
Accepting bribes of more than 78.58 million yuan Chen Peng, former party secretary of the Anhui Provincial Associated Press, was sentenced to 13 and a half years in prison in the first instance

author:Beijing News

Beijing News Express According to the micro-news of the Anhui Discipline Inspection and Supervision Officer, on October 22, the Anqing Intermediate People's Court publicly pronounced a verdict on the bribery case of Chen Peng, former secretary of the party committee and chairman of the Anhui Rural Credit Cooperative, and sentenced Chen Peng to 13 years and 6 months in prison and a fine of 5 million yuan for accepting bribes; Chen Peng's property and fruits obtained from bribery shall be recovered and handed over to the state treasury.

The court found that from 2001 to 2020, defendant Chen Peng took advantage of his position as secretary of the Dangtu County CPC Committee, member of the Standing Committee of the Ma'anshan Municipal CPC Committee, member of the Standing Committee and vice mayor of the Lu'an Municipal CPC Committee, deputy secretary of the Party Committee, vice chairman, director, party secretary, and chairman of the Provincial Associated Press, as well as the convenience of his authority or position, to seek benefits for relevant units and individuals in marketing insurance business, project contracting, project loans, supply of drugs, and personnel adjustment. It has repeatedly and illegally accepted property given by others directly or jointly with others, totaling more than 78.58 million yuan, of which more than 41.61 million yuan has not yet been actually obtained, which is an attempted crime.

At trial, the court held that Chen Peng's conduct constituted the crime of accepting bribes, and the amount was particularly huge and should be punished according to law. In view of the fact that Chen Peng's acceptance of some of the property was an attempted crime, he was able to truthfully confess his crime after arriving at the case, voluntarily confess most of the facts of accepting bribes that the case-handling organs had not yet grasped, report and expose the clues of others' crimes and verify that they were true, voluntarily admit guilt and accept punishment, actively return the stolen goods, and most of the stolen money and stolen goods involved in the case have been recovered into the case, and have statutory and discretionary mitigating or mitigated punishment circumstances, and may be given a lighter punishment in accordance with law. The Tribunal accordingly rendered the above-mentioned judgment.

After the verdict was pronounced, Chen Peng said in court that he would obey the verdict and would not appeal.

Edited by Zhao Xi

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