
Is drinking tea for a long time so dangerous?

author:Wayne hot chat

With the improvement of material living standards, people are no longer limited to boiled water when choosing liquids, and now have more options, drinks, tea, coffee and so on.

Among these, the age range of the audience of tea may be larger, and more and more young people have begun to choose the health model of drinking tea. So is drinking tea for a long time really that good?

Is drinking tea for a long time so dangerous?

Studies have shown that tea contains many beneficial ingredients, such as tea polyphenols, catechins, polyphenols, etc., long-term drinking tea can help lose weight, lower blood lipids, stabilize the three highs, prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and so on.

For example, last year, researchers from Nankai Hospital of Tianjin Medical University, in China, Japan, South Korea and other countries, a total of more than 700,000 subjects in data analysis found that long-term tea drinkers, especially green tea, can reduce the risk of cerebral hemorrhage by 6%.

At the same time, there is a study by Peking University, according to data from more than 500,000 people who followed up for 11 years, showing that drinking tea every day not only reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by about 8% compared with people who do not drink tea every day.

Is drinking tea for a long time so dangerous?

Of course, there are pros and cons to drinking tea.

After analyzing data from the Global Gastric Cancer Project, the researchers found that people who regularly drank tea had a higher risk of stomach cancer. The reason for inducing stomach cancer is related to people's habits of drinking tea, like to drink hot tea and strong tea, when the temperature exceeds 65 degrees Celsius, it is easy to cause esophageal injury, and even increase the risk of cancer.

There is also tea that contains caffeine like coffee, long-term excessive drinking, easy to cause stimulation to the body, and then increase mental excess, insomnia, dizziness and headache and other discomfort.

Is drinking tea for a long time so dangerous?

In addition, for people with bad stomach, it is not suitable for drinking strong tea, especially groups with gastritis and gastric ulcers should be careful~

No matter any drink, even if it is for health, do not drink too much ~ tea tasting is a slow life, stop to enjoy time, enjoy life, but also taste life ♥♥