
Crispy apple doughnuts finger cake, soft and sweet, delicious and not greasy, don't miss it if you like it

author:Tea food heart

Recently, I unlocked a fairy eating method that both my baby and I loved—the crispy apple doughnut finger pie! Every time I take a nap, the baby always cries out for something to eat, and this fairy eating method has become our new favorite. This doughnut-shaped finger bread also has soft apples inside, perfect for this cold season.

Crispy apple doughnuts finger cake, soft and sweet, delicious and not greasy, don't miss it if you like it

Making this crispy apple doughnut finger pie is really super easy! All you need to do is prepare finger bread, apples, and black sesame seeds, and follow these steps to make them:

Peel and cut the apple into 1.5 cm thick slices and press a round hole in the middle of the apple slice with a bottle cap.

Thaw the finger cake slightly at room temperature, then cut into long strips.

Crispy apple doughnuts finger cake, soft and sweet, delicious and not greasy, don't miss it if you like it

Wrap the finger bread around the middle of the apple.

Spread the egg yolk on finger bread and sprinkle with black sesame seeds.

Place the finished apple finger bread in the air fryer and fry at 180 degrees for 12 minutes.

Crispy apple doughnuts finger cake, soft and sweet, delicious and not greasy, don't miss it if you like it

Finally, you're ready to enjoy the crispy apple donut finger pie! However, it should be noted that finger bread cannot be thawed too soft, otherwise it will easily break.

Crispy apple doughnuts finger cake, soft and sweet, delicious and not greasy, don't miss it if you like it

This fairy eating method is really delicious! The combination of apple and finger bread is perfect, crispy and perfect for little babies. Our little baby gets very excited every time he sees this doughnut-shaped finger cake and just reaches out and grabs it. I'm sure this crispy apple doughnut finger pie isn't just for babies, but adults too!

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