists know that for the liver to take care of the body, it must be able to function optimally. When many people think of liver disease, they often think of alcoholic cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is a serious health condition, but contrary to popular belief, alcoholism is not the only cause.

In fact, there are many non-alcoholic factors that can lead to cirrhosis and liver damage, including:

  • Eat undercooked shellfish
  • Some medications (including acetaminophen)
  • Chronic malnutrition
  • Eat poisonous wild mushrooms and be exposed to chemicals
  • Chronic hepatitis B

Risk factors for liver health

Today, we face so many environmental toxins in our homes, workplaces, and food supplies. Maintaining good liver health is essential to our overall health and well-being.

Here are some of the risk factors associated with impaired liver function.

  • Low potassium levels
  • Severe alcohol abuse
  • Intravenous medication
  • Exposure to certain industrial chemicals and environmental toxins
  • Unprotected sex
  • Obesity and high-saturated fat diets and processed foods
  • Tattoos or body piercings
  • High levels of triglycerides in the blood
  • Prescription drugs, including acetaminophen
  • Viral infection
  • Autoimmune diseases

Signs of an unhealthy liver

If you have recently noticed any of the following symptoms, you may have impaired liver function. If you determine that one or more of these risk factors are present, it's especially important to consider these studied symptoms.

  • Bloating and gas
  • Acid reflux and heartburn
  • constipation
  • Yellowing of the skin and/or eyes (symptoms of jaundice)
  • Inability to lose weight
  • hypertension
  • Moodiness, anxiety, or depression
  • Dark urine
  • Rosacea
  • Chronic fatigue
  • desudation
  • Easy bruising
  • No appetite

Fortunately, you can help improve the function of your liver. With a thorough liver cleanse, you can start feeling better within a few weeks.

Liver cleansing diet

Following this natural liver cleansing diet can help boost your health and vitality:

1. Remove toxic foods from your diet

If your diet contains a lot of processed foods, your liver health is at risk, as these foods are basically bad for liver health. Hydrogenated oils, refined sugars, convenience foods, and luncheon meats are known to be toxic to your system.

Hydrogenated oils, also known as "trans fats," are higher in saturated fat. The chemical structure of the oil itself has been altered to extend shelf life. Consuming trans fats significantly increases the risk of heart disease by 25% or more. In addition, trans fats are believed to cause problems with our immune system and can cause inflammation throughout the body.

The addition of nitrates and nitrites, commonly found in convenience foods, fast food, and luncheon meats, has been linked to serious health conditions. These chemicals are used to preserve food to extend its shelf life, inhibit bacterial growth, and maintain color. Immediately replace these foods with healthy options that are good for the liver. Healthy foods taste great, and with a little creativity, you can create healthy meals for your family that are good for liver health.

Grill your own organic chicken breast and turkey breast in place of deli meat for quick lunches and after-school snacks. Replace potato chips and other processed snacks with fresh fruit, carrot sticks, nuts, and homemade granola bars.

In addition to eating a healthy diet, it's important to make sure your digestive enzymes are functioning properly. Liver enzyme problems can also lead to liver disease and may be linked to other digestive disorders such as Crohn's disease.

2. Drink raw vegetable juice

For a clean and effective liver, it is almost impossible to eat all the raw vegetables you need. However, by juicing a variety of raw vegetables, you can easily get the 4-5 servings of fresh organic vegetables you need. Even if it's not your favorite vegetable, you can camouflage and enjoy it in a fresh vegetable juice!

Due to impaired liver function, juice detoxification has the added benefit of making vegetables easier to digest and easier to absorb.

Vegetables suitable for liver cleansing include cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts. While this combination may not sound very pleasant, you can add other vegetables you like, including carrots, cucumbers, beets, and vegetables.

All of these vegetables help reduce acidity in the body, helping to create a friendlier pH balance. Try your favorite flavor combination; You can add fresh herbs like parsley and mint to make the juice even more delicious.

To improve liver health, try my orange carrot ginger juice. Studies have shown that fresh organic carrots are essential for any liver cleansing. In the liver, β-carotene is converted into vitamin A, which helps flush out toxins from the body while reducing fat in the liver.

The high fiber content helps support a healthy digestive tract and accelerates the elimination of toxins from the body. Ginger root helps soothe the digestive tract, reduces intestinal gas, and has powerful anti-inflammatory compounds. The fresh oranges in this recipe not only add a rich sweetness, but also add plenty of vitamin C, extra vitamin A, and vitamin B6.

3. Eat more potassium-rich foods

Are you consuming the recommended 4,700 mg of potassium per day? Most likely, you are not. Potassium-rich foods help lower systolic blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and support a healthy cardiovascular system, in addition to helping to cleanse the liver. If you're tempted to take potassium supplements, add these wholesome foods to your diet.

sweet potato

Surprisingly, the most potassium-rich is not bananas. This is a sweet potato. One medium sweet potato contains nearly 700 mg of potassium, not to mention the high fiber and β carotene content.

A sweet potato has only 131 calories but is rich in vitamins B6, C, D, magnesium, and iron. Although naturally sweet, sugar is actually slowly released into the bloodstream through the liver without causing blood sugar to rise.


The potassium and other beneficial nutrients in tomatoes are significantly concentrated in the form of sauces, purees, or pastes. For example, 1 cup of tomato puree contains 1,065 mg of potassium, but 1 cup of fresh tomatoes contains only 400 mg of potassium. When choosing ketchup, ketchup, or puree, be sure to choose something made only from organic tomatoes.

