
After 85, the couple drank dandelion water for a long time, but the husband drank his wife into the hospital when he was fine, and the expert laughed angrily

author:Dr. Fu Min talked

Dandelion is a health ingredient that many people know, especially in spring, dandelions are increasing, and many people will go to the field or park to dig dandelions to soak in water.

The little couple after 85, Liangliang and Shin Shin, are very health-conscious, because they usually work in the factory, often feel tired, and are also prone to fire, I heard that dandelion soaking water can help reduce dry fire, so Liang Liang and Shin Shin go to the field to dig dandelions on weekends.

After 85, the couple drank dandelion water for a long time, but the husband drank his wife into the hospital when he was fine, and the expert laughed angrily

But I didn't expect that after drinking dandelion for about two months, the result was a big drop, and the problem of bright eyes on fire was improved, but Shin Shin's body was getting worse and worse.

Liangliang itself belongs to people who are easy to get on fire, always have dry mouth and acne and other problems, after drinking dandelion water for a period of time, the situation has indeed improved, and the mental state is getting better and better, but the new type itself belongs to the body cold constitution, drinking dandelion soaked water always appears abdominal pain diarrhea.

After 85, the couple drank dandelion water for a long time, but the husband drank his wife into the hospital when he was fine, and the expert laughed angrily

In desperation, the two people went to consult a doctor, wanting to see if there was a problem with Shin Shin's body? After the doctor learned about the medical problems of the two people, he felt very helpless and funny.

Experts asked Shin Shin: We all know that it is good to eat peanuts, but is it good for the body to let people who are allergic to peanuts eat? It turns out that dandelion soaked water has many benefits, but it is not suitable for everyone to drink, Shin Shin is not suitable for drinking people, so drinking is always diarrhea, feel uncomfortable.

After 85, the couple drank dandelion water for a long time, but the husband drank his wife into the hospital when he was fine, and the expert laughed angrily

Can dandelion root fight cancer?

Scientists are indeed working on ways to treat cancer with dandelion root extract, and it is already in clinical trials. From a scientific point of view, they have shown that dandelion root extracts are effective in treating human cancer, but only in test tubes or animals.

"Human clinical trials are being done, and progress is slow." Once a breakthrough is made, this is likely to be a Nobel Prize-level discovery comparable to Tu Youyou's artemisinin.

After 85, the couple drank dandelion water for a long time, but the husband drank his wife into the hospital when he was fine, and the expert laughed angrily

The developers are optimistic that dandelion root extraction will treat cancer and "will definitely become an effective alternative treatment" to the statement circulating on the Internet that "dandelion root has been found to kill 98% of cancer cells within 48 hours", Dr. Pandey laughed.

"I dare to pack a ticket, which was copied from my paper. Unfortunately, the copy was not accurate. Pandey said his paper's full explanation for this is: "We observed dandelion root extract dissolved in water over a period of 48 hours in the laboratory

Attacks on colon cancer cells in vitro selectively induce programmed cell mortality rates of up to 95%. Scientifically speaking, we have shown that it works against many human cancer cells, but these tests have been obtained in test tubes or on animals. ”

After 85, the couple drank dandelion water for a long time, but the husband drank his wife into the hospital when he was fine, and the expert laughed angrily

"The principle of action of DRE may be complex, but it is an effective complement to chemotherapy at this stage. Health Canada's approval of DRE for human blood disease clinical trials speaks volumes. Dr. Hamm, who is undergoing clinical trials, said in an interview with a reporter from Chengdu Business Daily that dandelion tea is not suitable for every cancer patient, and they are also looking for the reason.

"The first phase of a clinical trial is to look at the dose." In Hamm's view, dandelion root contains an active ingredient, "but probably a double-edged sword." It has an impact on conventional chemotherapy. ”

Hamm also said that if patients want to supplement dandelion tea while taking medicine, they must contact their doctor. "I'm bullish on the treatment of DRE for cancer. It will surely become an effective alternative to treatment. We also hope to cooperate with Chinese enterprises to develop life-saving drugs as soon as possible. ”

After 85, the couple drank dandelion water for a long time, but the husband drank his wife into the hospital when he was fine, and the expert laughed angrily

What are the benefits of drinking dandelions?

