
Entertain male love beans, when love is ongoing?

Friends, there is a love melon in Neiyu again.

On February 24, some media exposed Zhai Xiaowen's relationship and released a video of him holding hands with a girl. As soon as the news came out, it immediately appeared on Weibo hot search, attracting the attention of many people.

Of course, for many netizens, the name Zhai Xiaowen is relatively unfamiliar, and most of them are eating melons.

In case everyone doesn't know him, ten pieces first give everyone a popular science about who Zhai Xiaowen is.

According to the data, Zhai Xiaowen is a former member of the male singing group R1SE, and after the group was disbanded, his work content was mostly variety shows and acting, and even won the big IP "Heavenly Official Blessing".

OK, the science is over, and then let's talk about his love melon.

For a former idol, the "lethality" of love to fans is not too large, and after taking a look at the relevant comment area, the mental state of fans is still stable.

Interestingly, I thought that this was another "no one casualties" melon, but I didn't expect that the development of things began to become interesting, because the object of Zhai Xiao's scandal is suspected to be actor Zhou Yutong.

Zhou Yutong, although he is not a small flower, but there are many film and television masterpieces with a strong reputation, such as "The Great Song Youth History", "I am very good in another country", etc., plus I have a good personality, so there are many passers-by fans.

It is worth noting that Zhou Yutong has worked with many actors who have participated in delayed dramas, so she was once called "a woman passing by from a delayed drama".

If this scandal is true, then she is too close to the drama, right?!

To get back to business, judging from the video released by the media, in fact, the woman's face was not photographed, but it could not stand the fire eyes of netizens, and the same hair color to the same style were all peeled off.

In addition, netizens also turned into "CP experts" and found more clues:

For example, Zhou Yutong is listening to Zhai Xiaowen's songs, there are photos of the two in the refrigerator sticker, and the online posting time card points to the man's birthday 5.28...

To insert a sentence here, about the refrigerator sticker photo, the TV series "Love Only" starring Zhou Yutong spoke out, saying that "the refrigerator sticker is an oolong incident".

There were several hot searches, and related TV series also responded, but the staff on both sides did not say a word.

In addition, there is a very careful and terrifying thing, some "paparazzi" released screenshots of netizens' private message submissions, the content is probably to let the "paparazzi" take pictures of Zhai Xiaowen and Zhou Yutong, and the first time mentioned was in April last year.

I don't know if I don't look, but I am shocked when I look at it, and the "station sister" in front really knows too many things.

Since I wrote this, it is also necessary to mention the opportunity for the two to get to know each other.

Last year, Zhai Xiaowen and Zhou Yutong participated in the variety show "We in the Beginning of the Workplace - Forensic Season". If the information in the screenshot of the chat is true, did the two know each other for a long time?

Of course, it's okay for young handsome guys and beauties to fall in love. But if you are in love, even if it is not announced, I hope not to set up some strange characters, otherwise it will be quite embarrassing to be picked up at that time.

Previously, when Zhai Xiaowen participated in a variety show, he said, "I don't need love. It might be needed, but I don't have any idea of that at all right now, and all my security is in my career."

Many people may not know that these two shows have been broadcast at about the same time, and their attitudes have changed quite quickly...

In addition to Zhai Xiaowen, Ten Pieces found a thing, and now there are many love melons among the inner entertainment idols, and they feel that they are either in love or on the way to love.

For example, Zhai Xiaowen's former teammates in R1SE, Yan Xujia and Xia Zhiguang, the "gossip girlfriends" of these two are Zhang Zifeng and Zhong Lili respectively.

Note: After the relationship was exposed, they did not officially respond, so they still called them "gossip girlfriends"

Although they are both love melons, the current situation of these two pairs seems to be a little different, according to the "paparazzi" revelation, Zhang Zifeng and Yan Xujia were still together last year, and their relationship is relatively stable; Xia Zhiguang and Zhong Lili have broken up.

If you look further forward, Huang Zitao and Gu Jiacheng, who have debuted for a long time, have also been exposed several times.

On Gu Jiacheng's side, the gossip girlfriend ranged from a well-known Internet celebrity to an actress, but she didn't respond positively once;

On Huang Zitao's side, the gossip girlfriend is stable, and has always been its artist Xu Yiyang, but while denying it, he has been photographed many times, whether they talked or not, it can be regarded as a big mystery in internal entertainment.

In addition to them, Duan Xingxing, Yao Mingming, Li Wenhan, Ding Zeren, Lin Yanjun and other idols who have participated in the draft have also been exposed to romance.

As the saying goes, when you see a cockroach on the surface, there are already countless cockroaches in the back. It's not good, most of the love beans in internal entertainment are really when love is in progress.

Many years ago, netizens could still argue for days and nights on the question of "whether idols can fall in love", but now there are all kinds of ways to "love beans collapse the house", giving netizens a "numb".

Therefore, falling in love is no longer a big deal, and many fans can accept it calmly.

Another very important point is that for some fans, their idols only expose one girlfriend, and if no other girlfriends stand up and release the hammer, they are already going to "burn high incense"...

(End of full text)

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