
Mid-spring lunar eclipse spring vegetables are exquisite, eating more of these seasonal dishes, is suitable for spring cuisine

author:Qingjiang crane

The equinox is approaching. #Spring plowing is in progress# According to the saying in "Spring and Autumn Dew ~ Yin and Yang in and Out of the First and Lower Parts": "Those who have spring equinox, yin and yang are half, so day and night are equal and cold and summer are flat." That is to say, on the day of the spring equinox, the sun shines directly on the equatorial line, the day and night hours are equal, and the seasons in the northern and southern hemispheres are just opposite. It is spring in the northern hemisphere and autumn in the southern hemisphere.

Image: Lettuce grown sporadically

Mid-spring lunar eclipse spring vegetables are exquisite, eating more of these seasonal dishes, is suitable for spring cuisine
Mid-spring lunar eclipse spring vegetables are exquisite, eating more of these seasonal dishes, is suitable for spring cuisine

In countries such as Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, and Uzbekistan, it happens to be the New Year.

The weather conditions before and after the spring equinox are changeable, either spring drought or low temperature, rainy or cold wave, cold wave or hail and spring cold.

No, the Qingjiang Crane Residence experienced a "cliff-like" cooling from high temperature to freezing a few days ago, and it is raining today, and weather forecasts say that this will be the "norm" in the next few days, and more and more patients will suffer from "influenza A".

In accordance with rural customs, the mid-spring moon requires "flying kites" for "spring festivals," "sweeping tombs," "erecting eggs," and eating "spring vegetables."

In the past, "spring vegetables" were "specifically referred to" a type of wild amaranth. The townspeople are called "Spring Artemisia". On the day of the spring equinox, the whole village goes to pick this "spring vegetable". When searching in the field, it is mostly tender green, thin, and about the length of the palm.

Image: Spring vegetable "wild amaranth"

Mid-spring lunar eclipse spring vegetables are exquisite, eating more of these seasonal dishes, is suitable for spring cuisine

The collected "spring vegetables" should be rolled with "fish fillets", commonly known as "spring soup". There is a ballad: "Spring soup is filled with dirt, and liver sausages are washed." Safe and healthy for all ages." In the spring of the year, everyone prays for "peace in the family and strong health".

This issue of Qingjiang Crane will focus on and chat with all the relatives and teachers about the topic of the spring equinox "spring vegetables", I hope you like and actively participate in the interactive review, forward and share the pictures and texts of this issue of Qingjiang He.

In the past, "spring vegetables" were "specifically referred to" a type of wild amaranth:

"Wild amaranth" is actually a "general term", and when looking for "wild amaranth" in the field, it is actually looking for "amaranth" weeds with similar plant types.

Because the "anti-amaranth", "concave amaranth", "wrinkled amaranth" and "false amaranth" in the "amaranth" weeds are all "wild amaranth" categories that people are looking for, they can all be eaten, and the taste is not much different.

Image: Spring vegetables (different wild amaranths)

Mid-spring lunar eclipse spring vegetables are exquisite, eating more of these seasonal dishes, is suitable for spring cuisine
Mid-spring lunar eclipse spring vegetables are exquisite, eating more of these seasonal dishes, is suitable for spring cuisine

For example, the "anti-amaranth" in "wild amaranth", we call it "red amaranth". The height of the plant in the field is about 20cm~80cm, the whole plant has short pubescence, and the bracts have needle-like at the top. The stem is erect, single-branched or multi-branched.

The leaves are diamond-ovate, tapering at the apex, wedge-shaped at the base, and edge-fringed. The inflorescences are conical apical or axillary and stout and consist of multiple spikes.

It is relatively drought tolerant and adaptable, and likes to grow and develop in a humid environment. The seeds ripen and fall.

Sometimes people also eat "concave amaranth" as "wild amaranth". The height of the "concave amaranth" in the field is about 10cm~30cm, and the stem does not grow upright, but rises "lying down". At the basal branches, purple or purplish-red.

The leaves are diamond-ovate, "blunt" (not tapering) at the apex and concave (only featured), broadly wedge-shaped at the base, and slightly wavy at the leaf margin.

Flower clusters are born in leaf axils and at the stem or branch ends. Clusters of flowers are clustered on spikes or panicles.

Image: Picking young wild amaranth with old ripe plants in the field

Mid-spring lunar eclipse spring vegetables are exquisite, eating more of these seasonal dishes, is suitable for spring cuisine
Mid-spring lunar eclipse spring vegetables are exquisite, eating more of these seasonal dishes, is suitable for spring cuisine

The difference between "Wild Amaranth" and the first two "Wild Amaranth" is that it has 3~5 branches at the base, the leaves are ovate oval, the first end is slightly concave with small mango tips, the leaves have "V" white spots, and the back is green.

On the other hand, "False Amaranth" is branched (multiple) on the main stem, with fine spines at the diamond-shaped apex of the leaf eggs, and no wavy streaks at the base of the wedge-shaped full margin.

Today's "spring vegetables" far "break through" the category of wild amaranth, mostly "seasonal vegetables" to regulate the stomach:

Today's spring vegetables include seasonal vegetables such as leeks for "nourishing the sun", sprouts that "promote vitality", lettuce, green onions, bean seedlings, garlic seedlings, and yam that "nourishes the spleen and stomach", so that people can maintain the balance, coordination and stability of body functions after eating.

