
Explore Qin Shi Huang's contribution to China

author:Picking the wind Bai Xiaosheng

#历史开讲 #

Explore Qin Shi Huang's contribution to China

«——[Introduction·] ——»

Qin Shi Huang Huan Zheng (259-210 BC), surname Huan, Zhao clan, famous Zheng, also known as Zhao Zheng, Zulong, some people say that there is Lü Zheng. He was the son of King Xiang of Qin Zhuang and Zhao Ji. He was an outstanding politician, strategist, and reformer in ancient China, and was the first political figure to complete the unification of China, and the first monarch in China to be called emperor.

Huan Zheng was born in Handan, the capital of the Zhao state, and later returned to the state of Qin. He succeeded to the throne in 247 BC when he was thirteen years old. In 238 BC, Huan Zheng quelled the rebellion of Changxin Marquis Consort Yi, and then removed the powerful minister Lü Buwei, and from then on began to monopolize the government. During this period, he reused Li Si, Wang Chui, and others, and from 230 to 221 BC, he destroyed the six states of Han, Zhao, Wei, Chu, Yan, and Qi, completed the great cause of unifying China, and established a centralized unified multi-ethnic state, the Qin Dynasty.

Qin Shi Huang laid down the basic pattern of China's political system for more than 2,000 years, and was praised as "the first emperor of the ages" by the Ming Dynasty thinker Li Xian.

«——[·The significance of Qin Shi Huang's unification of China.] ——»

Before Qin Shi Huang, China was a divided state of seven princely states, with frequent wars and internal chaos. Through a series of wars, Qin Shi Huang finally brought all the princely states under his territory and realized the unification of China, which is a very important event in Chinese history.

He broke the situation of separation between princes and achieved unification, which brought China into a new historical period. Since then, Chinese history has entered an imperial era that lasted for more than 2,000 years, and China's unity and stability were guaranteed, which also laid the foundation for later historical development.

Qin Shi Huang prescribed a standard currency, copper coins, which were clearly defined in shape, size, weight and pattern. Qin Shi Huang also stipulated the face value and price relationship of copper coins, unified the issuance and use of currency, and facilitated commerce and transactions. It also stipulates a standard system of weights and measures, including length, weight, capacity and other aspects. This standard weights and measures system is universally adopted, making business and transactions more convenient and standardized.

Explore Qin Shi Huang's contribution to China

Qin Shi Huang managed and supervised the market, and set up a municipal supervisor to supervise the market order and the quality of goods. This helps protect consumer rights and promote business prosperity and social stability. And the implementation of the small seal script, this kind of writing is standardized, concise, suitable for text engraving and printing, conducive to information dissemination and commercial exchange. Qin Shi Huang also prescribed standard glyphs, strokes, and constructions, unifying the specification and use of writing.

In addition, he also built many great projects, such as the Great Wall and the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, which are not only political symbols, but also outstanding representatives of Chinese culture and technology. The construction of these projects also provided important materials and references for later historical and cultural development.

Explore Qin Shi Huang's contribution to China

Qin Shi Huang built the Great Wall, the main purpose of which was to defend against the invasion of northern nomads and strengthen the country's defense capability. The construction of the Great Wall is not only a political symbol, but also an outstanding representative of Chinese culture and technology, which has played a role in promoting the development of ancient Chinese military and construction technology. The Great Wall has also become an important symbol and symbol of Chinese culture and history, and is one of the most famous tourist attractions in China.

The Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor is one of the largest and most magnificent mausoleums in Chinese history and an outstanding representative of ancient Chinese architecture. The mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang was built not only to house the bones of Qin Shi Huang, but also to show Qin Shi Huang's majesty and dominance, and to show his majesty and ruling power to future generations. The construction of the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor also provided important materials and references for later historical and cultural development.

Explore Qin Shi Huang's contribution to China

«——[·Political Reform of Qin Shi Huang·] ——»

Qin Shi Huang established a centralized system, abolished the system of separating princes, and divided the country into 36 counties, which were directly administered by the central government. This system promoted China's political and social stability, laying the foundation for later unification and centralization.

