
Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

author:Wan 㚥

Tetsu Watanabe was also a famous movie star in Japan's popular youth films in the 1960s.

Tetsuya Watanabe was born in Hyogo Prefecture in 1941, his real name is Michihiko Watanabe, he has a younger brother named Watanase Tsunehiko, is also a famous Japanese actor, known as the king of mystery drama.

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Tetsuya Watanabe entered the Faculty of Economics at Aoyama Gakuin in 1960.

Tetsuya Watanabe also joined Nikko Company in his fourth year of university by hiring a partner role for the famous movie star Ruriko Asaka.

In 1965, Tetsuya Watanabe first starred in "Nonsense Knight Road" directed by Isamu Kosugi, and then starred in "The Verdict of Youth", winning the 1965 Productions Association Newcomer Award, and in the seven years of Nikko, he performed an average of about 10 films per year, becoming one of the stars of Nichiho.

In 1966, Tetsuya Watanabe starred in Tokyo Exile directed by Kiyoshun Suzuki, which is one of his masterpieces.

In 1976, Tetsuya Watanabe won the Best Actor Award for "Daily Movie" and the Blue Ribbon Award for his outstanding performance in "Rogue Graveyard Gardenia" directed by Shinji Fukasaku.

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Tetsuya Watanabe later joined ishihara Film Studios, and a few years later, he became vice president of the company.

After the death of Yujiro Ishihara, the former president of Ishihara Corporation, Tetsuya Watanabe took over as the second-generation president of Ishihara Corporation.

In 2011, Tetsuya Watanabe received a small order of the Rising Sun in the name of the Emperor of Japan.

Tetsuya Watanabe's life was full of twists and turns, and tribulations and setbacks were always with him.

He was handsome, tall, brilliant and resourceful...

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Some people say that he is the leader of the rare people, and some people say that he is an outlier in the crowd...

Tetsuya Watanabe's evaluation of the outside world has always been a smile and will not comment.

"Everyone has their own way of life."

Tetsuya Watanabe is a maverick man, and his stubborn and rebellious personality is brought out of the womb of the mother...

"Life is patience, and patience can get the greatest results."

Although Tetsuya Watanabe is very stubborn, he is patient everywhere in his daily life and does not fight for a while.

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

"I'm going to try to save myself, and I'm the real winner when I laugh until the end."

Tetsuya Watanabe's life is full of patience and perseverance, he compromises while persevering, and he completes one dream and ambition after another in a patient way.

Tetsuya Watanabe's life experience is more wonderful and bumpy than any other work he has shot.

He said that he was a very bad man at key moments, but he always inadvertently did things that no one else could do.

He often said that his health was not very good, but he was a big name in the Japanese art world.

Tetsuya Watanabe is also a household name in Japan, and his status is unshakable...

Tetsuya Watanabe's life is a thick novel.........

Teenagers rebel against patriarchy

Tetsuya Watanabe's original name was Michihiko Watanase, (for convenience, hereinafter referred to as his stage name, Tetsuya Watanabe) Father was originally working at hitachi Corporation, working in the Quartermaster Department during the war, and opened a suit shop to do suit business after the war, and his family was well-off.

Tetsuya Watanabe's father was a very stubborn father, he was very strict with his son's education, and he was famously reluctant (meaning Japanese learning) father, and both brothers (Watanase Henghiko) grew up under the scolding of their father.

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

When Watanabe was in high school, he decided to rebel against his father's dictatorial policies!

Tetsuya Watanabe's so-called rebellion was that he often skipped class, wore a red shirt to drink in bars, smoked cigarettes, and often fought in groups, and finally one day, he was suspended from school.

Although Tetsuya Watanabe's father was very angry, this time he did not scold his eldest son, but wrote a long letter to Tetsuya Watanabe.

In his letter, Tetsuya Watanabe's father advised him to focus on his studies and not to gamble and ruin his future, and promised that as long as Michihiko Watanase could be admitted to a prestigious school, he would never scold him again.

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

After reading the letter, Tetsuya Watanabe felt that he had won, and he knew that he could no longer toss and turn like this, so he decided to go to school, study well, and strive to be admitted to a prestigious university in Tokyo.

