
JJPLAY Esports News: Jiejie monkeys haunt Tiangong! EDG defeated OMG in three rounds


The LPL spring regular season is coming to an end, and EDG defeated OMG in three games to win seven straight games and secure the top spot in the league table, locking up the second round of the playoffs in a hot state. As for OMG although it lost, it also showed strong resilience in this game, and even led EDG by a large margin in the early stage, if it can adjust in time, it is very likely to enter the playoffs.

JJPLAY Esports News: Jiejie monkeys haunt Tiangong! EDG defeated OMG in three rounds

Although EDG won the victory, there were often small mistakes in the early stage, but it still relied on the player's top individual operation and teamwork ability to equalize the trend through stable operation. In the tiebreaker, EDG fielder Jiejie's monkey performance was particularly impressive, not only helping his teammates to get the rhythm, but also getting 100% perfect statistics in the team participation rate, leading his teammates to victory and successfully receiving the 11th MVP.

JJPLAY Esports News: Jiejie monkeys haunt Tiangong! EDG defeated OMG in three rounds

After the game, Ale mentioned that the main reason why EDG is in constant condition is that it has more training than other teams, if others play 6 training matches a day, they will play 8 tomorrow, and everyone practices very hard in order to achieve good results.

JJPLAY Esports News: Jiejie monkeys haunt Tiangong! EDG defeated OMG in three rounds

In fact, judging from the performance of EDG in these games, the team must give priority to solving the problem of the early rhythm of Nakano, and if it only relies on group operation, it is likely to bury the overall situation because of a big mistake. If you can really win the spring championship, when MSI faces the top LCK team, if the opponent's economy lags behind by a few thousand, I am afraid that the lineup and team battle may not be able to turn over.

JJPLAY Esports News: Jiejie monkeys haunt Tiangong! EDG defeated OMG in three rounds

As for the regretful defeat of OMG, there were back and forth fights in the early stage, but once it entered the team battle, it was beaten back to its original form. Next is about to meet TES, both teams have the pressure to not lose, who is better, let's look forward to the next game together!

What do you think of EDG's match against OMG?

What went wrong with OMG grasping the good situation in the early stage, but it was repeatedly overturned?

Where are EDG most in need of adjustment right now?

Does today's EDG have a chance to bump into T1, the number one in the LCK League?

Welcome to discuss and discuss!

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