
In a society where sex education is lacking, what should be done to educate children

author:A Huan Biography

In this modern society, there are really a lot of "evil winds and evil spirits", about minors, especially young girls at the stage of 10-18 years old, and little boys.

The rebellion that existed in adolescence became a reason for criminals to commit crimes, I asked many little girls, and some time ago, I was pulled into a group.

In a society where sex education is lacking, what should be done to educate children

In this group, the chat content is very scary, making people feel spicy eyes, after entering, I found many minors, especially some little girls.

You only need to send 20 yuan, you can see intimate photos, only 50 yuan, you can watch private videos, and more hateful, you only need to spend 100 yuan, you can online video, and it is "uncensored". #大有学问 #

In a society where sex education is lacking, what should be done to educate children

Many parents open one eye and close one eye, thinking that it is normal for children to rebel, and it is because of such doting that children go to the abyss.

Before, I asked a little girl, originally just to enlighten her, but unexpectedly, I was educated and taught a lesson.

In a society where sex education is lacking, what should be done to educate children

This girl told me that she was 14, and last year, when she was 13 years old, she went to drink with others, and then she had "sex", and the next day, she was still held tightly, and I asked her why she didn't tell her parents, and she gave me the answer that she was afraid of being beaten.

Just this year, she was diagnosed with some gynecological ailments, and she told me that she had "sex", and the intimate place would change from pink to dark black.

In a society where sex education is lacking, what should be done to educate children

At that time, I was really stunned, I was in my twenties, and I didn't have a "sex", was it too failed, some people said I was a straight man of steel, some people said I was shy, and some people said I was "Nichino", what I want to say is that there is nothing wrong with self-love.

Now Kuaishou, everyone can see some girls, in the post of some videos, that is, "edge ball", there are glass wipes, there are dress-up, as long as you want to take the test, this is undoubtedly another kind of "pornography".

In a society where sex education is lacking, what should be done to educate children

I met a gaming friend on the Internet, who is also a girl, and she told me that there are many girls who are not "virgin" before the age of 18, and some, who are not yet 15 years old, have two years of "sexual experience".

To be honest, it really refreshed my cognition, as a post-95 generation, my thinking is still stuck at this stage that can only be like this when I am an adult.

In a society where sex education is lacking, what should be done to educate children

Education like this, I think is "lack of sex education", what should we do? Start from the child's point of view, or from the parent's point of view.

Once, an aunt said to me, young man, my daughter is weird, you are not much older than her, there should be no generation gap in communication.

In a society where sex education is lacking, what should be done to educate children

I said to my aunt, the current child, you let her go east, she wants to go west, this is normal, we were like this when we were young, in addition to oral education, we must go to see some movies, let the child know that when immature, you can't do these things.

I think that to educate children, we must know what children want, and the right medicine can be, friends, think I have a point, you can like and support, or comment, collect, follow, forward, so that more people can see. #Consequences of "lack of sex education"

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