
The Chinese diving champion was threatened with death by netizens and played on behalf of Australia, not afraid of the Chinese team

author:Dingdong Sports

On July 5, the Chinese diving team officially announced the big list to participate in the Tokyo Olympic Games, in 8 individual events, sent the current domestic level and state of the best team to play, including Shi Tingmao, Cao Yuan and Chen Aisen three Olympic champions, and the 14-year-old young player Quan Hongchan will play in the women's 10-meter platform, will become the youngest member of the Chinese sports delegation to the Tokyo Olympic Games. And just after the Chinese diving team roster was released, many netizens went to the private message for the first time to send a private message to the former Chinese diving team world champion, and now Li Shixin, a famous player who has now been transferred to represent Australia, even issued death threats, but Li Shixin generously congratulated the domestic brothers and sisters, and he himself is not afraid of the Chinese team.

The Chinese diving champion was threatened with death by netizens and played on behalf of Australia, not afraid of the Chinese team

Li Shixin, who was once a member of the Chinese diving team, has twice won the world championships 1 meter board, but he has not been able to get the opportunity to participate in the Olympic Games, so he has not been able to realize his dream before retiring. In 2018, in order to continue his diving dream, he accepted the invitation of the Australian diving team, transferred to Australia, and began to represent the Australian diving team in the world series frequently, and achieved good results. Not long ago, Li Shixin successfully won the Australian Olympic Trials and received a ticket to the Tokyo Olympic Games, which will be his first trip to the Olympic Games.

The Chinese diving champion was threatened with death by netizens and played on behalf of Australia, not afraid of the Chinese team

In fact, just after Li Shixin transferred to represent Australia, he frequently received online violence, and many extreme Chinese netizens frequently attacked him on his social media, insulted him, and even affected his family. But for Li Shixin, he has only one pure purpose, that is, to continue to move forward in his beloved diving career. If he has not been able to have such an opportunity when he was in the Chinese team, but now that he has qualified for the Olympic Games for the first time through his own efforts, he is of course extremely proud and excited. Therefore, he is not afraid of all external factors and pressures, and only focuses on the inside and outside of the jump stage.

The Chinese diving champion was threatened with death by netizens and played on behalf of Australia, not afraid of the Chinese team
The Chinese diving champion was threatened with death by netizens and played on behalf of Australia, not afraid of the Chinese team

After the list of Chinese diving teams was announced, some netizens wrote a private message to Li Shixin, asking him if he was afraid? There are even death threats such as "wash your neck and wait to be slaughtered"! But Li Shixin was quite calm about this, and he made a public response, "First of all, I have nothing to fear, and I want to congratulate the brothers and sisters who have entered the Olympic lineup and complete the first step of their dreams." Secondly, my neck has been washed for almost 30 years, and I only wait for you to lock in the diving broadcast, otherwise this melon spit will not catch up with the heat. In the end, I had already thought about what domestic specialties they should bring to relieve my homesickness. It can be seen that Li Shixin was not affected by the outside world, but very generously congratulated the domestic brothers and sisters. I also look forward to the men's 3m board diving event at the Tokyo Olympics, li Shixin can have a wonderful performance.

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