
Must see during pregnancy: chocolate, leeks, pineapples, mangoes and these foods should be paid attention to!

author:One minute a day to know what's going on

Pregnancy diet is an important guarantee for the health of pregnant women and fetuses, and reasonable eating habits can reduce the risk of complications and fetal malformations during pregnancy. However, many expectant mothers do not know enough about the safety of some foods. Today, we will introduce you to the "red and black list" of pregnancy diet, and focus on four foods, which are: chocolate, leeks, pineapples, and mangoes.

▶ Red List: Ways to eat safe during pregnancy

1. Deep-sea fish

Deep-sea fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, cod, salmon, etc., have a positive effect on fetal intellectual development and eye vision. However, deep-sea fish also have a certain amount of mercury, and excessive consumption can affect the nervous system of the fetus, so expectant mothers should eat it in moderation, not more than twice a week.

2. Milk

Milk is an important part of the pregnancy diet, and they are rich in protein, calcium, vitamin D and other nutrients that contribute to the healthy development of fetal bones and teeth. Expectant mothers should consume 2-3 cups of milk or yogurt per day.

3. Fruits and vegetables

Vegetables and fruits are an essential part of the diet during pregnancy, they are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients, which have great benefits for both the pregnant woman and the fetus. Expectant mothers should try to choose fresh, pesticide-free vegetables and fruits, and diversify the intake of vegetables and fruits of various colors to meet the various nutrients needed by the body.

▶ Black List: Dietary Contraindications during pregnancy

1. Alcoholic beverages

Alcohol can enter the fetus directly through the placenta, causing irreversible damage to its nervous system and organ development, so expectant mothers should completely abstain from alcohol.

2. Raw meat and raw fish

Both raw meat and raw fish are present with parasites and bacteria, such as Toxoplasma gondii, Salmonella, etc., which can easily lead to infections and foodborne diseases. Therefore, expectant mothers should avoid eating raw meat and raw fish and try to choose foods that have been cooked.

3. Coffee and tea

Coffee and tea drinks contain caffeine, excessive intake can affect the fetal nervous system and cardiovascular system, so expectant mothers should limit their daily intake of coffee and tea, and it is recommended not to exceed 200 mg of caffeine per day.

4. Cheese and raw dairy products

Cheese and raw dairy products have high levels of bacteria that predispose to foodborne illness. Therefore, expectant mothers should choose cheeses and products that have been cooked and avoid raw dairy products.

▶ Chocolate, leeks, pineapples, mangoes and other foods need to be cautious

1. Chocolate

Chocolate is a delicacy favored by pregnant women, and chocolate is rich in cocoa polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants that help protect cardiovascular disease and improve blood circulation. However, chocolate contains ingredients such as caffeine and theobromine, and excessive intake can adversely affect the fetus. Therefore, expectant mothers should limit their chocolate intake to no more than 30 grams per day and try to choose chocolate that contains less theobromine.

Recommendation: The amount of chocolate consumed by pregnant women per day should be controlled to less than 30 grams.

Must see during pregnancy: chocolate, leeks, pineapples, mangoes and these foods should be paid attention to!

2. Chives

Leeks are rich in calcium, iron, folate, vitamin A and vitamin C and other nutrients. However, the volatile oleolic allicone in leeks has a stimulating effect and may cause uterine contractions, leading to premature birth. In addition, leeks contain a certain amount of aromatic hydrocarbons, and long-term consumption of large quantities can easily lead to anemia and fetal developmental malformations.

Recommendation: Pregnant women can cook leeks thoroughly before eating, and do not exceed 50 grams each time.

Must see during pregnancy: chocolate, leeks, pineapples, mangoes and these foods should be paid attention to!

3. Pineapple

Pineapple is rich in vitamin C and dissolving enzymes, and long-term consumption of large amounts can easily lead to miscarriage and premature birth.

Recommendation: Pregnant women can consume a moderate amount of fresh pineapple or canned pineapple that has been heated, not more than 100 grams per consumption.

Must see during pregnancy: chocolate, leeks, pineapples, mangoes and these foods should be paid attention to!

4. Mango

Mango is rich in vitamin C and fiber, which are beneficial for both pregnant women and fetuses. However, mango also contains a certain amount of sugar, and excessive consumption can cause blood sugar to rise. Therefore, expectant mothers should consume mango in moderation.

Recommendation: The amount of mangoes consumed by pregnant women per day should be controlled to less than 1, and the weight of each mango should not exceed 200 grams.

Must see during pregnancy: chocolate, leeks, pineapples, mangoes and these foods should be paid attention to!

Diet during pregnancy is essential for maternal and child health. During pregnancy, expectant mothers should avoid foods with potential foodborne illnesses, such as raw meat, raw fish, and raw dairy products. At the same time, for some high-calorie, high-fat, high-sugar foods, such as chocolate, candy, potato chips, etc., expectant mothers should consume in moderation to avoid problems such as excessive weight and blood sugar rise. For some nutrient-rich foods, such as eggs, beans, fish, etc., expectant mothers can eat in moderation, and should ensure sufficient intake of protein, calcium, iron, vitamins and other nutrients.

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