
#Headline Creation Challenge#Buy One Get One Free It's understandable, buy one and get countless free... I can't take [tears]. Buy a pot of flowers online, the beautiful name cosmos, the flowers are not less, all like cooked shrimp

author:Northeast Broken Mouth

#头条创作挑战赛 #

Buy one get one free is understandable,

Buy one and get countless free...

I can't take [tears].

Buy a pot of flowers online,


Flowers are not missing,

All like cooked shrimp.

Take a closer look,

Aphid stems climb up,

One two three four five

...... Oops my mom!

Bring my toes,

The more you count, the more you travel!

Flowers and leaves warm bed,

Flowers basking in the sun,

Pick up the magnifying glass,

People hide [croak].

Cost-effective is not cost-effective,

Buy flowers and pets,

Kill a lot in one fell swoop!

#春天的浪漫足迹 #

#Headline Creation Challenge#Buy One Get One Free It's understandable, buy one and get countless free... I can't take [tears]. Buy a pot of flowers online, the beautiful name cosmos, the flowers are not less, all like cooked shrimp
#Headline Creation Challenge#Buy One Get One Free It's understandable, buy one and get countless free... I can't take [tears]. Buy a pot of flowers online, the beautiful name cosmos, the flowers are not less, all like cooked shrimp
#Headline Creation Challenge#Buy One Get One Free It's understandable, buy one and get countless free... I can't take [tears]. Buy a pot of flowers online, the beautiful name cosmos, the flowers are not less, all like cooked shrimp
#Headline Creation Challenge#Buy One Get One Free It's understandable, buy one and get countless free... I can't take [tears]. Buy a pot of flowers online, the beautiful name cosmos, the flowers are not less, all like cooked shrimp
#Headline Creation Challenge#Buy One Get One Free It's understandable, buy one and get countless free... I can't take [tears]. Buy a pot of flowers online, the beautiful name cosmos, the flowers are not less, all like cooked shrimp
#Headline Creation Challenge#Buy One Get One Free It's understandable, buy one and get countless free... I can't take [tears]. Buy a pot of flowers online, the beautiful name cosmos, the flowers are not less, all like cooked shrimp

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