
Severe influenza, combined with last year's new crown impact, moxibustion changed healthy thinking! Wake up, my countrymen


Traditional Chinese medicine has a long understanding of influenza, and the "Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon" records: "Those who are sick with fever in this husband are also typhoid fever and the like." Traditional Chinese medicine has played an important role in the fight against the epidemic in the past three years.

In the post-epidemic era, in the face of influenza viruses, Chinese medicine still has a magic trick.

During this time, flu A broke out, and many people began to snap up oseltamivir again, and many pharmacies sold out of stock.

As everyone knows, this medicine can not be eaten indiscriminately, taking oseltamivir may cause "nausea, vomiting, headache, dermatitis, hallucinations, abnormal behavior, drowsiness, arrhythmia" and other side effects, which are very harmful to the human body.

The reason why this A flu is serious is because the "cold and wet qi" after the epidemic was released a few years ago impacted everyone's resistance, and because many people used ibuprofen and other antipyretics to reduce the high fever after they became impotent, and did not use the natural treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, resulting in cold and wet qi remaining in the body, although the symptoms subsided, but the evil qi was not completely discharged.

Therefore, this outbreak of influenza A, everyone should no longer just think that the symptoms disappear, but should focus on long-term physical fitness. If you still blindly press down in the way of Western medicine, then the next crown and that stream virus, every time it comes, you may win the lottery. And every time it feels more and more serious, it is not easy to get it.

TCM wellness is a way of thinking, and different ways of thinking lead to different states of health. In 2023, our way of thinking about health should also change.

First, moxibustion to prevent nail flow, drain cold and dampness

Severe influenza, combined with last year's new crown impact, moxibustion changed healthy thinking! Wake up, my countrymen

Many people's physique this year is generally manifested as lung defense, and lung qi is weaker than in previous years.

The main fur of the lungs, the outer wall of the human body does not have enough soldiers to guard, so it is easy to feel the external evil, the wind cold evil qi will cause the lungs to lose their pride, the qi is reversed, and they begin to cough nonstop.

The result is that the cold and wet evil qi enters the pancreas, the cold lord contracts, the pores and the feminine will close, resulting in the internal heat can not be dissipated normally, the heat is frozen inside, and the heat evil is formed in the body, and the high fever begins without subsiding.

Therefore, the key to moxibustion to prevent nail flu and enhance physical fitness lies in strengthening the lungs and driving away cold and dampness.

Moxibustion can be performed: spleen yu, lung yu, large vertebrae, Zhongfu, Zusanli

The spleen is the main movement, likes dryness and dislikes wetness, and the five elements belong to the soil. If the temper is weakened, the function of transporting water will be abnormal, resulting in wet phlegm and drinking endogenous.

Therefore, moxibustion of the spleen Yu points first, restore and enhance the spleen's mobilization ability, remove moisture, the spleen is not trapped in dampness, naturally can disperse essence, infuse it to the lungs, and enhance the function of the lungs.

Severe influenza, combined with last year's new crown impact, moxibustion changed healthy thinking! Wake up, my countrymen

The lungs are gold, native gold, and while strengthening the spleen, it is also in the lungs.

Then moxibustion lung Yu points, solidify the qi of lung defense, and help correct and dispel evil. Hot moxibustion large vertebral points to open the reason, let the cold qi discharge, open the closed pores and the reason, so that the hot qi can be dispersed normally, and then moxibustion in the middle of the acupoint, replenish the qi, Zusanli will reduce the turbid qi of the stomach, and at the same time enhance immunity, and also reduce fever.

Severe influenza, combined with last year's new crown impact, moxibustion changed healthy thinking! Wake up, my countrymen
Severe influenza, combined with last year's new crown impact, moxibustion changed healthy thinking! Wake up, my countrymen
Severe influenza, combined with last year's new crown impact, moxibustion changed healthy thinking! Wake up, my countrymen

This time does not talk about the time of moxibustion, the specific is subject to the sense of moxibustion. If moxibustion produces a moxibustion sensation such as diathermis, heat expansion, epidermis is not hot, deep heat, near is not hot, and distant heat is generated, or you can clearly feel that a certain part of the body is exhausting cold and wind, moxibustion for a while until the phenomenon disappears.

Second, moxibustion to prevent nail flow, to remove phlegm dampness

The so-called "all diseases are caused by phlegm", the three highs, lipoma, infertility, stomach disease, fatty liver, stroke, heart disease, cerebral thrombosis, etc., are all related to phlegm.

There are tangible phlegm and invisible phlegm, and the visible phlegm that we cough out belongs to tangible phlegm and is not difficult to deal with; Another invisible phlegm is difficult, it refers to the phlegm stagnant in the internal organs meridians and other tissues, in layman's terms, it is the garbage that cannot be metabolized in the body, and this phlegm is the cause of many diseases.

Because the spleen is the source of phlegm, the spleen is the main health luck, transporting water, which is the intermediate link of water metabolism. If the spleen is deficient and the health is derelict in its duties, it will cause the moisture to stagnate and stagnate into phlegm. Therefore, spleen deficiency is the main cause of phlegm dampness.

How to dissolve phlegm dampness?

Regarding the solution of phlegm and dampness, today I will emphasize two acupuncture points, which are very commonly used acupuncture points for expectorant and moisture-Yinling Spring and Fenglong Acupoint.

To dry and humidify phlegm, you should find acupuncture points in the spleen meridian and stomach meridian. Fenglong Acupoint is the acupuncture point of the Zuyang Ming Stomach Meridian, which is a very effective phlegm dissolving acupuncture point, which can dissolve both tangible phlegm and invisible phlegm. Yin Ling Spring is an acupuncture point of the Foot Taiyin Spleen Meridian, which has the effect of strengthening the spleen and promoting dampness. The two acupuncture points moxibustion together have the best effect, which is equivalent to the body's own Erchen soup.

Severe influenza, combined with last year's new crown impact, moxibustion changed healthy thinking! Wake up, my countrymen
Severe influenza, combined with last year's new crown impact, moxibustion changed healthy thinking! Wake up, my countrymen

Erchen soup is a well-known expectorant and moisture-dissolving prescription, which is widely spread, consisting of banxia, tangerine peel, poria, licorice, ginger, and plum.

Half summer has the effect of drying and dampness, which can dissolve phlegm and dampness;

The effect of tangerine peel is to regulate phlegm, dryness and stomach;

The effect of poria is to strengthen the spleen and moisture, which can assist the two flavors of the main medicine to dissolve phlegm and remove dampness;

Ume can converge lung qi and relieve cough;

The role of licorice is to harmonize medicines;

Ginger can neutralize and inhibit the toxicity of half summer.

If there is phlegm and dampness in the body, you may wish to seek Erchen Tang, or you can find your own big medicine on your body - Yinling Spring and Fenglong Cave. Acupoint moxibustion is safe and has no side effects, and you may wish to moxibustion often.

Finally: after three years of the epidemic, it is necessary to change the health thinking, Western medicine always wants to suppress the symptoms, some case products, after staying in the body are health risks, and Chinese medicine is precisely to discharge these case products, this is the reason why Chinese medicine treats the root, Western medicine treats the target! Wake up, my countryman!

If you have physical problems, you can leave a message and reply; If you have a moxibustion conditioning case, you can leave a message to share it, so that more people can understand moxibustion, use moxibustion, and truly achieve green physiotherapy. This number is a professional moxibustion learning number, learning and products can be followed; , welcome your likes and attention, let's learn moxibustion together!

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