
The latest Harvard study: Developing these four habits can help fight aging

author:Wonderful moments yyds

As people age, the skin of the human body will appear sagging, wrinkles, and stains. Moreover, the metabolism of cells in various organs of the human body will slow down, and cells will gradually become senile. Therefore, human aging is also an irreversible natural law.

According to the latest Harvard research, developing these four habits can help fight aging.

First: Keep exercising three times a week.

"Exercise is the most effective weapon against aging"

The response of obesity and inflammation is the culprit of cellular aging.

Maintain aerobic exercise three times a week, such as: jogging, fitness, various ball games, cycling, swimming, etc.

The latest Harvard study: Developing these four habits can help fight aging
The latest Harvard study: Developing these four habits can help fight aging
The latest Harvard study: Developing these four habits can help fight aging

Second: Drink two cups of matcha green tea a day

Green tea is rich in antioxidants: tea polyphenols, vitamins C and E, etc., which can remove free radicals in the human body and help slow down cell aging.

The latest Harvard study: Developing these four habits can help fight aging

Third: develop a good attitude and relieve stress appropriately

Proper pressure is good for the human body. However, if people are in a relatively stressful state for a long time, it will lead to depression, anxiety, neurasthenia, which will only accelerate the rate of cell aging.

"Negative emotions accelerate cell aging"

People try to stay away from people with negative emotions at work and in life. If you encounter stress, take a strategic pause, put aside the immediate matter, stop for a glass of warm water, look out the window, breathe deeply, and let our brains empty.

The latest Harvard study: Developing these four habits can help fight aging

Fourth: Meal time every day, control within a few hours

Meals include breakfast, lunch and dinner. Eat within a few hours a day. People's pace of life is accelerating, and some people, because they are too busy with work, generally eat dinner late. This diet is not conducive to the excretion of cellular metabolic waste.

Light fasting can improve the body's insulin sensitivity, prevent diabetes, and help cells have sufficient time to excrete metabolites.

The latest Harvard study: Developing these four habits can help fight aging


Controlling eating time, maintaining exercise, regulating a good state of mind, relieving stress, etc., many studies have shown that there are many physical and psychological benefits for us. In particular, anti-aging in the soul can reduce the occurrence of many sudden diseases, and make us not recognize old age, do not accept old age, and live more vigorously.

(From Moments)

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