
The success or failure of life is in our own hands

author:On the Jing Yan Yu Wei Hui

A person's greatest ability is to surpass himself, treat the former rescue battle as a sharp knife, and use it wisely to cut the thorns in the journey beyond the peak, surpass himself, and Dahua moves towards a farther goal!

The success or failure of life is in our own hands

Life is like a rushing river. We swing the oars, constantly fighting forward in the long river of life, flowing with passionate vows. And the process of our struggle is a process of breaking through ourselves and surpassing ourselves.

Mr. Inamori pointed out in a speech: The greatest ability of a person is to surpass himself, to challenge himself as a sharp knife, and to use it wisely to cut off the thorns in the journey, to surpass the peak, to surpass himself, in order to move towards a farther goal!

The success or failure of life is in our own hands

American cyclist Lance. Armstrong, with his tortuous and legendary life story, touched us and explained to us the great power to surpass himself. His athletic career was brilliant, but the most valuable thing was his attitude towards life, he overcame cancer and surpassed himself. On July 18, 1995, Armstrong's teammate Casatri died after completing a very strenuous climb on the Pyrenees when he crashed into a group of runners and suffered severe injuries to his face and head. Armstrong was devastated by the unexpected death of his friend, saying: "Casatri's death is my most painful memory, and no failure or disappointment in cycling can compare. We had dinner together the night before he left us. After this accident, Armstrong was not intimidated by the difficulties, and for the sake of his beloved cycling sport, he persevered and put in great effort and enthusiasm.

The success or failure of life is in our own hands

In 1996, during the rising period of his eye movement, fate ruthlessly opened up with him that he was diagnosed with testicular cancer during a physical examination! At that time, no one believed that he would survive, and Shida said that he would continue his unfinished sports career. The cancer spread day by day, and Armstrong completely fell into the trough of his life. He was not willing to wait for the call of death for nothing, he needed to overcome the ruthlessness of fate.

The success or failure of life is in our own hands

After more than a year of treatment, he miraculously recovered and returned to his fascinating arena.

Instead of collapsing his physical fitness because of the disease, he doubled his confidence and got better and better in the competition. An era that belongs to him is coming.

In 1999, the third year of his cancer recovery, in that passionate summer, he participated in the bicycle race as a no-name, and became a blockbuster, winning the championship of the year, and breaking the record of the fastest speed of the original Tour de France, and achieved success, it can be said that this championship is a great gift from Heaven, which is the result of his daring to challenge setbacks, not bowing to fate, daring to surpass himself, and surpassing limits.

The success or failure of life is in our own hands

Looking back at the pain of life being worse than death, Armstrong did not complain, but said lightly: "My survival is already a miracle, and living is not only for victory." In a later autobiography, Armstrong said, "Getting cancer is probably the best thing I've ever encountered in my life." Because going through pain can make you stronger, and cycling needs to be strong. It is his superhuman strength that has made him a "legendary hero" in the eyes of the public.

Overcoming the self and surpassing the limit is a manifestation of courage and perseverance, but there must be enough wisdom to truly achieve or overcome the self. To succeed, it is obviously not possible to be a reckless man who only knows how to do things recklessly. Mr. Inamori remembers a passage of buckwheat described in Margaret's novel "Gone with the Wind" that says: "We do not want to make wheat, but to make buckwheat, wheat will be blown down after a strong wind, and buckwheat is different, it has enough water in its body, when the wind blows, it can bend down flexibly and after the wind, it can still stand up, hold up its head and grow thickly and vigorously." In the process of pursuing success, we inevitably encounter various failures and blows, how to advance and retreat, can flex and stretch, is to overcome the indispensable wisdom and courage of the self, a great ability of people is to be able to use wisdom in adversity, surpass themselves, and open up a new world of willows and flowers. It can be seen that faith, courage and wisdom are the three magic weapons for people to overcome themselves and surpass their limits, and people who pursue success must not forget to take them with them and stride forward with their heads held high.

The review of the journey often leads to the discovery of truth. When you go through a journey of life, and then go back to the source of life, you will be amazed to find that it is a storehouse

Library, with endless energy Do not underestimate yourself, because people have infinite possibilities, it depends on whether you have found the tools to control life, whether you have found the fire that ignites the light of life

The success or failure of life is in our own hands

The journey of life has countless setbacks. But setbacks are only a small episode in the journey of life, and there is no need to be afraid when encountering setbacks, which is a good opportunity to challenge yourself. Take the challenge as the compass, the failure as the touchstone, bravely challenge yourself, and overcome yourself, surpass yourself, so that your life will reach a new height. This is also the truth that Inamori wanted us to understand.

The success or failure of life is in our own hands

The success or failure of life is in our own hands

We should always believe that fate is not predestined by heaven, that everyone can change themselves, and that fate presupposes that you must be a strong person

The success or failure of life is in our own hands

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