1. Clear heat and detoxification: dandelion belongs to the more common Chinese medicinal materials, slightly bitter, cold, dandelion drink has the benefits of clearing heat and detoxification. It has a good improvement effect on eye redness and pain, mouth and tongue sores caused by heat toxicity.

2. Clear heat and diuresis: dandelion drink has the benefits of clearing heat and diuresis, and dandelion can also be used clinically to treat inflammation of the urinary system. When patients have symptoms such as frequent urination, urgency, and incomplete urination, they can also use dandelion to soak in water under the guidance of professional doctors to achieve diuresis and urinate.

After 85, the couple drank dandelion water for a long time, but the husband drank his wife into the hospital when he was fine, and the expert laughed angrily

3. Clear heat and dissipate knots: dandelion drink has the benefit of clearing heat and dissipating knots, dandelion for various factors caused by boils, sputum, poisoning and other symptoms, but also can dissipate swelling and dissipation, in clinical can also assist in the treatment of breast nodules and breast hyperplasia.

Who should not drink dandelion tea?

First, people with cold physique should not drink, because dandelion is cold, people with cold constitution should not eat more, generally speaking, people who are afraid of cold and cannot eat raw cold food, mostly cold physique, it is recommended that you can first carry out traditional Chinese medicine physique differentiation, and then decide whether to drink dandelion water.

After 85, the couple drank dandelion water for a long time, but the husband drank his wife into the hospital when he was fine, and the expert laughed angrily

Second, people with spleen and stomach deficiency should not drink, spleen deficiency has poor luck, and then drink bitter cold dandelion, which is easy to aggravate the symptoms of spleen deficiency. Especially girls themselves will be accompanied by body cold, if you drink dandelion tea at this time, it is easier to aggravate the cold discomfort.

Third, people who have been ill for a long time should not drink, as the saying goes, people who have been sick for a long time are weak, if you eat some dandelion water at this time, it will damage the yang even more, not conducive to recovery, and it needs to be emphasized that dandelion water should not be drunk excessively, otherwise it is easy to have gastrointestinal discomfort, such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms.

After 85, the couple drank dandelion water for a long time, but the husband drank his wife into the hospital when he was fine, and the expert laughed angrily

Extension – Can fresh dandelions be drunk directly in water?

Fresh dandelion can be drunk directly in water, but it is recommended to drink dandelion water according to your own condition under the guidance of a doctor, and do not self-medicate to avoid aggravating the condition. And the dandelion should be cleaned before soaking in water to avoid unclean diet and gastrointestinal discomfort.

Dandelion after preparation is a common traditional Chinese medicine, and fresh dandelion also has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, reducing swelling and dissipating knots, diuresis and other effects, and after drinking water, it has a certain relief effect on redness, sore throat, moist heat jaundice, cradlecarbuncle and other diseases.

However, not everyone is suitable for eating fresh dandelion soaked in water, because dandelion nature is relatively cold, so spleen and stomach deficiency, diarrhea, cold cough and other people should not be so, may make the body cold and evil aggravate the disease.

After 85, the couple drank dandelion water for a long time, but the husband drank his wife into the hospital when he was fine, and the expert laughed angrily

In addition, women during menstruation should not drink, the body may cause cold after ingesting cold things, causing irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, etc. Even normal people should not drink fresh dandelion soaked water for a long time and excessively, so as not to affect the balance of yin and yang in the body, causing discomfort such as cold hands and feet, cold pain in the abdomen, etc.

If there are no symptoms of discomfort in daily life, it is generally not recommended to drink with fresh dandelion soaked water. You can go to the hospital to buy air-dried dandelions, and drink in water or decoction in strict accordance with the doctor's advice when you have uncomfortable symptoms to treat the disease.