
Three girlfriends in 5 years: Why is a single old man so pretty?

author:Little Monster of Shanghai
Three girlfriends in 5 years: Why is a single old man so pretty?

Teacher Bao, I am your loyal fan Jinqing, today to share the story of a relative.

His wife died of illness 5 years ago. Next, he interacted with 3 women, each of whom wanted to marry him, but he did not want to marry. At present, there is still an aunt following him...

The relative, named Yu Jian, is 59 years old and serves as deputy section chief of the security department of a third-class hospital. Yu Jian is tall, can speak the Tao, is funny and humorous, and has a good popularity.

Yu Jian's knot-haired wife, Zhang Jing, was very beautiful when she was young and worked within the system. After many years of marriage, the husband and wife have a strong relationship, and the two have a daughter.

Later, Zhang Jing suffered from cancer and underwent a major operation, leaving serious sequelae after the operation and unable to take care of herself. Yu Jianqi was greedy early and took care of his wife wholeheartedly. A few years later, Zhang Jing died.

At Zhang Jing's funeral, Yu Jian wept silently in pain. Everyone knows that the two husband and wife have deep feelings, and they are worried that Yu Jian will not be able to survive. Subsequently, relatives and friends often visited Yu Jian and advised him to cheer up and look forward.

Half a year later, a woman walked into Yu Jian's life. Her name is Zheng Yuhua, 51, and she works as a dormitory administrator at a private school. Zheng Yuhua's husband died in a car accident a few years ago, and one son has started a family.

Zheng Yuhua is of ordinary shape, after all, he is a 50-year-old person. But she is enthusiastic, outgoing, pays more attention to the image, and always cleans herself up.

She liked Yu Jian very much, and went to clean and cook for Yu Jian every three to five minutes. Soon, the two people lived together and got along very harmoniously.

Yu Jian also seems to be satisfied with Zheng Yuhua, and will buy her some things when she is paid, and also take her to see relatives and friends.

Some relatives once asked Yu Jian privately when he planned to remarry, but Yu Jian took care of him. So people stopped asking.

In the spring of 2018, Yu Jian's daughter gave birth to her second child and wanted to hold a full moon feast.

Zheng Yuhua was very happy after knowing this, and immediately proposed that Zhang Luo buy gifts and accompany Yu Jian to the banquet. Yu Jian said, "It's not appropriate for you to go to the meeting, you're still at home!" ”

Zheng Yuhua was taken aback, so he asked Yu Jian: "I have seen all your relatives and family, and I have a good relationship with everyone, and we will get married sooner or later, why are we afraid that I will see people now?" ”

Yu Jian swallowed and couldn't say why. Zheng Yuhua asked angrily, "Do you really plan to marry me?" Yu Jian was silent.

In the end, it was Yu Jian who went alone to attend his grandson's full moon feast. Because of this incident, there was a gap between Yu Jian and Zheng Yuhua, and after several quarrels, they separated.

Not long after, Yu Jian met his second girlfriend, Chen Li.

Chen Li, 54, a factory worker, divorced at an early age and raised her daughter alone.

Chen Li is gentle and virtuous, industrious and capable, and her cooking skills are very good. After living with Chen Li, Yu Jian ate several pounds of weight. Yu Jian is sometimes impatient, and Chen Li can tolerate it like a spring wind and rain.

Soon, relatives and friends knew about Chen Li's existence.

Chen Li's daughter has become a family, has two children, and is living a very happy life, and the economic conditions of the in-laws are OK. Chen Li herself is very frugal, a very traditional woman, and her personality is also very good, which is very suitable for living a life.

Relatives in the New Year, Yu Jiandu took Chen Li, and Zheng Yuhua did not have such "treatment" before. Everyone is very optimistic about Chen Li and feels that yu jian is very likely to marry her.

But unexpectedly, Yu Jian and Chen Li broke up after nearly two years of living happily.

It turned out that Chen Li was unwell for a while, and the examination results were not optimistic, it was a tumor, and the probability of deterioration was very large.

After learning of the situation, Yu Jian quickly proposed to break up and gave Chen Li 50,000 yuan as compensation.

Yu Jian's desperation surprised Chen Li. You know, the two years of cohabitation have always been Chen Li's careful care of Yu Jian's diet and living. And now, just because Chen Li checked out the condition, Yu Jian immediately abandoned her.

Chen Li was sad and humiliated, but there was no way but to take the money and leave.

Later, Yu Jian told his relatives that he was not completely emotional, but he really did not want to take care of patients anymore.

