
Everyone talks about the "three abilities" | Chen Chao: Practice the "three abilities" and inherit the original intention

author:Peace and security
Everyone talks about the "three abilities" | Chen Chao: Practice the "three abilities" and inherit the original intention
Everyone talks about the "three abilities" | Chen Chao: Practice the "three abilities" and inherit the original intention
Everyone talks about the "three abilities" | Chen Chao: Practice the "three abilities" and inherit the original intention

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Everyone talks about the "three abilities" | Chen Chao: Practice the "three abilities" and inherit the original intention
Everyone talks about the "three abilities" | Chen Chao: Practice the "three abilities" and inherit the original intention

In the "three abilities" theme education practice activities, the vast number of police and auxiliary police of Lin'an public security have used learning to promote thinking, thinking to promote understanding, and to promote action with understanding, to study in depth and take the initiative to practice the important instructions of the "three abilities".

They have set up "ability" as the banner, "ability" as pride, and "ability" as the peak, thrown themselves into the infinite practice of serving the masses, facing dangers, and safeguarding justice, and interpreted the spiritual connotation and the values of the times of the important instructions of the "three abilities" with the loyalty, service, justice, and honesty of public security personnel in the new era.

Everyone talks about the "three abilities" | Chen Chao: Practice the "three abilities" and inherit the original intention

Command center police officer Chen Chao

The spirit of the "three abilities" is the intrinsic quality that every Communist Party member needs to uphold, and it is also necessary to do a good job of relay inheritance from generation to generation, that is, to convey and inherit the fine qualities and spirit to the next generation through words and deeds. For example, the conscientiousness of ordinary time, the standing up at critical moments, the self-denial in times of crisis, and so on.

The inheritance of self-denial

Last year Chinese New Year's Eve, my 90-year-old grandfather handed me the commemorative medal for the 70th anniversary of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and said to me in a serious tone: "This should be the last commemorative medal that Grandpa has received from the state, and I will hand it over to you. ”

Everyone talks about the "three abilities" | Chen Chao: Practice the "three abilities" and inherit the original intention

After receiving the heavy medallion and recalling the experience that my grandfather told me from childhood to the big, I not only want to collect this commemorative medal, but also pass on the original intention of my grandfather who is not afraid of difficulties and bravely moves forward...

In 1950, my grandfather, who had just turned 20 years old, embarked on the road to the north as a volunteer army to resist the United States and aid Korea, and my grandfather once recalled to me that the road to the north was extremely difficult, he had eaten bark and climbed through the mud pit, and his fingers were missing because of the harsh environment, but he never wanted to give up, and the only belief at that time was that living was hope, and living could see the dawn of victory. In the end, Grandpa persevered, I don't know how many lives and deaths he has experienced, and it is difficult to personally appreciate his persistence, but I know that today's happy life is not easy to come by, it is thousands of soldiers like Grandpa who exchange their youth, blood and even lives for it, and it is precisely because of their belief in giving up their lives in times of crisis that today's strong country is.

Everyone talks about the "three abilities" | Chen Chao: Practice the "three abilities" and inherit the original intention

A legacy that stands up

The beginning of 2020 is destined to be an extraordinary year, and the outbreak of the epidemic in just one month will make the people of the whole country unforgettable, and it is also unforgettable for our entire family. Mom is an ordinary township worker, at the end of 2019, a major operation was "ordered" by the doctor to recuperate at home, less than 2 months after the operation, she watched the lively work group can no longer hold back, despite the advice of my father and me, she still has to go to the front line.

Everyone talks about the "three abilities" | Chen Chao: Practice the "three abilities" and inherit the original intention

"I've applied to volunteer, so I should make up for the guilt you feel at home." Dad said bitterly. "Mom, now we are all working in our own posts, and your health is to contribute, otherwise we simply can't sink our hearts into work." "I know my body myself, I can go to work now, I'm really embarrassed to take another leave."

Everyone talks about the "three abilities" | Chen Chao: Practice the "three abilities" and inherit the original intention

Every day, my mother came out early and returned late, checked and registered the villagers who returned to her hometown one by one, did not miss a person, even in the face of the villagers' incomprehension or even cold ridicule, she still patiently carried out epidemic prevention and control work.

During that period of "national anti-epidemic", my mother, who had the "privilege" of rest, resolutely chose to go deep into the grassroots to fight the epidemic. I also remember the words my mother said: "I am a 30-year-old party member, but also a township worker with 30 years of grassroots work experience, at this moment I do not stand up, I am ashamed of my identity, ashamed of the trust of the leadership." ”

Everyone talks about the "three abilities" | Chen Chao: Practice the "three abilities" and inherit the original intention

Dedication is inheritance

Choosing the police is to inherit the original intention of my grandfather and mother - to serve the people, from the police for nearly 8 years, although I have been engaged in the internal work, there is no vigorous deeds, but I have always maintained the original intention, put myself in the shoes of the masses, and take the initiative to help the masses solve difficulties.

What I still remember is a small incident when I was working as an in-house worker at the Yuqian police station: an old man from the countryside of Tianmu Mountain staggered to my office to open a certificate, and in the process of knocking on the seal, he said to himself: "Today the bus came out too late, proving that the post office is closed, and tomorrow there will be a trip." I immediately said to him, "Grandpa, you give me the address, tomorrow I will send it for you, so that you can run one less trip." "He knew it wasn't my job to send letters and immediately said thank you."

I thought it was over, but the next day at noon, the old man appeared in my office again, and I asked in surprise, "Grandpa, why are you here again?" Grandpa smiled and said, "Little girl, I have never seen anyone as enthusiastic as you, I dug up some herbs the other day and sent some to you, which is most effective when my throat is uncomfortable." ”

A show of hands but let the masses remember, but also specially to express gratitude, this may be the so-called "police and people fish water situation" bar.

Now I work in the secretarial section of the sub-bureau, I still receive a lot of consultation calls every day, whether it is within my own business scope, I will patiently answer, even if I do not understand the business, I will also ask clearly and then reply to the masses. Because I know that even if it is a small matter, there is still a crowd on the other end of the phone waiting anxiously... When the reply was clear, hearing a heart-warming "thank you" was the greatest affirmation of my work.

Everyone talks about the "three abilities" | Chen Chao: Practice the "three abilities" and inherit the original intention
Everyone talks about the "three abilities" | Chen Chao: Practice the "three abilities" and inherit the original intention

Editor | Wei Lihui Responsible Editor | Fu Xuxiao

Issued | Chen Shuanglaiyuan | Linglong Police Station

Everyone talks about the "three abilities" | Chen Chao: Practice the "three abilities" and inherit the original intention
Everyone talks about the "three abilities" | Chen Chao: Practice the "three abilities" and inherit the original intention

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Everyone talks about the "three abilities" | Chen Chao: Practice the "three abilities" and inherit the original intention
Everyone talks about the "three abilities" | Chen Chao: Practice the "three abilities" and inherit the original intention
Everyone talks about the "three abilities" | Chen Chao: Practice the "three abilities" and inherit the original intention

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