
Learn life in the game

author:Jumping fish H

League of Legends must have been played by many people, which is now Honor of Kings, and we game lovers are well aware of the game setting, as well as the process of heroes appearing in battles to the end.

When washing clothes, I suddenly found that life is like heroic characters in League of Legends, and everyone appeared brilliantly at the same time, but the foundation is still different, after all, the previous struggle experience (we can understand the accumulation of the efforts of the predecessors) is not the same, the level of progression, and the bonus is also different.

Learn life in the game

Then it has been on the road of growth, constantly learning experience, earning capital, arming yourself, making yourself stronger, fighting bravely to kill the enemy, even if there will be setbacks or "dead or injured" along the way, but it returns to the harbor to get a chance to be resurrected, which is like home will always be a haven for our wanderers, the most beautiful place to supply us with strength. Here again gives you the opportunity to replenish yourself, and then set sail again, trying to keep up with the footsteps of others to keep pace, the joys and sorrows in between your own experience and the love of your teammates.

Learn life in the game

When you're out of battle, don't forget to keep an eye on how the battle changes in order to be surprisingly successful. Because the war situation is changeable, life is the same, and reversals often occur, so we will not abandon, do not give up, we will use the advantages of our team, become weak into strong. Our desire for dreams and perseverance in victory sustain us to move forward and strive hard to achieve the victory we seek.

Learn life in the game

The heroes in the battle are looking for their own sense of existence, maximizing their utility, hoping to dominate the situation on the battlefield. But in the end, no matter which side wins, no one will be spared in the battle and will be out of the game, because this game is over!

Play life, life is like a play, are our lives similar? Everyone is welcome to criticize and correct, thank you!