
On the border of Egypt and Sudan, there is a "nobody's wanted" land, which should be the only land in the world that no one wants, Birtyville. The area of Birtewler is about 2060 square meters

author:Stevens hissed

On the border of Egypt and Sudan, there is a "nobody's wanted" land, which should be the only land in the world that no one wants, Birtyville.

Birtyville's area is about 2,060 square kilometers, which is basically desert wilderness.

There were many people who came to Birtevil with flags to declare the "occupation" and "take it for themselves". But it's just a farce. The only people who can really "own" Biltäyvil are Egypt and Sudan. But neither of them wants it!

This is strange, why do you not want any territory, although it is a desert, but there are more deserts in North Africa, why are they not "humble" elsewhere?

This is because they all want another piece of the Haraib triangle, which is not only larger, more than 20,000 square kilometers, but also covered with oases, but also coastal, and the conditions are ten thousand times better than that of Birtevil, and naturally want better.

This matter is still a "trouble" left by the British colonial era, and this matter is very long to talk about, so I will not talk about it. It almost means that for Egypt and Sudan, if they want Biltavile, it is equivalent to giving up the Harayib Triangle, so neither of them wants Birtyvil, so Biltavit has become the only land in the world that "no one wants".

On the border of Egypt and Sudan, there is a "nobody's wanted" land, which should be the only land in the world that no one wants, Birtyville. The area of Birtewler is about 2060 square meters
On the border of Egypt and Sudan, there is a "nobody's wanted" land, which should be the only land in the world that no one wants, Birtyville. The area of Birtewler is about 2060 square meters
On the border of Egypt and Sudan, there is a "nobody's wanted" land, which should be the only land in the world that no one wants, Birtyville. The area of Birtewler is about 2060 square meters

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