This letter from his father to him is still preserved in Tetsuya Watanabe.

Through his unremitting efforts, Tetsuya Watanabe was finally admitted to the "Aoyama Gakuin" of Tokyo's prestigious university with excellent results.

Torashi also studied economics at Aoyama Gakuin.

"Qingshan College" is the most difficult to test in economics, and almost every year it is one out of a hundred...

"What does it mean to take a good test?"

This is what Tetsuya Watanabe said after he became famous...

He is a man who is born to love to gnaw on "hard bones".

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Such a man is destined to have a different life.

Tetsuya Watanabe's father also kept his promise, and from then on, his freedom was never restricted.

"My eldest son has Huigen, as long as he is willing to work hard, he will definitely achieve success in the future!"

It is said that the Son of Knowledge is not the Father!

Watanabe also met his younger sister Toshiko during college, and the two talked very well and often chatted together.

Born into a medical family, Toshiko is a good girl in the middle of showy wisdom, she loves Tetsuya Watanabe very much, and thinks that he has manhood and is an excellent man.

Although Tetsuya Watanabe thinks that Toshiko is a very good woman, he always feels that he lacks passion with her, so he does not particularly want to marry her.

Karma will enter the film world

Tetsuya Watanabe and Toshiko only had a short time dating, and he entered the Nissho company as an actor due to a coincidence.

According to Tetsuya Watanabe himself

It was my brother (Tsunehiko Watanase) and his friend who used my name to report it, and I didn't want to go, but my friend said that Yujiro Ishihara was at Nissho Company, and you could meet your idol. I listened to this before I decided to interview the actor.

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

The president of Nikko Pictures took a fancy to the tall and handsome Tetsuya Watanabe at first sight, tried to persuade him to join the company and become a professional actor, and said that he wanted to make him the new Yujiro!

Tetsuya Watanabe didn't want to be an actor, but when he heard that if he acted seriously, he would get fifteen thousand yen, so he agreed to it.

The company's upper echelons asked him to change his stage name to Tetsuya Watanabe, and he agreed without even thinking about it.

So, the name Tetsuya Watanabe followed him throughout his life.......

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Tetsuya Watanabe worked hard to finish the scene, and he managed to get fifteen thousand yen, and he did not use the money on himself, but used all the money to invite guests to dinner.

He is a lord who likes to make friends and does not care about money.

Watanabe also made many new friends at Nissho, and they all later became Tetsuya Watanabe's followers.

He is indeed a different man... "

Originally, Tetsuya Watanabe planned to leave Nikko Company after making a movie, but he has not been able to find a job, and in the face of the cruelty of reality, he chose to stay in Nikko to make movies.

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

As a newcomer actor, Tetsuya Watanabe says hello to his predecessors every day when he eats in the cafeteria, which is the unspoken rule of the Japanese art world...

But none of the seniors at that time looked down on Tetsuya Watanabe, who was still a student, and of all the people, only Yujiro stood up to respond to him, which made Watanabe grateful and tearful.

Tetsuya Watanabe and Yujiro Ishihara happened to be on the same birthday, and they later collaborated on many plays together in the company, and Yujiro took good care of Watanabe at work, and they formed a deep friendship.

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Later, when The Ishihara Company founded by Yujiro was about to go bankrupt, Watsujiro resolutely gave up everything and joined his company, and fought for the rest of his life.

Wataru is also an excellent man, he also likes beautiful and moving women, which is a common disease of men...

When Watanabe was old, he once recalled Ichiichi

"Since I entered the Daily Live Film Company, I have been shocked, there are a lot of beautiful women here, oh, look at it, I can see it with my eyes."

After Tetsuya Watanabe joined the Nikko Company, he read and filmed while filming, and his relationship with Toshiko became more and more distant, and they were divided and merged, intermittently...

The goddess is heartbroken for love

Known as the national goddess of Japan, Yoshinaga Sayuri was born on March 13, 1945 in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan, and is a Japanese actress.

When Yoshinaga was in the 6th grade of elementary school, she starred in the TV series "Akatsuki Suzunosuke".

