
Family cultivation of ornamental flowers, flowers, large-flowered monarch orchid cultivation management

author:Blue willow

Family cultivation of ornamental flowers, flowers, large-flowered monarch orchid cultivation management

【Scientific name】Oliviaaminiate 【Aliases】Large-leaf stone garlic, damula, sword-leaf stone garlic, upper flower junzi orchid. 【Family】Garlic family, genus Junzi orchid.

design and color

Family cultivation of ornamental flowers, flowers, large-flowered monarch orchid cultivation management

Morphological characteristics

Family cultivation of ornamental flowers, flowers, large-flowered monarch orchid cultivation management

Perennial evergreen root herb. The height of the plant is 30~40 cm, the root is fleshy and fibrous, and the base of the leaf is tightly hugged and pseudobulb-shaped. The leaves are thick green, leathery, shiny, leaf shape like a sword, the two sides are relatively stacked, full margin, with dense parallel veins, due to different varieties of different leaf lengths and widths, long leaves up to 50 cm, width about 5 ~ 6 cm, short leaves about 25 ~ 30 cm long, width up to more than 10 cm. The flower stem emerges from the leaf axil, flat, umbel-shaped inflorescence, each inflorescence has 7~30 small flowers, and more can reach more than 40. The florets have a stalk, 6 petals, forming a narrow funnel-shaped, stretched when blooming, with a short tepal below, tepals synphytic, yellow or orange. It blooms all year round, but mainly in spring and summer. The berries are spherical, green or dark green at first, red after ripening, containing 2~3 spherical seeds.


Family cultivation of ornamental flowers, flowers, large-flowered monarch orchid cultivation management


Common cultivars are: weeping gentleman orchid, also known as fine-leaved junzi orchid, the leaves are banded, very hard and rough, and the leaf ends are very blunt; Large-flowered monarch orchid, also known as upper-flowered junzi orchid, the leaf width is generally not more than 50 mm, the flowers are orange, trumpet-shaped; There is a stem of junzi orchid, height 500~1500 mm, there are aboveground stems, the leaves are arched, spring and summer flowering, flowers orange-red, petal tips are green; The orchid has a white stripe in the center of the leaf. Common cultivars in mainland China include two kinds of weeping monarch orchid and large-flowered monarch orchid.

Ecological habits

Native to southern Africa, sex likes warm and cool environment, not hardy, avoid high temperature and heat, growth temperature is 15 °C ~ 25 °C, winter room temperature is lower than 10 °C, growth will be inhibited. Afraid of sun exposure, like half shade. In summer, when the summer temperature is hot, Junzilan is semi-dormant. Loose and humus-rich soils are preferred, especially peat. Like moisture, but avoid waterlogging, avoid salinity. The relative humidity of the air during the growth period is 70%~80%.

Breeding methods

Most of them are propagated by sowing and dividing plants.

Sowing seeds: Due to its low self-pollination strength, artificial pollination is required to obtain seeds. Three parts of the soil can be used for sowing land, 1 part from Gaza. When sowing, place the seed hole facing down in the seedling pot, and after sowing, cover the seed with a layer of river sand to cover the seed. The room temperature is kept at 20 °C ~ 25 °C, the soil temperature is not less than 15 °C, try to maintain a stable temperature and keep the potting soil moist. After 15 days, the seeds begin to germinate and grow young roots, after 40 days they emerge one after another, after 55 days they should emerge, and after 60 days the seeds that do not emerge indicate that they have lost their germination power. When the seedlings grow 2 true leaves, they can be potted.

Branching: refers to the division of foot buds. Junzi orchids that are more than four years old begin to germinate foot buds around the rhizome of the mother plant, and when the foot buds grow 6~7 leaves, they are divided in March ~ April in combination with changing pots. When dividing, remove all the plants from the pot and remove the root soil. Cut off the root shoots with a knife, cut charcoal powder for anti-corrosion, let it dry until the incision is slightly dry, and plant it in a pot. When dividing, if the foot buds do not grow their own root system or accidentally cut off the young roots, they can also be planted. The wound can be coated with charcoal powder to prevent decay, and planted with sown soil, planted slightly deeper to prevent lodging.

Cultivation management

Junzilan should be placed in the window ventilation place in spring, summer and autumn, and the ventilation time is not less than 2 hours in spring and autumn, and not less than 4 hours in summer. Spring, autumn, winter can be irradiated all day, summer should prevent direct sunlight, sunny days every morning and evening 4 ~ 5 hours of sunlight can be, noon to move the pot to the ground in the house, avoid direct light, such as exposure, will inhibit growth, but also solar burning, scorched leaves dry tip. In winter, it should be placed in the indoor sunny place, and the room temperature should not be lower than 5 ° C. If there is low temperature, insufficient light or moisture imbalance before flowering, there will be a "pinching arrow" phenomenon, that is, it cannot be extracted and withdrawn, so it should be carefully maintained before flowering. In order to make the leaves neat and beautiful, the pot should be turned once every 7~10 days, and the pot should be turned to 180 °C.

Family cultivation of ornamental flowers, flowers, large-flowered monarch orchid cultivation management

Purification function

Junzilan can absorb a large amount of dust, dust and harmful gases, absorb carbon dioxide, release oxygen, eliminate air pollution, reduce radioactive substances and bacteria, reduce noise, maintain ecological balance, filter indoor air, and make the air clean. Therefore, Junzilan is known as the ideal "absorber" and "dust collector".

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