
Genshin daily activity has dropped significantly for the first time! Why is this game not popular?

author:King Lin Mo explained

For Genshin's popular mobile game, I believe that even if someone has not played it, they have heard about it in various ways. What "cultural output", "TGA awards", "offline linkage", and a large number of fan creations have made this originally niche two-dimensional game burst out of the circle.

And Genshin has also won countless fans since its launch on September 28, 20, with its beautiful and sophisticated game graphics, exquisite character characters and free play, not only has its popularity been growing, but also won a total of $4 billion in the wallets of players around the world! But behind the infinite scenery of the game Mihayou, a potential crisis has quietly emerged.

Genshin daily activity has dropped significantly for the first time! Why is this game not popular?

Recently, Genshin's latest daily active data has been newly released, but surprisingly: the number of daily active people in this game plummeted by 1.37 million in February, not only the third decline since Genshin was launched, but also the largest decline!

Genshin daily activity has dropped significantly for the first time! Why is this game not popular?

Data for February 23

Isn't it normal for many people to say that the game has fallen and gone up every day? But I can responsibly tell you that Genshin's daily life decline this time is very abnormal!

Because if you look closely at the data of Genshin's first two daily declines, you will find that this number is very small. The first time was down 20w, and the second time was down 10w. But this time it fell by a full 137W, which is four times the total number of people who fell in the previous two times! So the first two times were normal floats, and this time there must be other factors that caused players to have the idea of retreating and unloading.

Admittedly, Genshin has many advantages in this game, but does he have fewer shortcomings?

It's hard to draw cards

In the shipment probability section, Genshin left other mobile games far behind with an amazing probability of 0.6%! Although the planning has increased the so-called 90-draw guarantee mechanism, in fact, when the player ships for the first time, there is a probability of distorting the character! If this happens, only by continuing to draw cards will you definitely play the role you want next time. So players usually need to prepare 180 draws for their favorite characters.

Genshin daily activity has dropped significantly for the first time! Why is this game not popular?

It's hard to get white

Although Genshin claims to be a free-to-play game, in fact, the planners are everywhere "forced" players to pay kryptonite. Because each draw costs 160 rough stones, but in-game quest rewards and exploration rewards are very small. Completing all daily missions only gives you 60 rough stones, while most of the treasure chests opened by the Great World Exploration are only two pitiful, and only a very few will give 5 or 10 rough stones.

Genshin daily activity has dropped significantly for the first time! Why is this game not popular?

Krypton gold is expensive

At this time, some people will refute, the quality of Genshin's game is so high, and the threshold for free, players do not charge money, do game companies drink northwest winds? This is indeed true, but the original god's krypton gold path is also too expensive! 1 yuan = 10 rough stones, a 648 is only forty draws, in most cases can not produce a five-star character! If you're unlucky, you'll have to prepare 4 648 or 2592 yuan to get your favorite character!

Genshin daily activity has dropped significantly for the first time! Why is this game not popular?

It's hard to grow

When you finally draw your favorite character, there are bigger and more pits waiting for you! First of all, each five-star character has its own exclusive five-star weapon, and only by adding specialized weapons can the role of the character be maximized. However, the weapon pool is even more difficult to get out of than the character pool, because although he draws a guaranteed five-star at 80, he will be crooked at most twice, and it will only come out on the third time! Do you think this is the end of it? That's underestimating the planners of Mihayou 985.

Because each character has its own life seat, drawing the same character will transform into one life seat, up to six layers. And each layer of life seats will greatly improve the functionality of the character, and even change the gameplay mechanics! Including weapons can also be refined with the same weapon, up to five layers. In this way, if you want to train a role, the average cost is 22,000 yuan, which is not a situation of double guarantee. Therefore, the original god can not move, and there are hundreds of thousands of players in krypton gold!

Genshin daily activity has dropped significantly for the first time! Why is this game not popular?

The player base is chaotic

The reputation of Genshin itself has been very polarized, but some of its player groups are still "recruiting". Because Genshin focuses on two-dimensional painting style, and most of this group of players are on the low age and do not have mature three views, but they like to elevate the games they play while surfing the Internet.

For example, the topic of "Genshin copied Zelda", the two players have been arguing endlessly. In fact, Genshin does have Zelda's shadow on many gameplays, even if the word plagiarism is difficult to hear, but it is certainly not too much to borrow. It is a pity that the small number of players of Genshin is completely indiscriminate, belittled Zelda in major platform forums and elevated Genshin, resulting in a bad impression on many passers-by who do not play games.

Genshin daily activity has dropped significantly for the first time! Why is this game not popular?

Genshin and Zelda comparison chart

The most fundamental problem

However, although the above problems have an impact, they are tolerable and ignored for most white players. And this group of white players is the group that accounts for the largest proportion of the original gods. However, is Genshin really fun? When players are new to the game, they may be attracted to the open-world theme; You may be caught by the two-dimensional painting style. But after playing for a long time, you will find that Genshin is essentially a single-player game, but you have to put on the skin of an online game!

Genshin daily activity has dropped significantly for the first time! Why is this game not popular?

This is because Genshin's gameplay content is limited, and the production team does not have the energy to develop more maps and scenes, and even the main body of the game has not been completed until now! Therefore, in order to maintain the player's daily life, a large number of "Hades Maps" and "Hades Treasure Chests" began to be produced. It takes players a lot of time and effort to invest in it, only to end up with some rough rewards for mosquito legs.

In fact, some players really love the game Genshin, and they are successfully planned to stay. But more players do not have so much good impression and reluctance for Genshin, so when their game experience drops significantly, they can only choose to retreat and uninstall. After all, games are for people to play, not people to be played!