
Fraudulent insurance 4 million! 18 former NBA players were arrested, are they really that poor after retiring?

author:The second brother said insurance


Fans who regularly follow the NBA must have been shocked by a news incident in the NBA recently.

On October 7, ESPN reported jaw-dropping news: 18 former NBA players have been arrested and facing federal charges for defrauding about $4 million from the NBA's Health and Welfare Program.

It turned out that from 2017 to 2020, the gang led by Terrance Williams had defrauded the NBA alliance of money on welfare protection by submitting false claims for medical and dental services that had never actually been provided.

To put it bluntly, it is to exchange fake invoices for real money and silver, and to put aside this fool.......

Fraudulent insurance 4 million! 18 former NBA players were arrested, are they really that poor after retiring?

Judging from the above list, I dare not say that there are many superstars, but there are also some famous players.

For example, Big Baby is the 2008 Green Kai Champion player, Shannon Brown is the 09-10 two-time champion player, and Tony Allen is not only the 2008 Green Kai Champion player but also entered the defensive best team for 6 consecutive years.

Fraudulent insurance 4 million! 18 former NBA players were arrested, are they really that poor after retiring?

The funny thing is: these people are not short of money in principle!

According to statistics: These 18 former NBA players have earned a total of $343 million in their careers. The average career income per person is about 20 million, and these do not include their off-site endorsements and other income, only salaries.

What's even funnier is that the $4 million that is suspected of fraud in this case is not a per capita income, but 18 people working together to make 4 million. Moreover, 4 million is not the final number, according to the survey they only got a total of 2.5 million, and one person made a profit of 100,000 yuan...

As a head bird, Williams even had a $23,000 rebate.

This is a bit incomprehensible, these players, let alone millions of dollars of knife people, have to take risks for the 100,000 US dollars?


Are these former NBA players, after retiring, really so poor?

The answer is possible, although many NBA players have made a lot of money in their careers, but most of them are moonlight people, and they spend money when they get it, because the speed from poor to rich is too fast, most of them do not have a good enough financial concept, they will not save, resulting in them do not have a reasonable concept of domination of wealth.

According to statistics: 60% of players in the NBA will become poor within five years of retirement, and the salary they earn in the NBA will be squandered.

The way they squander their money is dizzying.

For example, Anthony Walker, a famous green army, went bankrupt because of too many fox friends. Walker has earned more than $108 million in cumulative revenue over the course of his NBA career, which would have been enough to benefit him for life. Unexpectedly, however, because there were so many fox friends, Walker claimed to have more than 50 friends to keep, so much so that in 2010, just two years after the end of his career, he filed for bankruptcy in the court.

Fraudulent insurance 4 million! 18 former NBA players were arrested, are they really that poor after retiring?

For example, Shaun Kemp, a rain man, went bankrupt because he had too many illegitimate children. Kemp once signed a $107 million top salary contract and earned no less than $250 million in his career, but Kemp was mercurial, profligate, and ruthless, and is said to have 11 illegitimate children. High maintenance, even with a maximum salary contract, can't do enough. As a result, in 2003, Kemp declared bankruptcy as soon as he retired. In order to support his family, Kemp even played in a lower European league.

There is also superstar Pippen, who went bankrupt because of investment failures. Unlike others, Pippen's bankruptcy was not due to profligacy and chaos in his private life, but to be deceived and his investments failed. It may be that Mr. Pi's own financial ability is limited, he obeys his financial advisers, and financial advisers often encourage investment in some high-risk industries, and Pippen finally hitched a ride on all his money and lost a fine. In order to make money, Pippen has often participated in various events in recent years, and even served as an NBA league commentator, and the situation has improved.

Fraudulent insurance 4 million! 18 former NBA players were arrested, are they really that poor after retiring?


There is money now≠ there will be money in the future, how to protect our wealth.

In today's China, cases of bankruptcy abound from the wealthy to the general public.

For example, the recently boiling Evergrande wealth redemption crisis case has caused many Evergrande employees to go to work and go to work;

Dating back to the frequent P2P thunderstorms in previous years, I don't know how many families were torn apart;

There is also the bull-bear conversion in 2015, which has caused many leveraged stock speculators to break down their families...

As the saying goes: no one's money is blown by the wind, but if you are not careful, you will be blown away by the wind!

Then we can't help but ask: How can we protect our hard-won wealth?

The second master brother feels that the best way is to increase the proportion of insurance assets in the allocation of family assets.

Li Ka-shing, the richest man in Hong Kong, once said: Others say that I am rich and have a lot of wealth, but in fact, my personal wealth is to buy sufficient life insurance for myself and my relatives.

I didn't understand it before, but now it's unforgettable. In recent years, the second master brother has been groping in the financial market and has seen too many families, because of investment failures, bankruptcy bankruptcy, house selling, divorce and divorce. The biggest root cause of many tragedies is that when they do financial management, they blindly pursue high returns, only offense, no defense.

Fraudulent insurance 4 million! 18 former NBA players were arrested, are they really that poor after retiring?

Insurance assets, without a doubt, are the most ideal defensive assets, and can perfectly play the role of goalkeeper in the allocation of family property, attacking and retreating.

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