
Can't cucumbers be eaten casually? Doctor: These 3 types of people should usually eat as little as possible

author:Dr. Cheng said

Introduction: Summer is coming, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, this is the season for all kinds of fruits and vegetables to market, when it comes to seasonal vegetables, I believe that the first thing people think of is cucumber, cucumber eats crunchy, looks green, and makes people have an appetite.

Especially after a hard day outside, go home and take a plate of cold cucumbers, don't mention how comfortable, cucumbers are both vegetables and fruits, there are various cooking methods, very delicious, cucumbers in addition to the taste crispy and delicious, but also have extremely high nutritional value, which contains beneficial ingredients, water content can be as high as 98%, among them, vitamins, carotene, protein, calcium, iron and phosphorus and other trace elements can also be very beneficial to human health.

Can't cucumbers be eaten casually? Doctor: These 3 types of people should usually eat as little as possible

In this way, cucumbers do have a positive effect on human health, but did you know what? Although cucumbers are good, they are not suitable for everyone to eat like that, what are the specific benefits of cucumbers to the body, and who can't eat them? Let's take a look together.

What are the benefits of eating cucumbers regularly

Cucumber is a vegetable with high nutritional value, rich in a variety of vitamins and trace elements, so cucumber has great benefits for human health, roughly as follows:

First, it can effectively replenish water, for dry dehydration and heat stroke, supplementing cucumbers is a good protection of water.

Can't cucumbers be eaten casually? Doctor: These 3 types of people should usually eat as little as possible

Secondly, cucumbers are rich in vitamin C, which has the effect of improving human immunity and has anti-tumor effects and purposes, therefore, cucumbers have a certain good promoting effect on the increase of human immunity.

Third, cucumbers are rich in vitamin E, which can delay aging, fight excess oxygen free radicals in the body, and whiten the skin.

Fourth, cucumbers are rich in alanine, arginine and glutamic acid, which have a certain adjuvant therapeutic effect on liver diseases, especially liver fibrosis, liver cirrhosis, and alcoholic liver disease.

Can't cucumbers be eaten casually? Doctor: These 3 types of people should usually eat as little as possible

Can't cucumbers be eaten casually? Doctor: These 3 types of people should usually eat as little as possible

If there are some bad behavior habits, it may lead to the accumulation of imbalance in the body, affecting the normal function of the body, and will also cause excessive time, thereby increasing the burden on the body, for people with heavier things, it is not recommended to blindly eat a large number of cucumbers, because cucumbers contain certain seafood substances, which may be further aggravated in the human body, and the coldness of the body is not conducive to good health.

Can't cucumbers be eaten casually? Doctor: These 3 types of people should usually eat as little as possible

As the saying goes, ten people have nine stomachs, in recent years, more and more people suffer from stomach problems, which also makes people feel very worried, afraid that they will unknowingly suffer from stomach problems, if you also have gastrointestinal problems, it is best to eat less or not eat cucumbers, because people with poor stomach function may have spleen and stomach deficiency, and if they often eat cucumbers, it may further aggravate the spleen and stomach deficiency.

Can't cucumbers be eaten casually? Doctor: These 3 types of people should usually eat as little as possible

Most cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are generally very serious, although cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are almost all chronic diseases, but if you suffer from related symptoms, do not adjust and improve in time, over time it is easy to lead to abnormal physical function, damage to health, for those patients with heart disease, you should also try to eat less or not eat cucumbers, especially pickled cucumbers, because the salt content is relatively high, a large amount of consumption may increase the burden on the body.

Can't cucumbers be eaten casually? Doctor: These 3 types of people should usually eat as little as possible

Read more – What causes astringency in the mouth after eating cucumbers?

In fact, in daily life, people eat more than one kind of astringent food, most of the reason is the astringency caused by a special substance in cucumbers, this substance is tannins, tannins are a very astringent substance, can stimulate the tactile nerve endings in the mouth, produce a special sense of excitement, this feeling will make you feel astringent in the mouth, eat apples, persimmons, cherries and other foods, have this feeling, in fact, tannins stimulate our oral mucosa, causing sensory effects in our brain.

After eating tannins in the mouth, they will also react with saliva, producing water-insoluble sediment, which stays on the lips and forms a film on the lips, this film is the film left after you often eat cucumbers, in fact, these two substances will not cause harm to human health.

Can't cucumbers be eaten casually? Doctor: These 3 types of people should usually eat as little as possible

So the next time you eat cucumbers, you will have this feeling again, don't mistake it for pesticide residues, cucumbers themselves are a kind of food without calories that can help regulate the stomach, so it is recommended that people who lose weight or supplement vitamins can eat more vitamin-rich foods such as cucumbers and tomatoes.

What are the precautions for eating cucumbers

1. You can't eat cucumbers on an empty stomach

Cucumber is a benign food, has a good heat clearing effect, its nutritional value is very high, but not suitable for eating cucumbers on an empty stomach, especially people with a bad stomach, because eating cucumbers on an empty stomach may cause acid reflux, not good for the stomach, eat as a dish when eating, or eat a raw cucumber after a meal is no problem, do not eat too much cucumber on an empty stomach, so as not to cause stomach discomfort.

Can't cucumbers be eaten casually? Doctor: These 3 types of people should usually eat as little as possible

2. Cucumbers cannot be eaten with alkaline foods

Cucumbers contain a lot of trace elements, especially calcium, iron and vitamin C, which are very rich, these substances can help the health of cucumbers, but if these nutrients are affected by acidity, they will be greatly reduced, thus affecting the body's absorption of these nutrients.

In particular, alkaline foods contain a lot of acidity and are not suitable for eating with cucumbers, so usually eat cucumbers to pay attention to not eat foods that belong to alkaline foods, because this will not only affect the absorption of nutrients, but also produce some adverse reaction symptoms.

Can't cucumbers be eaten casually? Doctor: These 3 types of people should usually eat as little as possible

3. Eat cucumbers should not be excessive

Usually we eat cucumbers, must pay attention to the right amount, eat too much at a time too full, otherwise it will cause a certain burden on the stomach, if we eat too much nutritious food, it will also affect our own health, although the nutritional value is high, very green and natural, but also pay attention not to overeat, otherwise the most harmful is our spleen and stomach, cucumber is also a cold food.

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