
Hit! The Clippers are scary not about losing, but about George suffering a right knee injury and fearing to lose his chance to compete for the championship

author:Tong Muzhen said the physical horizon

在‬刚‬结束‬的一场‬NBA常规赛,洛杉矶‬快船队‬坐镇‬主场对阵俄克拉荷马‬雷霆队‬,最终‬快船‬以‬100-101惜败‬于雷霆‬。 此役‬过后,快船的‬战绩‬为‬38胜‬35负排名‬西部‬第‬5位。 相比‬起‬本场‬的输球‬,乔治‬受伤‬的情况‬最令人‬担心‬,目前‬尚不‬清楚此次‬伤病‬会‬导致‬乔治‬缺席‬多久‬。

Hit! The Clippers are scary not about losing, but about George suffering a right knee injury and fearing to lose his chance to compete for the championship

回顾‬一下‬当时‬的状况‬:在第四节比赛中,乔治抢板落地时,与多尔特相撞遭遇右膝盖反关节,长时间倒地不起,随后‬被搀扶出场。 受伤‬前‬,乔治‬出战‬了‬35分钟‬,投篮‬17中9,三分‬5中‬0,罚球‬2中0,得到‬18分7篮板5助攻3抢断1盖帽2失误,正负值‬+15。 愿‬乔治‬并无‬大碍‬,早日‬回归‬赛场‬。 ‬

Hit! The Clippers are scary not about losing, but about George suffering a right knee injury and fearing to lose his chance to compete for the championship

Recently, George has been in good form, scoring 20+ points in each of his last seven games, averaging 28.3 points per game. 再加上‬队友‬伦纳德‬也是‬找回‬了巅峰‬状态,全队‬的‬士气‬高昂,都在‬为‬季后赛‬的到来‬做‬最后‬的调整‬,以‬双锋线‬的组合‬向‬总冠军‬发起‬挑战。 未曾想‬此番‬‬遭遇‬伤病意外‬‬,真是‬有点‬痛心‬。 George's former teammate Beverly tweeted a prayer for him: PG.

Hit! The Clippers are scary not about losing, but about George suffering a right knee injury and fearing to lose his chance to compete for the championship

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