
"The Great Wave of Sand": "Taking History with People" is the core of the artistic structure of the whole play

author:The Paper

The Paper's reporter Gao Dan

The TV series "Big Waves and Sands" recently held a seminar in Beijing. From the perspective of Mao Zedong's "Great Representative", this work starts from the main contradictions in Chinese society after 1919 and sorts out the context of party history from 1919 to 1945.

At the seminar, the participating experts believed that "Big Waves and Sands" is a group portrait drama, each character image plays a key role in the final presentation of the series, and "taking history with people" is the core of the artistic structure of the whole play.

"The Great Wave of Sand": "Taking History with People" is the core of the artistic structure of the whole play

Stills from "Big Waves and Sands"

Director Jana Shahati introduced, "At the beginning of the preparation of "The Great Wave of Sand", we determined the principle of taking people to lead history, implementing characters and history into a specific dramatic situation, and following the characters from the beginning. Not only simply combing the trajectory of the fate of the characters, but also triggering the audience's thinking, so that the audience can more truly feel that the generation of communists explored a revolutionary road that conforms to China's actual conditions in the bloody rain and wind, such an initiative is not an easy task. ”

Li Jingsheng, vice president of the China Federation of Radio and Television Social Organizations, pointed out that the novelty of "The Great Wave and the Sand" is that the discrete aggregation of people and the ups and downs of fate are the main narrative lines, and some of the 13 representatives in the play have sacrificed, some have fallen behind in the middle, some have been confused and wandering and finally returned, some have betrayed and left, and some have persisted to the end to see the final victory. Through the fate of these characters, the great waves of the revolutionary process are expressed, and the choice of faith and the choice of fate are intertwined, so that this work has greater historical significance and dramatic tension. This also fits the name of the TV series: any society is progressing in the process of continuous differentiation, the road of revolution and construction of the Chinese nation must not be a smooth road, the revolution is a big wave of sand, only when the sand is finished, the gold will come out.

"The Great Wave of Sand": "Taking History with People" is the core of the artistic structure of the whole play

Literary and art critic Zhong Chengxiang believes that the life of the 13 representatives shown in the play contains poetry, brings out the philosophy of life, and through the different life trajectories taken by a major representative, reveals the law of the establishment and development of our party and the law of the development of human society, combines personal choices with the call of the times, and rises from art works to the height of philosophy. "The Great Waves and Sands" explores at the height of the philosophy of life, mobilizes the perception and thinking of contemporary youth, and produces a unique ideological penetration and artistic shock.

In addition to the innovation in content, in terms of narrative, the screenwriter and director also spent a lot of thought: 13 representatives of the activity trajectory in different regions, the story is scattered in different historical periods, the processing of gathering and scattering chooses the parallel montage technique of the image, emphasizing the important life moments of each representative, the key moments of revolutionary history and party history, and the unique arrangement and editing of what happened in different regions in time and space, and how the ancestors responded. For example, the establishment of communist groups in various places, the difficulties and dangers they encountered, through the logic of the matter, unfolded in parallel montages, which made the spiritual vision of this work very grand on the whole, and increased the sense of depth and unique aesthetic perception of the grandeur of history.

"The Great Wave of Sand": "Taking History with People" is the core of the artistic structure of the whole play

Contemporary youth perspectives

Dai Qing, a professor at the School of Drama, Film and Television of the Communication University of China, analyzed the perspective of contemporary young people in the play, and he believes that the difficulty of this clue is that although it has a very strong needle-piercing lead effect, it may also bring a sense of acceptance and dissociation, affecting the audience's entry into the play. This perspective proved necessary, and its narrative function was unique. In the case of information leakage, chen Qihang, a contemporary young man, can connect the events with a single sentence, four or two thousand pounds. Through Chen Qihang's intervention, the audience can not only see a major representative, but also understand how Chen Qihang reads and interprets the history of the party, forming a dialogue relationship between multiple time and space and across time and space, and better stimulating the understanding of the audience outside the screen.

"The Great Wave of Sand": "Taking History with People" is the core of the artistic structure of the whole play

Kang Wei, editor-in-chief of China Art News, believes that the narrative perspective of Chen Qihang, the narrator of the story, conforms to the aesthetic characteristics of contemporary young people and realizes the linkage between history and reality. The 40 episodes of "Big Waves and Sands" cover the history of nearly 30 years from one to seven majors, using the perspective of students in a new era to recount history and make videos, which can be freely flashed and moved in historical time and space, and can be cut and combined according to the needs of the narrative, which is conducive to breaking through the limitations of historical time and space, and greatly saving narrative ink.

Where Chen Qihang talked, the TV series can be collected where it is, where it is unfolded, and a sentence can stick to different time and space; from another point of view, Chen Qihang communicated the TV series and reality, and the network video was published on Weibo, interacting with netizens, reflecting the youthful state and youthful state. The most important thing is that the young perspective of this drama does not only reflect the lookback of a young person, but also has a youthful texture in itself, and that generation was indeed in their youth when the Communist Party was founded. Kang Wei said.

Editor-in-Charge: Zhang Zhe

Proofreader: Yan Zhang

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