Three girlfriends in 5 years: Why is a single old man so pretty?

After separating from Chen Li, Yu Jian met Jiang Yun again.

Jiang Yun is 46 years old, fair-skinned, and better looking than his previous two girlfriends. Jiang Yun's husband was arrested for organizing gambling and sentenced to prison, and the two divorced, and a son and a daughter followed Jiang Yun to live.

Jiang Yun did not have a stable job, she had tried to do business before, but failed, had to work everywhere. Fortunately, the husband left a house, and Jiang Yun did not live on the street.

For Jiang Yun, Yu Jian obviously prefers and is more willing to pay. He first looked for a relationship and introduced Jiang Yun to a relatively stable and easy job. Usually, he also gives Jiang Yun pocket money from time to time, and also buys a new mobile phone for Jiang Yun's son who is studying at university.

Yu Jian's daughter did not like Jiang Yun and felt that she was too clever and not suitable for life. Yu Jian knew his daughter's attitude, but he was still with Jiang Yun.

Later, Yu Jian's daughter wanted to buy a school district house for a key primary school. The amount of provident fund loans is limited, and the down payment ratio is high, requiring more than 800,000 yuan. The small two families only have a deposit of more than 100,000 yuan, and the daughter's in-laws gave 400,000 yuan. Yu Jian loved her daughter heartily, and not willing to show weakness, she also took 400,000.

Jiang Yun knew that Yu Jian gave his daughter 400,000 yuan, and his heart was very unhappy: "You said that we would get married." Now you give your daughter so much money, and when I marry you, I and the children follow you to drink the northwest wind? ”

Yu Jian patiently explained that the original Zhang Jing was a staff member of the system, and after his death, the unit issued a pension of more than 100,000 yuan, and the provident fund withdrawn was also more than 100,000. After Zhang Jing's funeral, Yu Jian gave the two sums of money to his daughter, but the daughter did not want it, saying that he would keep it for the elderly.

Yu Jian believes that the two sums of money should have been her daughter's, and she only kept them on her behalf. Yu Jian, on this one child, as a father, is very reasonable to add some more on the basis of this money.

The more Jiang Yun listened, the angrier he became, thinking that Yu Jian had not considered himself at all. Moreover, Yu Jian's explanation, in Jiang Yun's view, is a show off - the original Zhang Jing has a formal job, but he has no job.

Yu Jian felt that he was more than ten years older than Jiang Yun, so he coaxed Jiang Yun and promised to hand in his salary card after marriage. But Jiang Yun was not satisfied, she said, want to get married, to add the house to her name. In this regard, Yu Jian resolutely disagreed.

The two quarreled over this, and Yu Jian was also annoyed, saying: "Why do you want to compare with Zhang Jing, which point can you compare?" Besides, she gave birth to me. Your two children, I am willing to help raise it is good, but you still worry about the house? ”

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Yun was so angry that he lost control, immediately smashed his home, and rushed over to scratch Yu Jian's face. Enraged, Yu Jian threw Jiang Yun out of the house.

Originally, Yu Jian had the heart to marry Jiang Yun, but because of the money and wealth, Yu Jian was unwilling to marry Jiang Yun.

After a period of cold war, Jiang Yun couldn't stand it. Leaving Yu Jian, her life is very tight - her salary is only less than three thousand a month, and her son has to live on 1,000 yuan per month.

Over the years of divorce, Jiang Yun has also tried to find a man, hoping to support her and her children, but the basics she encountered are particularly greasy and annoying.

Yu Jian is not young, but the feeling of Jiang Yun is not greasy, and it is very comfortable to get along with. He wasn't rich, but he didn't have much of a burden. Moreover, his own salary is not low, but stable.

Thinking about it, Jiang Yun decided to try to get along with Yu Jian again. Just in time, the son called and said that he wanted to change a computer, and Jiang Yun had no money, so he contacted Yu Jian.

Of course, Yu Jian was reluctant to Jiang Yun, and immediately went down the steps and quickly transferred the computer money.

After the two reconciled for a while, Jiang Yun asked about getting married, and Yu Jian said to wait. But Jiang Yun demanded: either get married as soon as possible, or give her the salary card first, and choose one of the two.

Regarding Jiang Yun's requirements, Yu Jian did not choose any of them. The two were once again deadlocked.

Just at this moment, Chen Li suddenly contacted Yu Jian. She told Yu Jian that her disease was cured, and the tumor was removed before it worsened, and the chance of recurrence in the short term was small.

