
Sauce fragrant wine became popular because it would tell stories for advertising? In fact, relying on these 3 points, the strength fights the world!

author:Kikuko gastronomic cuisine

Recently, many bloggers have always attributed sauce fragrant wine to the third category when mentioning the road to the revival of baijiu. The first category: classic wine, such as Fenjiu, has a long history, the second category: sales wine, such as Niulanshan erguotou, and the third category, storytelling, advertising wine, is sauce fragrant wine. This is actually very unfair for sauce and fragrant wine.

Sauce fragrant wine became popular because it would tell stories for advertising? In fact, relying on these 3 points, the strength fights the world!

Although the aroma of wine is not afraid of the deep alley, today's liquor market, that has no advertising, that has no story, for sauce fragrant wine, the real popularity, people rely on strength, especially these 3 points, but also strength to beat the world!

First, exquisite craftsmanship

Sauce fragrant wine became popular because it would tell stories for advertising? In fact, relying on these 3 points, the strength fights the world!

Compared with the fragrant liquor, the sauce liquor has to go through: the process of 12987, which requires 9 times of steaming alone, and also ensures the integrity of grain. And take the wine 7 times, each time the taste is different, but also to mix and store, it takes a year to produce a good wine, looking at the entire liquor industry, the sauce fragrant wine craftsmanship is the most exquisite.

Second, the hard cellaring time is 3 years

Sauce fragrant wine became popular because it would tell stories for advertising? In fact, relying on these 3 points, the strength fights the world!

3 years, for a liquor, can lose a lot of opportunities in the popular market, and this time, or stipulate the minimum cellaring time, this time of sauce fragrant wine, aldehydes fully volatilized, the taste is not killing, not spicy, taste, sauce fragrant wine is also very advantageous.

Third, the price is real

Sauce fragrant wine became popular because it would tell stories for advertising? In fact, relying on these 3 points, the strength fights the world!

It is said that the price of sauce fragrant wine is expensive, but it is equivalent to labor costs, cellaring time discounted, calculated, about 100 yuan sauce fragrant wine has almost no profit, but in order to ensure the taste, it is still necessary to do some drainage. Therefore, at present, on the market, the drainage model of about 100 yuan, the collection of sauce and fragrant wine: good taste, low price, resistant to storage.

Sauce fragrant wine became popular because it would tell stories for advertising? In fact, relying on these 3 points, the strength fights the world!

Therefore, sauce fragrant wine can be recognized by everyone, popular, and whether there is a story has little to do with it, do not advertise, but also rely on word of mouth and strength to win the market, such as these 3 sauce fragrant wine, are low-key strength.

(1) Tan Wine 1935

Sauce fragrant wine became popular because it would tell stories for advertising? In fact, relying on these 3 points, the strength fights the world!

Tan wine is an old brand of sauce and fragrant wine, no story, no advertising, that is, good reputation, good taste, smooth entrance, the aftertaste in the mouth takes away the obvious burnt feeling, the entrance is smooth and not spicy, the price is less than 100 yuan, such a wine to start, very cost-effective, and the price is real.

(2) Steamed Tai Kunsha wine

Sauce fragrant wine became popular because it would tell stories for advertising? In fact, relying on these 3 points, the strength fights the world!

The price of this wine is not expensive, more than 100 yuan, but kilograms, converted to less than 100 yuan. But it won't be cheap because the taste is cheap. Steamed Tai Kunsha wine comes from loose wine, and has sufficient inventory and cellaring life. When you buy this sauce wine, the quality you get is more than 100 yuan? The opening of the lid is stuffy for a long time, the pouring of wine is endless, and the hops are very beautiful. Especially the entrance reduces the killing taste, and the entrance is smooth and does not burn. This kind of wine to start with, whether it is ration wine or storage, is very cost-effective.

Steamed Tai Kunsha 1L Brewed Guizhou Sauce Fragrant White Wine 53 Degrees High Bulk Original Pulp Pure Grain Wine ¥168 Purchase

(3) Wang Shaobin wine

Sauce fragrant wine became popular because it would tell stories for advertising? In fact, relying on these 3 points, the strength fights the world!

Wang Shaobin wine as the strength of the sauce wine, really make this wine famous, is the brewer, Mr. Wang Shaobin is known as "Moutai paving people", as the deputy director of Moutai, led Moutai to win the Panama International Cocktail Club medal, but also brewed Wang Shaobin's old wine, completely replicate the aroma and taste of Moutai, smooth entrance, full of Mao aroma, the same root and origin of the taste experience, is indeed very good, more full than other sauce fragrant wine, the soft sweetness of the tail fragrance has also become particularly prominent because of long-term cellaring.

Every wine, or something new, always has to carry some gossip, but as long as you have strength, these are not to be afraid!