
Don't wait for your eyes to be blind before you think of conditioning

author:Future signal station B

The eyes are the windows through which children can see everything in the world. If the eyes have blurred vision, then the wonderful world will become hazy. We often see many children wearing glasses, but wearing glasses also brings them a lot of trouble. For example, when the weather is cold, they need to wear masks, glasses, and thick clothes, and if they don't pay attention, they become "salted egg superman". And as soon as the child takes off the glasses, the world becomes a haze, and without the glasses, they are at a loss, so having good eyesight is really very important! Parents must love and care for their children from an early age and create a good eye environment for their children. Let them have a "bright and good" future. Most of the reasons for children's vision are inseparable from the following reasons.

Don't wait for your eyes to be blind before you think of conditioning

First, the causes of myopia must be kept in mind

Familial genetic factors. Scientific studies have shown that myopia has a certain genetic predisposition, and the answer can often be found in the genetic history of myopia in families. If the number of people wearing glasses in their own family is large, then this myopia problem will also be inherited to the next generation of children, and the genetic probability of myopia in children is as high as 80%. Even if one parent has myopia, as long as the chromosomes of myopia are carried, the probability of vision problems in the child will be greatly increased.

Environmental factors. With the advent of the Internet era, electronic products, especially mobile phones, computer iPads have appeared in the public's field of vision, and electronic products have also appeared a younger age. Among them, a large number of videos, such as Douyin, Kuaishou, etc., attract the attention of children, so that children stare at the screen for a long time without moving, so that children have visual fatigue without knowing it, and gradually this visual fatigue is transformed into myopia, so this is also an important reason for children to have vision problems and thus wear glasses.

Don't wait for your eyes to be blind before you think of conditioning

Bad eye habits. For today's children, they like to put their eyes close to the textbook close to the homework book to write, the writing posture is not right, resulting in the child's vision problems, and some children do not develop good eye habits, like to read books and watch videos in a dim environment. Some children also like to lie in bed and read, and these bad eye habits are important factors that cause children's vision problems.

Lack of nutrients. Your child's vision problems are also closely related to certain trace elements in your child's body. Your child's vision problems are very important

Don't wait for your eyes to be blind before you think of conditioning

In order for children to have a bright future, then these details of parents must not be ignored.

Second, children's vision "defense battle", parents should pay attention to these points

Help children develop good eye habits. When children are writing homework, parents should help children develop good writing and reading habits, to achieve head straight, shoulder level, foot safety, through the correct writing and reading posture, can well adjust the distance between the eyes and the book, so as to develop a good eye habit. In addition, when the child has dry eyes and itchy eyes, parents can appropriately give the child some eye drops or let the child close his eyes and nourish his mind, so that the eyes can relax and rest appropriately, parents should also teach their children to do some eye exercises, so that children can always pay attention to eye health.

Don't wait for your eyes to be blind before you think of conditioning

Rational use of electronics. Parents should pay great attention to the child's eye problem, to reasonably control the time of children's use of electronic products, if these children inevitably need online classes to learn more knowledge, then parents can put electronic products eye protection film, parents can also put some green plants next to electronic products, so that children's eyes can look at the green plants next to them when they feel tired, so that children's eyes can be properly relaxed.

Arrange your child's diet wisely. Foods that are good for vision, such as carrots and green vegetables, let children eat more, ensure that children are nutritionally balanced, and better intake of vitamins A, C and lutein, etc., so as to protect children's vision.

Take part in outdoor activities. In order to better get rid of the problem of excessive eye use of children, parents can take their children outdoors to feel the long-lost sunshine, not only so that children can get close to nature, but also allow children to spend more time in life, can better love life,

Get regular vision tests. Parents should regularly take their children to the vision test, if some children are pseudomyopic or not too myopic, to help the child develop good eye habits, if the child has myopia, parents can not ignore it, according to the doctor's advice for the child to wear glasses, better correct the child's vision, and give the child a bright future.

I believe that parents are reluctant to see their children wearing glasses, so parents must not ignore these details, starting from little things, in order to better help children develop good eye habits, create a good environment for children's eyes, and let children have a "bright" future.

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