
How to supplement nutrients during your baby's teething period

author:A new era of technological life
How to supplement nutrients during your baby's teething period

Parents will be very excited when their children start teething, but what should they pay attention to during the process of teething their children? You know, the nutrition of the child's teething period has a great impact on the baby's teething. Next, let's make a move for parents and tell you how to supplement nutrition during the child's teething period.

Nutrients to supplement during your child's teething phase


The main components of human teeth, alveolar bone and jawbone are calcium and phosphorus, and only with sufficient calcium and phosphorus can you have a good pair of teeth.

Calcium in food mainly comes from milk and dairy products. Formula, yogurt, cheese and other foods contain a lot of calcium and are easily absorbed by the body. There will also be a lot of calcium, phosphorus, iron and fluoride in foods such as whole grains, soybeans, kelp, black fungus, etc., which can effectively help the calcification of the baby's teeth.

In order to promote calcium absorption, parents can often take the baby outside to bask in the sun, because the 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin can be converted into vitamin D3 by the sun's ultraviolet radiation, which can provide the vitamin D needed by the human body.


Protein plays a key role in the formation, development, calcification and eruption of teeth. Protein is found in many foods, from animal proteins such as eggs, milk, fish, and meat, to plant-based proteins such as cereals, legumes, and dried fruits.

Both animal and plant proteins can help the normal development of teeth. If the protein intake is insufficient, the child's teeth will be irregular, the eruption time of teeth will be delayed, and periodontal tissue lesions will occur, which will also cause the baby to have dental caries.


Vitamins are also very critical, calcium precipitation and absorption requires vitamin D, bone glue and tooth enamel formation requires vitamin C, vitamin B, and the health of gum tissue requires vitamin A and vitamin C. Therefore, vitamins play a very large role in the growth and development of children's teeth.

Vitamin A and vitamin D come from milk, animal liver and cod liver oil preparations, and fresh vegetables and fruits also have a lot of vitamins, and the fiber they contain has the effect of massaging the gums and cleaning teeth. If the ratio of minerals and vitamins is not coordinated, it will also cause the baby's teeth to be underdeveloped and calcified.

How to supplement nutrients during your baby's teething period

What is good to eat during the child's teething period

2 teeth stage: Babies usually start to grow when they are 4-8 months old, and a pair of nipples in the lower jaw begins. Babies aged 4-8 months always like to put things in their mouths to chew, which makes mom and dad very distressed, and babies will also start to learn mom and dad to chew chopsticks and spoons.

At this stage, it is best for mothers to try to give the baby some semi-solid foods, such as mashed potatoes, egg yolk puree, cereal, etc., so that the baby can learn to use teeth. Complementary foods with a slight consistency can let your baby know that he can try different types of food, and can also lay the foundation for eating solid foods in the future.

4 teeth stage: At about 8~12 months, the baby's upper jaw will grow two or more teeth. The baby needs more nutrients, and at 8-12 months, the mother can try more foods for the baby, such as meat puree, minced meat, tomatoes, tofu and so on.

If the baby's chewing ability is not good and the digestive function is not perfect, the lumpy food does not enter the digestive system through the crushing of the teeth, and the baby cannot get nutrients. Therefore, parents should consciously use solid food to let the baby practice chewing.

6~8 dental stages

The lateral incisors of the upper jaw erupt at 9~13 months, and the lateral incisors of the lower jaw will also erupt at 10~16 months. At this stage, the baby has been able to adapt to solid food, and the digestive function of the stomach is getting better and better. At 9-13 months, you can give your baby solid foods, such as steamed eggs, vegetables and the like.

8~12 dental stages

At about 13~19 months, the baby will grow the first primary molars (large teeth). With molars, your baby can chew more food. At 13-19 months, babies will want to eat on their own, even if they are full of tables, which is a great thing, which will also affect the baby's personality later in life. This period can reduce the intake of liquid foods and increase solid foods.

12~20 dental stages

Between 16 and 20 months, your baby's 20 baby teeth slowly begin to grow, completing the entire eruption process of the baby tooth series and allowing him to chew food on his own. At this stage, the mother can give the baby harder foods, such as rice, noodles, soybeans, etc.

In addition, I will introduce you to a few recipes.

How to supplement nutrients during your baby's teething period

Nutritious recipes for your child's teething period

Vegetable rice cereal

Ingredients: rice noodles (or milk cake), fish and green vegetables 15-25 grams each.

Preparation method: soak the rice noodles in water, stir into a paste, put it into a pot, and boil for about 8 minutes; After washing the greens and fish, chop them into purees and cook them, and then just season them.

Nutritional analysis: Fish has a lot of calcium, which can help babies grow taller and promote bone development. Second, it can help the baby's brain development. After your baby turns six months, you can often give your baby some fish.

Egg blossom tofu soup

Ingredients: eggs, southern tofu, 150g bone broth, minced shallots, etc.

Preparation method: beat the eggs, break the tofu, and put them in the boiled bone broth; Put the tofu first, then sprinkle the egg chopped and finally sprinkle some minced shallots.

Nutritional analysis: Eggs and tofu contain a lot of calcium and are easy to swallow, especially suitable for babies about 7 months who are not very good at chewing.

Shrimp meat puree

Ingredients: 50 grams of fresh shrimp meat (river shrimp, sea shrimp), 1 ml of sesame oil, an appropriate amount of refined salt.

Preparation method: Wash the shrimp meat, mince it, steam it directly, and then put it in the condiments.

Nutritional analysis: Shrimp has a lot of calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A, vitamin B1, niacin, high-quality protein, high-quality fat, etc.

Milk pudding

Ingredients: 80 grams of milk, 50 grams of eggs, 10 grams of sugar.

Preparation method: beat eggs; Add the milk and stir well, put some sugar; Place in a container, cover with plastic wrap and steam for about 20 minutes.

Nutritional analysis: milk has a very powerful calcium supplementation effect, milk has high-quality protein, vitamin A, magnesium, phosphorus and other nutrients, very suitable for babies to eat, milk lactose can also help calcium absorption. Eggs also contain plenty of protein, making them perfect for babies.