(1) Chives:

Chives, also known as "Yang grass," "long-lived leeks," and "lazy vegetables," are "aphrodisiac grasses" of the lily family that can be planted and harvested many times at one time, with a strong "special" fragrance and often used as seasonings.

Image: Green onions in a field

Mid-spring lunar eclipse spring vegetables are exquisite, eating more of these seasonal dishes, is suitable for spring cuisine
Mid-spring lunar eclipse spring vegetables are exquisite, eating more of these seasonal dishes, is suitable for spring cuisine

The soil requirements are not strict, the adaptability is extensive, the cold resistance and heat resistance are strong, and it can grow and develop in many places. There are large-leaf leeks and small-leaf leeks (local leeks), large-leaf leeks have higher yields and good planting benefits, but the taste and flavor are not as good as small-leaf leeks.

Because its leaves contain a lot of vitamins and crude fiber, which can enhance gastrointestinal peristalsis, leeks are also known as "intestinal grass".

(2) Lettuce:

"Lettuce" is an annual or perennial herb of the Asteraceae lettuce species, cultivars such as lettuce, lettuce and cabbage lettuce. It can be cultivated in many places, mainly in spring. Because lettuce is not resistant to high temperatures, it is a "cold tolerant" and suitable for cultivation in cold and cold areas.

"Lettuce" is imported from the "country of Yu" (the name of the country of the Western Regions), and the remuneration is very rich, so it is named "Qianjin Cai", also known as "stone lettuce".

"Lettuce" is sensitive to the "pH" of the soil and is more suitable for growing in neutral or slightly acidic soils (such as sandy loam).

Image: Tender lettuce in the field

Mid-spring lunar eclipse spring vegetables are exquisite, eating more of these seasonal dishes, is suitable for spring cuisine
Mid-spring lunar eclipse spring vegetables are exquisite, eating more of these seasonal dishes, is suitable for spring cuisine

(3) Green onion:

Green onion is an important ingredient in people's daily life, containing protein, carbohydrates and other vitamins and minerals, regular food can relieve heat and expectorant, promote digestion, antibacterial and antiviral effects.

There are differences between green onions, green onions, shallots and floor onions, and there are many varieties and different qualities. Fertilizer, especially the demand for nitrogen nutrients, sufficient nitrogen nutrition can effectively improve the yield and quality of green onions. The requirements for soil are not strict, the adaptability is wide, and it is not shade tolerant or strong light. It has the characteristics of drought resistance and waterlogging resistance.

(4) Garlic seedlings:

Garlic seedlings are green seedlings that have developed to a certain extent in garlic seedlings. It is also an indispensable and important seasoning ingredient in people's daily life. It has the spicy taste of garlic, and is mainly eaten freshly on its leaves, leaf sheaths and other parts.

Image: Garlic seedlings

Mid-spring lunar eclipse spring vegetables are exquisite, eating more of these seasonal dishes, is suitable for spring cuisine
Mid-spring lunar eclipse spring vegetables are exquisite, eating more of these seasonal dishes, is suitable for spring cuisine

Because garlic seedlings are rich in vitamin C, protein, carotene, riboflavin and other nutrients, so regular consumption of garlic seedlings has the effect of "eliminating food".

Garlic seedlings like fertilizer, and when planting, farm manure should be mainly supplemented by appropriate quantitative fertilizer. After applying sufficient base fertilizer, there is basically no need for top dressing. However, the stems and leaves can be treated with amino acid multifunctional foliar fertilizer or humic acid multifunctional foliar fertilizer to promote its vegetative growth and improve the quality and yield of garlic seedlings.

(5) Yam:

Yam is a genus of annual or perennial entangled vines in the family Dioscidae. Propagation by reed heads or remnants.

Yam underground tubers are rich in starch and can be used for vegetables. Regular food can supplement spleen and stomach loss, indigestion and other symptoms.

Yam cultivation is labor-intensive, first you have to cultivate soil in a furrow (the looser the soil, the better the planting benefits), and then it is also very time-consuming to dig yam.

Image: Digging yams

Mid-spring lunar eclipse spring vegetables are exquisite, eating more of these seasonal dishes, is suitable for spring cuisine
Mid-spring lunar eclipse spring vegetables are exquisite, eating more of these seasonal dishes, is suitable for spring cuisine

In recent years, yam, yam grown in the Qingjiang crane sojourn has been running at a high price. At the end of the year, the price of yam reached 22 yuan/kg. The planting benefits are also very good.

(6) Bean sprouts:

Bean sprouts are typical sprouts, and due to the different raw materials cultivated, they are divided into soybean sprouts, mung bean sprouts, pea sprouts, bean sprouts, etc., also known as "live vegetables".

The variety is rich and nutritious, and it is a common vegetable. Eaten as a vegetarian dish, the main part is the hypocotyl.

Bean sprouts are cold and sweet, fresh food is easy to digest, and has the effect of clearing heat, detoxification, diuresis and dehumidification.

Image: Lettuce with bean sprouts

Mid-spring lunar eclipse spring vegetables are exquisite, eating more of these seasonal dishes, is suitable for spring cuisine
Mid-spring lunar eclipse spring vegetables are exquisite, eating more of these seasonal dishes, is suitable for spring cuisine