
What are the benefits and disadvantages of eating spicy food often to the body? Some people try to avoid eating spicy, you may wish to understand

author:Dr. Cheng said

Introduction: In life, many people often go out to eat spicy dishes, such as spicy pot, hairy blood, chopped pepper fish head, etc. Chili peppers seem to dominate the Chinese table, which has gradually become a dietary trend, however, some believe that spicy foods can harm their health, while others believe that eating spicy foods in moderation is beneficial to their health.

What are the benefits and disadvantages of eating spicy food often to the body? Some people try to avoid eating spicy, you may wish to understand

How does it feel to eat spicy

In life, the taste of sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty and miscellaneous is the highlight of life, sour, sweet, bitter and spicy food represents five tastes, however, for people's feelings, sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty taste is completely different, especially spicy, this is actually a pain, this sentence makes many people believe.

What are the benefits and disadvantages of eating spicy food often to the body? Some people try to avoid eating spicy, you may wish to understand

The essence of spiciness may be "pain", there is no such spicy feeling at all, in addition, spicy causes a stress response, the human body secretes a large number of hormones to resist the attack of spicy, at the same time, it makes the brain produce some pleasant feelings, making people feel uncomfortable, but "can't stop".

What are the benefits and disadvantages of eating spicy food often to the body?

Chili peppers are rich in nutrition and have a variety of health functions, and peppers are rich in vitamins.

In chili peppers, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, carotene, folic acid and other vitamins are included, peppers also contain minerals such as calcium, iron and dietary fiber, although peppers are nutritious, they also have important medicinal properties.

What are the benefits and disadvantages of eating spicy food often to the body? Some people try to avoid eating spicy, you may wish to understand

First: a small amount of eating chili peppers can keep warm and drive away cold, chili peppers are spicy and spicy, so if stomach cold patients stagnation, cold hands and feet, bloating and pain, they can eat chili peppers appropriately to help warm and drive away cold.

Second: chili pepper also has the effect of strengthening the spleen and appetizing, if the patient has indigestion and loss of appetite, the correct consumption will help strengthen the spleen and appetize, but should not eat too much, so as not to affect the gastrointestinal tract.

Third: Green peppers are rich in vitamin C, vitamin C can convert excess cholesterol into bile acids, thereby preventing gallstones, people with gallstones should eat more green peppers rich in vitamin C, which has a certain effect on alleviating the disease.

What are the benefits and disadvantages of eating spicy food often to the body? Some people try to avoid eating spicy, you may wish to understand

Fourth: It can promote blood circulation, it has a good effect on improving the intravascular environment and heart function, it can accelerate blood circulation, promote human metabolism, the effect is very good.

First: It is easy to cause inflammation, resulting in yin deficiency and fire, causing mouth ulcers, sore throat, blurred vision and discomfort.

From the perspective of Chinese medicine, chili peppers are spicy, and if you eat too much chili pepper, it will cause heat to accumulate in the body, which can easily lead to a high incidence of canker sores.

What are the benefits and disadvantages of eating spicy food often to the body? Some people try to avoid eating spicy, you may wish to understand

Second: it can cause redness and blurred vision in the eyes, because eating too much chili pepper will cause inflammation of the liver fire, affecting the eyes, manifested as blurred vision, decreased vision, and red and swollen eyes.

Third: easy to cause hemorrhoids and blood in the stool, due to the hot nature of pepper, it is easy to cause intestinal dryness, which will lead to a high incidence of constipation and blood in the stool.

Fourth: it can lead to a high incidence of digestive diseases, because the pepper itself has a strong stimulating effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa, and if you eat too much, it can easily lead to a high incidence of gastritis, gastric ulcer, enteritis and intestinal ulcer.

What are the benefits and disadvantages of eating spicy food often to the body? Some people try to avoid eating spicy, you may wish to understand

Fifth: It is easy to lead to obesity and overweight, because pepper has a good effect in stimulating taste buds and improving appetite, it is easy to lead to excessive intake of other foods, resulting in excess energy, resulting in a high incidence of overweight and obesity.

Some people try to avoid eating spicy

The capsaicin contained in chili peppers can accelerate blood circulation and make the heart beat faster, which is not conducive to the recovery of patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and if you continue to eat a lot of spicy food in a short period of time, it may even lead to acute heart failure.

People suffering from chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, esophagitis and other gastrointestinal diseases should not eat spicy food, under the stimulation of capsaicin, the gastric mucosa will be hyperemia, edema, and even erosion, thereby aggravating the condition, at the same time, the rapid increase in gastrointestinal peristalsis can lead to diarrhea and other problems, affecting the recovery of digestive function.

What are the benefits and disadvantages of eating spicy food often to the body? Some people try to avoid eating spicy, you may wish to understand

In fact, canker sores are not a disease, it is usually caused by a lack of vitamins, even if measures are not taken, it will be better for a while, but it is better not to eat hot food when suffering from mouth ulcers, because ulcers are very sensitive to hot, salty, sour, bitter and other tastes, eating chili peppers will cause more pain, and the wound will heal slowly.

Do not eat chili peppers during pregnancy, because chili peppers are easy to catch fire, resulting in sores on people's tongues, capsaicin will affect gastrointestinal function, affect the absorption of nutrients, and is not conducive to the healthy growth of the fetus; Eating chili peppers in lactating women after childbirth can affect the nursing baby and increase the baby's internal heat.

What are the benefits and disadvantages of eating spicy food often to the body? Some people try to avoid eating spicy, you may wish to understand

Stimulation of capsaicin leads to increased gastric acid secretion, which may cause the gallbladder to contract, leading to spasm of the biliary sphincter, resulting in difficulty in excreting bile, which in turn may lead to cholecystitis, biliary colic, and pancreatitis.

People with kidney disease are also not suitable to eat peppers, because the capsaicin in peppers needs to be excreted through our body's kidneys, if you eat too much peppers will affect the cells of the kidney parenchyma, thereby affecting the body's kidney function, in severe cases, it may also lead to changes in kidney function, and even kidney failure.

What are the benefits and disadvantages of eating spicy food often to the body? Some people try to avoid eating spicy, you may wish to understand

Patients with hyperthyroidism have a relatively fast heart rate, after eating chili peppers, their heart rate will increase, they will feel flustered, and the symptoms will be more obvious, so for patients with hyperthyroidism, peppers should also be avoided as much as possible.

"Nine hemorrhoids in ten people", although hemorrhoids are common, but not serious, but hemorrhoids patients can not eat spicy food and need to avoid eating, because the capsaicin in chili peppers can irritate patients, more likely to have congestion and edema, and aggravate the severity of hemorrhoids.

What are the benefits and disadvantages of eating spicy food often to the body? Some people try to avoid eating spicy, you may wish to understand

If you have eye problems such as pink eye, keratitis, and other eye diseases, do not eat chili peppers, Chinese medicine says that eating more chili peppers can easily aggravate this disease.

The capsaicin in cayenne peppers can affect important therapeutic effects, so if you are taking Chinese medicine, you should avoid eating chili peppers, peppers, and other spicy and harsh foods, which may lead to a recurrence of the disease.

What are the benefits and disadvantages of eating spicy food often to the body? Some people try to avoid eating spicy, you may wish to understand