
Fantasy Westward Journey: BUG in the mountain and river painting realm, the character is offline before death, and it can be re-challenged online

author:Waste but not waste

The meaning of the game is that it can bring people happiness, hello everyone, I am a junior, I share the gossip and interesting facts in the game with you every day.

The BUG that the mountain and river painting environment has not been changed, the character is offline before death, and it can be re-challenged online

Fantasy Westward Journey: BUG in the mountain and river painting realm, the character is offline before death, and it can be re-challenged online

Have you cleared the mountain and river painting realm? In Fantasy Westward Journey, the player's mountain and river painting gameplay has not yet been cleared. Blessed are this part of players who have not yet cleared the level, because there is also a bug that has not been modified in the current mountain and river painting gameplay, which can improve the success rate of everyone clearing the mountain and river painting gameplay.

The trigger condition for this bug is also relatively simple. If you feel that you can't beat the monster in the battle of the mountain and river painting gameplay, you can directly get off the number in this case. Wait until the battle is over before coming back online. After re-launching, the Mountain and River Painting Mission gameplay will not fail due to the death of the character, but can re-challenge the level, and those players who have not rushed up by the card level can hurry up to get it, maybe one day this bug above will be fixed.

There is a pop-up window of the geese array in the Tongtian River

Fantasy Westward Journey: BUG in the mountain and river painting realm, the character is offline before death, and it can be re-challenged online

In the bounty type task gameplay such as ghost catching tasks, treasure map tasks, and dart tasks, you may encounter a verification pop-up, and the character who triggered the verification pop-up window cannot do anything before canceling the verification pop-up, but the player above also triggered the verification pop-up window in the Tongtian River copy, is it planning to adjust the copy task again? Or is the verification popup of the player above actually brought over from the scene? The editor feels that the verification pop-up triggered in the Tongtian River quest has a high chance of being brought over during the scene battle.

Don't kill the monsters in the maze, some monsters have the right to belong, and they will be kicked if they are killed

Fantasy Westward Journey: BUG in the mountain and river painting realm, the character is offline before death, and it can be re-challenged online

Do you still brush the gang maze now? Now the rewards given in the gang maze are not as good as before, so some solo players have given up the gang maze gameplay, but the gang maze is still a quest gameplay that can get a lot of prop rewards for Wukai.

The monsters in the gang maze are not casual brushes, and there are many monsters in the gang maze that actually have the right to belong, and two teams that need to cooperate with each other can kill each other. Killing the wrong monster in the gang maze gameplay will result in kicking out of the gang at best, and may even cause a soul fight between the two teams.

The rewards of the new version of the check-in hoist are okay, and the 500-energy gourd can open diamonds

Fantasy Westward Journey: BUG in the mountain and river painting realm, the character is offline before death, and it can be re-challenged online

The multi-mission gameplay of the pocket version of the test area has been adjusted. Even the rewards you get when you check in have been adjusted. After checking in for the adjusted pocket version, you will get two hoists, both of which require energy to open. One of them even costs 500 energy points.

The player above tested the rewards that the check-in hoist can give. This player can open the gourd stone to get the diamond reward by opening 500 energy, so whether the reward is not bad, but who can guarantee that each of their gourds can get diamonds? Moreover, this is still in the test server testing stage, and the chance of going live may be reduced.

Are such people liars? Free glow-in-the-dark beads in the game

Fantasy Westward Journey: BUG in the mountain and river painting realm, the character is offline before death, and it can be re-challenged online

Xiaobian believes that some players should see the kind of people who give free diamonds, soul beads and other valuable props in Fantasy Westward Journey, and these people are not considered liars, because what the other party does has little to do with Fantasy Westward Journey, these people are generally doing software promotion. Those players who prefer to be greedy for cheap can try it to see if the software promoted by the other party is regular, as long as it is regular software, it will not be pitted after registration.

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