
Zhu Yuanzhang: The representative of the cultivation department, how to counterattack from a beggar to the emperor

author:Smart Wang Ke

In the more than 2,000 years of feudal history on the mainland, more than 20 feudal dynasties have appeared. 当然,这二十多个封建王朝都是统一‬的封建王朝,在这众多的王朝中,有绝大多数都是通过好几代人的厮杀‬共同努力才建立起来的‬。

但是仅仅靠白手起家建立起来的只有‬一位‬。 这便是‬明朝皇帝朱元璋,他以‬草根‬出身‬最后却‬登上皇帝的宝座,这中间‬到底‬经历了些‬什么呢‬?

Zhu Yuanzhang: The representative of the cultivation department, how to counterattack from a beggar to the emperor

The source of the image is from the Internet

First, born poor, helpless to become a monk

Zhu Yuanzhang was born in 1328 in Haozhou in a poor peasant family. 因为他在兄弟中排行第八,所以父亲给他取名‬为‬重‬八‬,后来在他十五岁的时候,濠洲大旱,第二年‬又‬发生‬瘟疫‬,本来‬就‬穷苦‬的‬家庭‬更‬雪上加霜‬,朱元璋‬的‬父母‬‬和‬大哥‬先后‬去世‬,只剩下‬他和‬二哥‬,他们两个‬没有钱‬,好心的‬邻居‬送了块地‬,他才用‬破‬布料‬把‬亲人‬简单的‬葬了‬。 之后‬,为了‬活命‬,两兄弟‬决定‬分开谋生‬。

Desperate, Zhu Yuanzhang reluctantly came to the Huangjue Temple and became a monk. Later, there was also a famine in the temple, and Zhu Yuanzhang had to go down the mountain and start a life of begging.

Zhu Yuanzhang set out from the Huangjue Temple, begging while walking, and it was several years later, and in the past few years, he visited Huaixi, opened his eyes, met the world, and came into contact with a lot of customs and people.

Later, he received a letter from his childhood friend Tang He, in which he told Zhu Yuanzhang that he had joined Guo Zixing's rebel army and wanted Zhu Yuanzhang to participate in it, and after his deliberation, he chose to defect.

Zhu Yuanzhang: The representative of the cultivation department, how to counterattack from a beggar to the emperor

The source of the image is from the Internet

Second, he fought bravely and was appreciated by Guo Zixing

After Zhu Yuanzhang joined the rebel army, he was brave and resourceful in every battle, and soon won Guo Zixing's appreciation. After that, he completed everything that Guo Zixing distributed to Zhu Yuanzhang beautifully, so he also became Guo Zixing's confidant, and later, he gave his adopted daughter Ma Shi to Zhu Yuanzhang.

Later, as the generals in the army clashed and wanted to kill Guo Zixing, Zhu Yuanzhang felt that these people would only compete for fame and fortune, and would not achieve great things, so he decided to achieve a career on his own.

Zhu Yuanzhang: The representative of the cultivation department, how to counterattack from a beggar to the emperor

The source of the image is from the Internet

So he returned to his hometown to recruit soldiers, and his childhood friends heard that he was now a small leader, and they all came to help. Zhu Yuanzhang soon gathered eight hundred men and horses.

随着时间的流逝,郭子兴并没有外出征战的意思,朱元璋坐不住了,他带领心腹汤和与‬徐达等人迅速‬离开‬军营‬,南下征战。 On the way south, he collected more than 3,000 people, relying on these people to defeat the Yuan army stationed in Dingyuan, and again recruited the elite 20,000 people. Zhu Yuanzhang led his rebel army all the way south, capturing several cities in succession.

In 1955, Guo Zixing died of illness, Xiaoming King Han Lin'er appointed Guo Zixing's son Guo Tianxu as the marshal of the capital, although Zhu Yuanzhang had his own army, but still subject to the control of the Red Turban Army, during this period, Marshal Du pointed fingers, although Zhu Yuanzhang was unwilling, but he could only bear not to break out, and has been secretly strengthening the strength of his army.

Third, take the initiative to establish Daming

In order to continue to expand his strength, Zhu Yuanzhang took the risk and began a struggle with Chen Youshu and Zhang Shicheng. Due to the geographical restrictions, if you want to win, you must take the initiative, and in order to prevent Zhang Shicheng from sending troops to support, he fought quickly against Chen Youcheng's troops. When Chen Youcheng died in the battle in Poyang Lake, his troops collapsed

After eliminating Chen Youcheng, Zhu Yuanzhang mobilized his army, step by step, and began to devour Zhang Shicheng's sphere of influence, occupying several of his cities and trapping him in Suzhou. Half a year later, Zhu Yuanzhang attacked the city of Suzhou and captured Zhang Shicheng.

Zhu Yuanzhang won successive victories, not only unified the Jiangnan region, but also gained the power of many rebel armies, and successively dominated the hegemony.

In 1368, Zhu Yuanzhang declared himself emperor and formally established Daming, and began the war to unify the country.

Zhu Yuanzhang: The representative of the cultivation department, how to counterattack from a beggar to the emperor

The source of the image is from the Internet

4. Unify the whole country and promulgate regulations

明朝成立之后,朱元璋便‬下令奖励农民耕种,支持开垦荒地,免征赋税‬‬。 组织各地居民修建水利工程,恢复‬奴隶‬,解放了大量的劳动力,这样的‬措施‬使‬明朝‬建国‬后‬全国‬耕地面积‬比‬元朝‬增加了‬一倍多‬,大大促进了农业的发展。

Zhu Yuanzhang was originally a farmer, and he knew how hard farmers worked. 于是他制订了一系列惩治贪官污吏的措施,而且‬为了防止豪强阶级的出现,他利用各种原因消灭了诸多地主阶级。

The promulgation of the new regulations not only solved the burden of people's lives after the Great War, but also cultivated themselves and gradually restored the country's economy.

However, in order to consolidate his rule and keep his position from being threatened, he still killed countless founding figures. These heroes made great contributions to the meritorious deeds, and in the end they could not escape the fate of being killed, which was also the choice made by Zhu Yuanzhang to strengthen the imperial power.

Zhu Yuanzhang's step-by-step move from a grass citizen to a symbol of power, and his resourcefulness, courage and good fighting, Corporal Lixian is inseparable, and after the establishment of the new dynasty, he also took a series of measures to benefit the country and the people, although he became violent in the later period, it could not hide the fact that he was an emperor from scratch.

Zhu Yuanzhang: The representative of the cultivation department, how to counterattack from a beggar to the emperor

The diagram originates from the network