The two contacted for a while, and Yu Jian missed Chen Li's meekness and thoughtfulness, and wanted to reunite with her.

Therefore, Yu Jian proposed to Jiang Yun to break up. Jiang Yun was very unwilling, crying for a few days, and finally, Yu Jian gave Jiang Yun 20,000 yuan, and the relationship ended.

At present, Yu Jian and Chen Li live together, plain and uneventful, and neither of them mentions marriage.

Outsiders speculate that Chen Li is definitely willing to get married, and those who don't want to get married must be Yu Jian. But the real thoughts of the parties in their hearts, no one knows...

Three girlfriends in 5 years: Why is a single old man so pretty?

Everyone may think that Yu Jian is a bit of scum, chaotic and abandoned, irresponsible, but think about it carefully, he is just a person around us. If he is your relative, then you may also support him to do so, and the three girlfriends he is in a relationship with, you are not so in favor of marriage.

Therefore, instead of accusing Yu Jian of being so scummy, it is better to analyze why he is so pretty, which requires summarizing some laws from his three girlfriends.

First of all, the traditional concept makes many single women always want to have a complete family.

Many women do not worry about life, but out of traditional considerations, they are reluctant to be single, hoping to have a man who knows cold and hot around them, be a companion, and talk.

In addition, some people in society are not so kind to single women, and there is a word "orphan and widow", behind which is bitterness. If it had not been for too much criticism and humiliation, there would have been no such thing as the word "pitiful at first glance".

Like Zheng Yuhua and Chen Li, this is the case, do you say that they need Yu Jian's help raising children? No; can't they feed themselves? Nor is it. However, they still feel that without a companion, they lack the main heart.

Therefore, when they meet men who are over-eyed and the conditions are not too bad, they are not picky about anything. However, it is precisely because there are too many women who hold this mentality that Yu Jian's "floating" up.

In fact, although there are men in society who are very good to women, more men still need women to take care of them, rather than taking care of women. And the kind of men who are good to women, often the woman's age is much younger, the appearance is also a little better, for example, in the three girlfriends, Yu Jian is obviously much more concerned about Jiang Yun.

Second, some single women really need men to help them raise their children.

Some women have limited earning capacity, and once divorced or widowed, they face the problem of not being able to support themselves and their children; even if they can barely support themselves, their lives are very poor. In this case, they naturally have to look for men with relatively good conditions, and they are very purposeful.

For example, Jiang Yun, the reason why she is willing to commit to Yu Jian, who is older than herself, is that she hopes that the other party will give them a decent life with their mother and son, and can pull the child into adulthood. Therefore, she not only has to pay for Yu Jian for her mother-in-law, but also has her eyes on his house - although she also has a house, she has to plan for her children!

Whether Jiang Yun can achieve their wishes depends on their charm and whether men are shrewd. However, the existence of Jiang Yun undoubtedly makes Yu Jian's choice room bigger, and he can find a younger girlfriend with better appearance and body.

Of course, except for a small number of men who are thick or slightly weaker in game ability, the average man is very shrewd, and in response to the psychology of Jiang Yun, they just throw out a small bait, do not move the granary, and then keep fishing...

Third, how can a single woman become a sought-after commodity?

Just at 1 o'clock in the morning today, a female friend is still complaining to me, she wants to break up with her boyfriend, but this 985 master's degree, a man with a decent job, Lai does not leave her home, good words, is to hope that she marries him.

Her boyfriend is higher than the male protagonist of this article, Yu Jian, B grid is higher than an Oriental Pearl. Even so, she still did not look at him, but just held the psychology of trying it out.

In fact, after this friend's divorce, there are many men chasing her, as long as she promises to be whose girlfriend, the other party will soon propose, and she is scared away!

This friend has many advantages, such as being beautiful; such as spiritual independence; such as strong work ability... But in the final analysis, it comes down to two words: money!

If a man stares at a woman's money and wants to take it for himself, it may not be the truth. But it is an indisputable fact that more and more men do not want to marry a cold family woman.

A man confided in me the truth: I don't spend women's money, but I don't want to help the poor, and I can't tire myself into a dog because of the matter in the lower body. If you have the money and don't want me to bear anything, then I'm willing to do licking dogs, whoops...

Regardless of men and women, you try to make some money, and your spirit is more independent, in order to occupy the initiative in marriage and love; otherwise, you are very passive. This is not a pleasant thing to say, but it is a harsh reality.

Otherwise, you just shoot a brick in the bag, and you can't change anything!

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