
Tencent T13 bulls, with an annual salary of several million, are still defeated in the face of rules and capital.

author:Think about the new

As Tencent's first web front-end expert, one of the only executives with a rank of T13, and even twice because of technological innovation to alarm Ma Huateng, why was the senior executive with 16 years of experience laid off?

Tencent T13 bulls, with an annual salary of several million, are still defeated in the face of rules and capital.

This big bull is called Huang Xitong, who has also made great contributions to Tencent, and is regarded as a scarce level talent in the goose factory.

Tencent T13 bulls, with an annual salary of several million, are still defeated in the face of rules and capital.

He has been with Tencent for 15 years, with a rank of T13 equivalent to Ali P10. A real front-end student, he was laid off by Tencent in his 40s.

Tencent T13 bulls, with an annual salary of several million, are still defeated in the face of rules and capital.
Tencent T13 bulls, with an annual salary of several million, are still defeated in the face of rules and capital.

According to his wife, the reason why Huang Xitong was laid off

Didn't sit in a managerial position

Will not manage upwards

Reluctance to be PUA

Some people will say that Tencent is ruthless, in fact, sometimes it is also the inevitability of the times.

Tencent T13 bulls, with an annual salary of several million, are still defeated in the face of rules and capital.

In a large factory like the Goose Factory, the most important thing is engineers, if you don't do it, there will naturally be a lot of people to do it, without you the earth still turns, you say that you are a technical cow, no matter how cow you dare to work against the boss, you open a bad head, how to manage it in the future.

Tencent T13 bulls, with an annual salary of several million, are still defeated in the face of rules and capital.

This society is turned upside down, and no technology can be solved once and for all. Blockchain fire in previous years, metaverse fire last year, ChatGPT this year, if the ability cannot keep pace with the times, it may be eliminated!

Although you are T13, you have led the QQ space team at the highlight moment, and you have also created a new product to find relatives on the 404 web page, but the last thing Ma Huateng wants is to get used to others, capitalized companies, you are gone, I can also invite others.

Tencent T13 bulls, with an annual salary of several million, are still defeated in the face of rules and capital.

Many people took home loans when they were young, especially those who took over at a high level in recent years, and now the industry is sluggish, and the house cannot be sold, and the pressure is particularly great.

In fact, especially now that the phenomenon of mid-life crisis is becoming more and more common, many people will not choose to buy a house even if they have the ability to make a down payment, after all, the house price is too high, a little unemployment may not be able to pay off the mortgage, so it is not necessary to take over the high position, everyone waits, the house price can still be discounted by two million, isn't this the case in the automotive industry?

The price is getting lower and lower.

This year, Silicon Valley banks have failed, and the main customers of Silicon Valley Bank are technology companies and VCs, so the future of the global Internet will be more and more difficult, maybe in the future, the salary of Internet people will be the same as the previous civil engineering, back to normal, before the Internet, the real estate industry and civil engineering industry wages are really high.

Tencent T13 bulls, with an annual salary of several million, are still defeated in the face of rules and capital.

But most of them are ordinary people, no matter how much money they work for, no one in the system has social status, even if you earn millions a year, and the annual salary in the system is 100,000, people still think that you are a worker, especially after the middle age is optimized, those people will definitely say, look, do it for private people, not yet fired.

Everyone wants to be in the system, but where are there so many institutional positions for you to choose?

So the reality is such a contradiction, where is the way out for middle-aged people?