
French blacks let whites get out of Paris, why did blacks become so arrogant in French territory?

author:History Observation Laboratory

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France has always been known as the Gallic Rooster because it originated in Gaul.

But now that the French football team has introduced a lot of blacks, the Gallic rooster has become the Gallic black chicken, how did France turn black? What will happen to the influx of blacks into France?

The French football team contributes a lot of highlights and wonderful visuals to each World Cup, but it is not difficult to find that there are many blacks in the French team, and the proportion of blacks in French citizens is also 10%, which is also inseparable from the slave trade in the 16th century.

French blacks let whites get out of Paris, why did blacks become so arrogant in French territory?

In the 16th century, the triangular trade began in Europe, led by Portugal and Spain, mainly from Europe, loaded with tobacco and rum, to Africa, exchanged tobacco and rum for slaves, and then sold African slaves to the Americas in exchange for materials and gold and silver equipment needed for plantations.

The triangular trade of 3 centuries brought huge profits to the European capitalist countries, but this trade regarded black Africans as commodities and cattle and sold them.

However, due to the profit-seeking nature of capitalist countries, triangular trade flourished with the tacit approval of the official government, so more and more capitalist countries joined in.

In order to legalize the triangular trade, the state also identified specific companies in the country to carry out the black slave trade, and the unlicensed companies were not allowed to carry out the black slave trade, and the triangular trade became larger and larger, of which Britain became the strongest capitalist country in the world with its triangular trade, making it an "empire that never sets".

French blacks let whites get out of Paris, why did blacks become so arrogant in French territory?

France brought huge wealth through the slave trade, acquired a large number of labor, developed a plantation economy, and became the second largest capitalist empire in the world after Britain.

However, Africa lost 30 million elite laborers due to the triangular trade, and nearly half of the blacks died on the way to the triangular trade, the population was sharply reduced, and there was not enough labor to develop the economy.

From the perspective of historical process, Africa's economic backwardness has never achieved rapid development, which is not unrelated to triangular trade.

Due to historical legacies, black slaves who were transported to Europe and the United States remained in the local area, and later the outbreak of the Civil War gradually changed black people from commodity subordinates to free and independent people.

However, in the white-dominated American society, although blacks have been recognized, got rid of commodities, and become "people", they are still discriminated against by whites everywhere in social life.

French blacks let whites get out of Paris, why did blacks become so arrogant in French territory?

But in France, the situation is a little different, France has always implemented a more moderate slave owner policy for blacks, many blacks stay in France, life is more comfortable, through the work given by whites, barely maintain a subsistence life, although the work is more difficult, but the French economy is prosperous, many blacks stay in France.

Why did the blacks of France have the upper hand and drive the whites out of France? What is behind the black French that has become so rampant?

After the outbreak of World War II, France was outnumbered and short of soldiers, and after more than forty days of confrontation, de Gaulle fled to London when the tide was coming.

De Gaulle radioed in London and called on French citizens to fight until the last minute.

De Gaulle won the support of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and established Free France in London, but de Gaulle was alone, without any money and troops, so he had to look to West African countries, hoping that West African countries could give him support and help.

In return for them, de Gaulle offered a quid pro quo for granting French citizenship to citizens of French West African countries.

As a French colony for three centuries, French West Africa was a dream to become French, so in order to obtain French citizenship, more than 330,000 French West African blacks followed Charles de Gaulle in the war and contributed their precious lives to the victory of Free France.

With the addition of black French West Africa, Free French troops and allied forces won frequent battles, making an important contribution to the British landings in Normandy and shortening the time of World War II.

The French Free Army led by Charles de Gaulle also became more and more powerful, and it can be said that the establishment of France today is inextricably linked to the black soldiers of the French West African countries at that time.

At the end of the war, France was victorious and defeated Germany, and de Gaulle fulfilled his promise to indeed grant black soldiers who fought the war the status of French citizens.

French blacks let whites get out of Paris, why did blacks become so arrogant in French territory?

These black soldiers became French citizens, living in France for a long time, raising families and raising future generations.