To make your own concentrated tomato sauce, cut the organic tomatoes in half and bake them face down in the oven at 425 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes until the skin is wrinkled. Remove from oven and let cool. Slide the skin off and gently crush it in your food processor or blender. If you want, you can filter out the seeds. Pour into a Dutch oven and simmer until thick, 1 to 2 hours.

Beet leaves and spinach

Beet leaves are rich in antioxidants and contain more than 1,300 mg of potassium per cup. Add beets and beet leaves to your fresh vegetable juice recipe; Chop and add raw to salad; Or lightly sauté like any other vegetable. Beets also naturally cleanse the gallbladder and improve bile flow.

Fresh organic spinach is easy to add to your diet, and it's a good source of potassium, with 840 mg per serving.


White, kidney and green beans are all rich in potassium, protein, and fiber. In your favorite hummus recipe, swap chickpeas for one of the potassium-rich legumes. Enjoy with carrot and celery sticks.

Black belt molasses

Just 2 teaspoons of this rich, all-natural syrup contains 10% of the recommended daily amount of potassium. In addition to potassium, brown molasses is rich in iron, calcium, manganese, and copper.

Add brown molasses to your diet by replacing other natural sweeteners with brown molasses. You can use it to make a barbecue sauce and serve it on oatmeal or quinoa porridge in the morning. Adding two teaspoons to coffee enhances the richness of the coffee while reducing the sourness.


Finally, add a banana to your favorite smoothie. Although compared to other high-potassium foods on this list, banana's 470 mg of potassium is only part of the story. Bananas aid digestion and help release toxins and heavy metals from the body – all essential during liver cleansing.

Note: If your kidneys are high in potassium, you should eat potassium-rich foods in moderation.

4. Take liver supplements

Milk thistle

Milk thistle is considered the "king" of detoxifying herbs and is ideal for cleansing the liver. Milk thistle helps eliminate the buildup of heavy metals, prescription drugs, environmental pollutants, and alcohol in the liver.

In addition, it helps reduce the negative effects on the liver after chemotherapy and radiation. Studies have shown that silymarin, the active ingredient, helps strengthen liver cell walls while supporting healthy regeneration.

Milk thistle can be used as a supplement or as a liver-cleansing detox tea.

Dandelion root

Most homeowners hate dandelion because it overgrows in their yards every spring. However, the flower and its roots are actually rich in vitamins and minerals.

Dandelion root has a natural diuretic effect, allowing your liver to eliminate toxins faster. It also helps strengthen the immune system, balance blood sugar levels, relieve heartburn, and relieve indigestion.

Burdock root is another option belonging to the same plant family as dandelion and can help support liver function by helping your system detoxify by cleansing your blood. Like milk thistle, dandelion root and burdock root can be taken as supplements or detox teas.


Turmeric reduces joint pain; is a potent antidepressant that aids digestion, helps restore healthy blood sugar balance, and supports healthy liver tissue and liver metabolism.

Currently, researchers are studying turmeric's multiple health benefits for diseases and conditions, including: Alzheimer's disease, cancer, depression, osteoarthritis, breast health, prostate health, and chronic pain.

Combination liver support supplement

You can also purchase a liver support supplement that combines many of these important botanicals, such as milk thistle seeds, dandelion root, beetroot, and saihu root, to help detoxify the liver, promote healthy liver function, and act as an anti-inflammatory.

5. Eat real liver or take liver protection tablets

Liver from young, healthy grass-fed cattle or chicken liver is rich in vitamins A and B, folate, choline, iron, copper, zinc, chromium, and coenzyme Q10. Liver is one of the most nutritious foods we can eat.

If you eat liver and stomach discomfort, you can take beef liver pills. Seek a supplement that guarantees that no hormones, pesticides or antibiotics are used in the feeding and care of cattle.

Liver cleansing recipes

In addition to the healthy foods and supplements mentioned above, you can also strengthen your liver by starting with a 24-hour quick liver cleanse. In the 7 days prior to this brief cleansing, eat the following foods:

  • collard
  • cabbage
  • lettuce
  • cauliflower
  • broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Citrus fruits
  • asparagus
  • beet
  • celery

Avoid any processed foods and eat less free-range, organic meats, refined carbohydrates, and gluten. This preparation will help promote cleaning.

Try mine during the week you're preparing your body. It boosts your energy, helps you detoxify and cleanse your liver. This recipe requires apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, chili peppers, cinnamon, and water.

Then, try this liver detox drink during the week of your detox. This recipe will help support your body while cleansing:

Liver detox drink

  1. Dilute cranberry juice with a ratio of 3 parts water to 1 part cranberry juice.
  2. Add 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg and ginger and 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon to the tea maker and steep in boiling water for 20 minutes.
  3. Cool to room temperature.
  4. Add the juice of 3 oranges and 3 lemons and stir. If the mixture is too sour, sweeten it with your favorite all-natural sweetener.

Final thoughts

  • Cleansing and detoxifying the liver and colon helps remove drugs, heavy metals, and cancer treatment residues from the system, resulting in a healthy liver.
  • To maintain liver health for years, get regular 24-hour liver cleansing.
  • Maintain a healthy diet, avoid processed foods, and eat more vegetables, legumes, and whole grains, whether or not your liver is clean.