In addition, a county system has been established throughout the country, official posts such as county guards and county orders have been established, power relations between the central and local governments have been established, and local management has been strengthened.

Qin Shi Huang also implemented the system of equal fields and unified writing and weights and measures, redistributed land to the common people, and strengthened fiscal revenue and agricultural production capacity. Qin Shi Huang promulgated the "Qin Unified Character Law" and the "Qin Weights and Measures Law", which stipulated that the whole country should use the same script and weights and measures, and unified the country's standards and norms.

Explore Qin Shi Huang's contribution to China

Qin Shi Huang established a bureaucratic system throughout the country, established official positions and hierarchical systems at all levels, selected talents and management officials, and strengthened the management and control of the central government. A bureaucratic system was also introduced, with official positions and hierarchical systems established to select talent and management officials. This system provides norms and standards for China's political and social management, and promotes the prosperity and development of China's politics and culture.

The Qin Law and Qin Decree promulgated by Qin Shi Huang regulated social order and codes of conduct. This legal system unified China's legal and political system and promoted social order and civilization progress. This is the first national system of laws and regulations in Chinese history, regulating social order and codes of conduct. At the same time, to ensure compliance with these laws throughout the country, Qin Shi Huang also introduced an administrative trial system, in which the central government directly manages the trial process.

Explore Qin Shi Huang's contribution to China

Qin Shi Huang unified the criminal law throughout the country, abolished the criminal law and punishment methods in various places, established relatively severe punishments and systems, strengthened the crackdown and punishment of criminal acts, and maintained public order. The implementation of the state-monopoly salt and iron monopoly system, controlled the circulation and production of salt and iron, stabilized the price of salt and iron, standardized the development of market economy, and laid the foundation for later economic development. Qin Shi Huang implemented the household registration system throughout the country, stipulating that everyone must have a household registration, and carry out registration and management. This system ensures government control and management of the population and enhances social and political stability.

The implementation of these laws and policies unified China's legal and political system, laid the foundation for China's political, economic and cultural development, and had a profound impact on China's historical and social development.

«——[The Great Construction of Qin Shi Huang ·] ——»

Qin Shi Huang built the Great Wall connecting the northern frontier, which strengthened and protected the northern border of China. One of the largest and most far-reaching mausoleums in Chinese history, the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor is the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang. The mausoleum is large in scale and engineering, and is known as the "Eighth Wonder of the World".

Explore Qin Shi Huang's contribution to China

He also built a large number of roads and canals to connect the various regions, facilitate government management and military movements, and also help promote economic and cultural exchanges. and the construction of many palaces and mausoleums, including Xianyang Palace, Lintao Palace, Yuanji, Huaqing Pond, etc., which show the power and wealth of Qin Shi Huang.

Qin Shi Huang built many water conservancy projects throughout the country, including irrigation channels, reservoirs and water gates, which increased land production and improved people's living conditions. The construction of these projects not only improved the people's lives and promoted economic and cultural development, but also embodied the ruling philosophy and grandeur of Qin Shi Huang, and had a profound impact on Chinese history and culture.

However, Qin Shi Huang's large-scale construction projects required a lot of labor, so he recruited a lot of manpower and material resources from various places, which had a certain impact on the civil life at that time. Some peasants, handicraftsmen, etc. were requisitioned to work on construction sites for several years, which brought difficulties to their production and life.

In order to raise funds for construction, Qin Shi Huang implemented a series of tax policies, which increased the burden on the people. Not only that, a large amount of materials are needed in the construction process, and the production and life of merchants and handicraftsmen are also affected in the process of requisitioning materials.

Qin Shi Huang's construction work also had an impact on Chinese art. He paid attention to scale and momentum, and innovated in architectural style and decoration, reflecting the style and characteristics of the Qin state. These influences had a certain impact on later architectural and artistic developments.

Explore Qin Shi Huang's contribution to China

Qin Shi Huang's construction projects, such as the Great Wall and Qin Mausoleum, demonstrated Qin Shi Huang's authority and sense of unity, enhanced the people's sense of national identity and patriotism, and also laid the foundation for later centralized power.

