
Nine taboos to eat

author:The head of the old king of the Three Gorges
Nine taboos to eat
Nine taboos to eat
Nine taboos to eat

One should not overeat. Excessive eating, exceeding the digestive capacity of the gastrointestinal tract, will reduce stomach function for a long time.

Second, don't eat too fast. Eating too quickly, saliva cannot be fully mixed with food, which is not conducive to digestion.

Three taboos distraction. Do not read books, newspapers, TV, computers, play mobile phones or talk and laugh loudly during meals, otherwise the blood obtained by the digestive organs will be relatively reduced.

Four taboo soup and rice. Soaked rice or food, due to the increase in water volume, will wash away gastric juice, if you swallow it without chewing, it is difficult to digest.

Five taboos to eat hot rice. Eating hot rice can easily burn the mucosa of the mouth, esophagus and stomach and cause inflammation. Over time, it may also cause cancer in the esophagus and stomach.

Six taboos partial food. People's nutritional needs are multifaceted, and long-term consumption of a single food will cause different degrees of nutritional deficiencies.

Seven taboos drink plenty of water before meals. This will increase the burden on the stomach, dilute gastric juice, and affect digestion.

Hachitaboo despises breakfast. Eating too little or no breakfast can cause consumption to exceed storage. Over time, symptoms such as dizziness, palpitation, and memory loss may occur.

Jiu Ji was emotional when eating. When eating, the stimulation of bad emotions can inhibit the normal secretion of digestive glands through the cerebral cortex, causing digestive and absorption dysfunction.