
India was rejected five times in three years to rent a panda, is it because it can't afford it or is there another reason?

author:Sincere z darling

India wanted to rent pandas for three years and was rejected five times, could it not afford it or was there another reason? As a national treasure, panda is also an endemic species in China, but it is not lacking in the limelight in the international community, after all, who would not like a cute rolling cat with a bad head and a brain.

India was rejected five times in three years to rent a panda, is it because it can't afford it or is there another reason?

So various countries want to rent pandas, but one country has repeatedly offered to rent pandas, but they have been refused. This is our dear neighbor India, the reason is very simple, the third brother is a place where the gods gather, it is really not suitable for the panda this kind of mortal fetus, if you want to raise a panda, the simplest thing is to eat, speaking of eating, the third brother, but to sing and dance! Indian cuisine is notoriously difficult to understand, let alone me, even the chef may not be able to figure out what surprises he can find in this pot. As an omnivore, pandas basically only eat bamboo, which is not everything. Coupled with this bowl of Ganges water, let's say that last year a Japanese Internet celebrity went to India, saying that he wanted to pray in the Ganges, take a bath, just entered the water and felt that something was wrong, squatted into the water, and his face was not very good. Just as the so-called dry bowl of Ganges water, in the next life will still be an Indian, if this is to give a mouthful of national treasure, the capital of India, I am afraid that the capital will be moved again, this is still a good treatment. India's latitude is basically much lower than China's, closer to tropical pandas, that is high latitude and high altitude habitual, go to India, the temperature is absolutely unbearable, of course, not nothing. For example, the panda in Qatar, the 24-hour air conditioning is not broken at all.

India was rejected five times in three years to rent a panda, is it because it can't afford it or is there another reason?

On the other hand, our dear third brother, air conditioning? Any week of uninterrupted electricity in Delhi can be regarded as the manifestation of the goddess. Looking at this wire again, my third-level electrician had to faint on the spot. Even if the panda can have a fan blowing, it is a blessing for us to send the panda to the past, and the exhibition is not to suffer.

India was rejected five times in three years to rent a panda, is it because it can't afford it or is there another reason?

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