In short, Qin Shi Huang's construction project brought difficulties to the production and life of the people to a certain extent, but at the same time promoted certain economic and cultural development, and strengthened the unity and national identity of the country.

«——[·Qin Shi Huang promotes Legalism.]——»

Qin Shi Huang was one of the important reformers and unifiers in Chinese history, and he promoted Legalism and implemented it in all aspects of the country, which had a profound impact on Chinese history and culture.

Explore Qin Shi Huang's contribution to China

Qin Shi Huang implemented a centralized system, strengthened the power of the central government through the implementation of Legalism, and implemented unified legal, administrative and economic management, laying the foundation for China's national unification. Control and management of the people has been strengthened through the enactment of a series of legal provisions. He took legal norms as the basis for maintaining social order, not only severely punishing corruption, embezzlement and various illegal and criminal acts, but also formulated policies with rewards and punishments as the core, making the legal system more complete and effective.

Qin Shi Huang implemented a standardized system in administration, including currency, weights and measures, writing, etc. These standardization systems not only unified domestic management, but also facilitated future foreign trade.

An important purpose of Qin Shi Huang's implementation of Legalism was to strengthen the country's economic strength, promoting economic development and social progress through the implementation of the land system, the reclamation of wasteland, the promotion of agricultural technology, and the construction of water conservancy projects.

Explore Qin Shi Huang's contribution to China

While promoting Legalism, Qin Shi Huang also promoted the inheritance and development of culture. He built some important cultural buildings, such as the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor and the Terracotta Army, and also advocated and implemented a series of cultural policies, such as the collection, compilation and publication of books, which played a role in promoting the development of Chinese culture.

Qin Shi Huang's implementation of Legalism had a profound impact on Chinese history and culture, and promoted China's political, economic and cultural development and progress.

«——[·Summary·] ——»

Qin Shi Huang was an outstanding statesman and military strategist in Chinese history, and one of the important figures in the unification of China. During his reign, he implemented a series of reforms and measures, making important contributions to the development of China's political, economic, cultural and social systems.

Explore Qin Shi Huang's contribution to China

Politically, Qin Shi Huang implemented the centralized system and Legalist thought, strengthened the power of the central government, implemented unified legal, administrative and economic management, strengthened the control and management of the people, and laid the foundation for the development of China's political and social system.

Economically, Qin Shi Huang promoted economic development, implemented the land system, reclaimed wasteland, popularized agricultural technology, built water conservancy projects and other measures, promoted economic development and social progress, and laid the foundation for China's economic development.

In terms of culture, Qin Shi Huang advocated and implemented a series of cultural policies, such as the collection, compilation and publication of books, and built important cultural buildings such as the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang and the Terracotta Army, which played a role in promoting the development of Chinese culture. In addition, Qin Shi Huang also built important projects such as the Great Wall and Lingqu, defended the country's territory and developed agricultural production, and promoted the development and progress of science and technology in China.

Qin Shi Huang was a great unifier and reformer in Chinese history, who made important contributions to China's unification and development through a series of reforms and measures, and had a profound impact on Chinese history and culture.

Explore Qin Shi Huang's contribution to China


  1. Book burning and Confucianism from the perspective of the Confucian-French controversy[J]. YANG Meiyuan. Journal of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University (Social Science Edition), 2012(06)
  2. On the martial spirit of Qin culture[J]. Cai Zhizhong; Maminda; Nie Jing; MAO Haiyan. Journal of Tianshui Normal University,2012(03)
  3. A brief discussion on the reasons for the demise of the Qin Dynasty[J]. YU Hailan. Journal of Fujian Institute of Socialism, 2012(02)
  4. On the inevitability and contingency of the demise of the Qin Empire[J]. CHEN Xiaonan. Journal of Jixi University,2012(04)

[5] It is also said that the first emperor of the ages "Qin Shi Huang"[J]. CHEN Pengyun. Modern Reading (Education Edition), 2012(07)

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