
The first stream is menacing, and its three major taboos should be remembered by parents

author:Warm Xu hemp

After the child is infected with influenza A, do not do these three things, otherwise the child's symptoms will become more and more serious! Parents must keep in mind!

The first stream is menacing, and its three major taboos should be remembered by parents

1. Don't take medicine, carry it hard

Many people still think that influenza A is the common cold, this idea is wrong, influenza A is a respiratory infectious disease caused by influenza A virus, mainly manifested as acute onset, chills, high fever, headache, body aches, etc.! If you don't take medicine, hard shouldering will only make the disease more and more serious, and even high fever will cause many complications!

If the child is infected and has a fever, if there is oseltamivir at home, take oseltamivir at the first time, which will prevent the symptoms from worsening, if the fever is very serious, you need to take ibuprofen to reduce fever, if it is accompanied by cough, you can add some cough medicine appropriately!

The first stream is menacing, and its three major taboos should be remembered by parents
The first stream is menacing, and its three major taboos should be remembered by parents
The first stream is menacing, and its three major taboos should be remembered by parents

2. Take medicine indiscriminately

Last night my son had a high fever of more than 39 degrees, and he has not reduced the fever, and I have been physically cooling down in the middle of the night, using alcohol with warm water, rubbing the place where the heat dissipation is fast, the chest and back are not used, and it finally dropped to 38 degrees 8. The child has been sleeping, so worried that he will burn out his brain!

If you have taken ibuprofen after a high fever, there is no need to take fever-reducing drugs within four hours, even if you do not go away, you can no longer increase the amount of medicine or take the same effect of the drug. The medicine is not good to eat more, this must be paid attention to! Otherwise it's counterproductive!

The first stream is menacing, and its three major taboos should be remembered by parents

3. Thinking that everything will be fine if you get vaccinated

I believe that many people have been vaccinated, the vaccine is only a protective effect, not vaccinated will not be infected with influenza A, some time ago the new crown, isn't it also a lot of vaccinated? Isn't it the same new crown?

So even if you get vaccinated, don't take it lightly. Always pay more attention!

The first stream is menacing, and its three major taboos should be remembered by parents

And even if you already have the new crown years ago, it does not affect your A flu, our family had the new crown a few years ago, and now the family has a new crown again.

Last time the new crown, the two children just had a high fever for one night, and the next day they were fine, and the adults had a fever for two or three days in a row. This time this A stream feels much more powerful than the new crown!

The first stream is menacing, and its three major taboos should be remembered by parents

The child's high fever does not subside, fatigue, no appetite, nausea and vomiting, and the throat is also uncomfortable, mainly accompanied by stomach pain or diarrhea symptoms! It will be burned for several days.

Adults also have high fever that does not go away or has repeated high fever! The same disgusting and no appetite!

The first stream is menacing, and its three major taboos should be remembered by parents

If you are infected, pay attention to rest and drink more warm water! If the body temperature is too high, you must physically cool down in time to prevent convulsions! Ibuprofen or antiviral drugs must have two boxes at home, not too much, but there must be one! We have cold medicine (pediatric phenol yellow) antiviral drug (pediatric chai gui) oseltamivir If it exceeds 38.5, add fever reducers!

The first stream is menacing, and its three major taboos should be remembered by parents

I hope it can be helpful to everyone, and take preventive or countermeasures! Everyone who has experienced good experience can leave a message in the comment area, which can help more people.

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