Later, Africa became independent, but many countries in Africa still maintained good relations with France, the sovereign country.

Perhaps it is France's long-term colonial life that makes citizens of African countries yearn for France, and the preferred place for citizens of many African countries to go abroad is France.

Compared with other European countries, France has a higher acceptance of blacks, relatively simple visa procedures, and a more relaxed immigration policy, which has caused many blacks to study and settle in France.

As a developed country, France has a low birth rate, in order to encourage childbirth, France has adopted a series of policies to encourage local citizens to have children, but whites are not happy to have children, because the parenting policy is too high.

French blacks let whites get out of Paris, why did blacks become so arrogant in French territory?

In order to enjoy the maternity allowance, blacks actively increased the fertility rate, and the number of blacks increased dramatically.

Every March, the French president routinely visits kindergartens, and this year he was surprised to find that most of the children in kindergartens were black.

Because the proportion of blacks has greatly increased, to a certain extent, the rights of whites have been endangered, so some whites have proposed that if the birth rate of whites is to be increased, blacks must be expelled.

However, this proposal is contrary to the opposition to "racial discrimination" advocated by the world today, so in France, it has been opposed by "human rights factions".

In addition to whites, many blacks have also come out against this view, and have also taken out photos of France winning the 2018 World Cup.

Of the 11 members of the French team, only 2 are white, the remaining 9 are black, and one of the 2 whites is an immigrant from North Africa.

French blacks let whites get out of Paris, why did blacks become so arrogant in French territory?

In this way, in the 2018 World Cup, although France won the championship, in the French team, there is only one native of France, and the rest are foreign blacks, and the French team members are undoubtedly provoking white French.

Blacks make up 60% of the French race, and white French people are gradually "blackening", how does France deal with the phenomenon of "blackening"? Why did the blacks occupy the Magpie's Nest and shout that the whites get out of France?

The increase in the number of blacks in France has gradually made the black group gradually uncontrolled, and a female staff member was criticized by black people in France for saying, "France is a white country", and the government had to remove female staff in order to calm the anger.

Many blacks marched in the streets and declared in France that "the origin of human civilization is Africa, no matter which country is founded by Africans, to regain their own power, blacks are the masters of France, let the whites get out of France."

Although the racial conflict in France intensified, the white French continued to act in an elegant manner, as they had in World War II, hoping to stay out of the situation through a policy of non-resistance.

French blacks let whites get out of Paris, why did blacks become so arrogant in French territory?

In the face of the black approach, the white French chose not to fight and fled the central city.

Because the white group originally liked a calmer life, but the invasion of blacks made the white group very uncomfortable.

In the eyes of whites, blacks were very violent and the places they stayed in would always become dirty and bad, so whites avoided it, and in order to avoid conflict with blacks, whites chose to leave the urban centers of France.

In the eyes of blacks, they believe that blacks are the masters of the country, France can have its current glory, it is their ancestors who bought it with their lives, and if it were not for their ancestors, there would be no France today.

As the number of blacks increases, the French government's policy will also be tilted towards blacks.

There are also many blacks who are lazy and lazy, living on subsistence allowances every day in France, and they do not want to work, so they count on government handouts.

Although France, as a developed country, has a perfect social security system, it cannot afford so many blacks to receive subsistence allowances.

In the long run, France's industrial and socio-economic problems are bound to occur, and France is likely to be dragged down by blacks and become a country like South Africa.

Moreover, after the division of France, the domestic political form has not been very stable, in addition to blacks to divide power, the Muslim problem is also more serious, so the current France is white, black, Muslim three factions exist.

Among them, blacks and Muslims are relatively belligerent, and if the black protests are not well resolved, the tripod is likely to be broken, triggering a greater crisis, and France will repeat the mistakes of the past and fall into war and chaos again.

The sharp increase in the number of blacks has brought an existential crisis to France, the position of whites in the country is precarious, and the political situation is not optimistic, how will France respond in the future? Everyone is welcome to express their views in the comment area.

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