
Tizzy T intimidated the audience to "roll without listening", and the photographer finally expressed his opinion

author:Rap rap

Although this year's three rap variety shows have long ended, the development journey of rappers has not stopped here, many rappers have stepped onto a larger stage, and Evgeni participated in "Chasing the Light!" Brother", Ranzer sang "Lake Xiang Lingzi" in "I want to go to the Spring Festival Gala", and C BLOCK also brought "Jianghu Stream" to CCTV.

It's just that this year's offline performances are not smooth, and in the first half of the year, everyone stayed at home and had almost no chance to go out to watch the performance. In the second half of the year, also affected by the epidemic, some performances were forced to be suspended, which was not yesterday's highly anticipated MDSK Suzhou New Year's Eve Music Festival was also officially cancelled, I believe many friends who have purchased tickets are quite sorry.

Tizzy T intimidated the audience to "roll without listening", and the photographer finally expressed his opinion

But even some of the music festivals that were successfully held encountered many unexpected situations, such as some less pleasant vignettes in the Hainan LZ King International Cultural and Music Festival two days ago.

Tizzy T was the penultimate musician to appear, and the last one was a ghost. When Tizzy T introduced his album, there was a rushing sound from the stage, which provoked Tizzy T to reply on the spot: "My thirty minutes, you don't want to listen to you roll, why should I sing fast, inexplicably, don't want to listen to go."

Tizzy T intimidated the audience to "roll without listening", and the photographer finally expressed his opinion

Afterwards, Tizzy T also posted a Weibo on the matter, saying that "if you don't know how to respect others, then you don't deserve to be respected", although Tizzy T did not name names, but according to his response on the spot and on Weibo, it is likely that the little ghost fans are anxious to watch the idol performance and do not give him the respect he deserves.

Tizzy T intimidated the audience to "roll without listening", and the photographer finally expressed his opinion

However, the comment area of this Weibo has gradually evolved into a fan battle between Tizzy T and the little devil. Little Ghost fans believe that Tizzy T fans urged him to hurry up the album, and as a result, Tizzy T misheard "Sing Fast".

Tizzy T intimidated the audience to "roll without listening", and the photographer finally expressed his opinion

But this statement was not recognized by Tizzy T, who replied directly in the comment area: "Don't argue with me, I heard it wrong, I asked on the stage to confirm it." The little ghost fans were naturally not convinced, and gave Tizzy T a Boerco warning.

Tizzy T intimidated the audience to "roll without listening", and the photographer finally expressed his opinion

Some Tizzy T fans pointed out that some little ghost fans have "long ago" and constantly urged when watching Higher Brothers before. The photographer at the scene also said that he did hear someone shouting "Sing fast" at the scene.

Tizzy T intimidated the audience to "roll without listening", and the photographer finally expressed his opinion
Tizzy T intimidated the audience to "roll without listening", and the photographer finally expressed his opinion

At present, the truth of the matter seems to be undecided, and the situation of the two fans facing each other in the comment area is also happening from time to time. This is also understandable, after all, there are many people in the music festival scene, and it is still difficult to judge the real situation according to a video.

In major music festivals, fans do exist in order to see their idols early and then urge other musicians, and even some fans attack and insult their performance content because they do not know some rappers.

Tizzy T intimidated the audience to "roll without listening", and the photographer finally expressed his opinion

In April last year, a freestyle of little tigers at the music festival was called by an audience member as "entertaining himself freestyle a song to the audience, and it is estimated that no one in the audience can understand what he is singing."

Tizzy T intimidated the audience to "roll without listening", and the photographer finally expressed his opinion

After being blamed, the audience was still righteous and gave the little tiger the hat of a "rapper who can't walk up". In music festivals and platter performances, rappers like Little Tiger who are attacked by the audience are not in the minority.

Tizzy T intimidated the audience to "roll without listening", and the photographer finally expressed his opinion

Over the years, Chinese rap has indeed become better and better, and the audience has become more and more, but the chaos that has followed is not uncommon, and I still hope that when everyone watches the performance, they can have more respect and less hostility.

Tizzy T intimidated the audience to "roll without listening", and the photographer finally expressed his opinion

You can go to the show for your idols, but when other musicians take the stage, you may want to listen carefully to their music, and you may have unexpected gains.

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