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Since 1960, as the "signature actress of Nichihara", she and Mitsuo Hamada have set off a whirlwind in the Japanese film industry.

In 1962, for her performance in the movie "Street with an Iron Furnace", she won the Blue Ribbon Award for Best Actress.

In 1985, "Station in Heaven", "Hua Rebellion" in 1989, "Nagasaki Walking Song" in 2001 and "North Zero Year" in 2006) won the Japan Film Award for Best Actress.

Yoshinaga's little lily is like a flower like jade, her eyes are like water, her skin color is like snow, her posture is light, and her speech is gentle...

Who can not love such a girl?

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Although Tetsuya Watanabe and Yoshinaga Sayuri are in the same company, they have not been able to see each other because of their different plays.

1966 Because Koyuri's partner Mitsuo Hamada accidentally injured his eye in Nagoya, the company decided to replace Hayata with Tetsuya Watanabe, who had been filming, in the new film "Record of Love and Death", and cooperate with Yoshinaga Koyuri to play a couple.

Wataru also knew the good name of Sayuri in the company for a long time, but he had never had the opportunity to meet, and now he could get along with the goddess of the people day and night, and his heart was as sweet as eating candy.

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

"This girl is so soul-destroying when she falls asleep!"

Tetsuya Watanabe felt that every minute and second of being with Xiao Lily was a pleasure...

And during the filming with Tetsuya Watanabe, Xiao Lily also gradually fell in love with this handsome and handsome man.

The two of them just sparked love...

Tetsuya Watanabe breaks up with Toshiko, and he falls in love with Yuri.

Wataru has also said one thing to people

"Little Lily is not only the national goddess, but also the goddess in my heart!"

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Yoshinaga Sayuri also loves Tetsuya Watanabe, and they often date in the Dojo room, and everyone around them knows that they are in love.

Tetsuya Watanabe and Sayuri want to get married and have children early, so Sayuri takes Tetsuya Watanabe to her house to meet her parents.

But unexpectedly, Xiao Lily's parents are also very dissatisfied with Wadochy and firmly oppose their marriage!

The reasons for their objections are one by one

"This man is so eye-catching, the daughter married him, and she will suffer in the future!"

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Because her family was poor since childhood, Xiao Lily had gone out to shoot dramas since she was a child, and her parents were in charge of all her life, so Xiao Lily was very afraid of her parents, and she could only repeatedly plead with them to agree that the woman was with Wadzhe herself.

Unfortunately, Lily was never able to convince her parents to agree to their marriage.

In love, Watanabe sometimes wants to ask Yuri to hang out, but it is always Yuri's mother who answers the phone.

"She can't come today!"

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

The phone is always hung up like this...

Tetsuya Watanabe wanted to follow is what Yujiro Ishihara did and eloped to the United States with Yujiro Ishihara to get married, but Sayuri was afraid of ruining his reputation and did not have the courage to grant his request.

Tetsuya Watanabe is very sad and troubled by this...

He always drank alone when there was no drama...

Wataru also sometimes complains with friends, complaining about why Sayuri always doesn't side with him, and saying that he wants to call and ask About Sayuri's marriage.

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Two years have passed, and Lily still hasn't convinced her parents....

The days dragged on for a long time, and Lily was about to be tired and tired!

One day, she asked Tetsuya to come out and tell him one by one

"I can't marry you, so be it!"

Tetsuya Watanabe and Yoshinaga Sayuri broke up like this!

The two of them fell in love for two years, and it ended in such a tragic way!

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Since then, neither Tetsuya Watana nor Yuri has revealed their past to the outside world, and no one knows how they felt at that time.

Perhaps we can get a little sense of what he felt in his heart from the lyrics of Tetsuya Watanabe's famous song "Gardenia"


I heard that now you are emaciated and haggard,

The ring on the finger will also loosen.

The fragrance of gardenias and the rain of gardenias,

Stayed with me until the end of the journey.

Gardenia - white flowers,

It is your incarnation.

You that day, like a child,

Speaking willful words makes me embarrassed.

Differences in the rain,

Until now

It still hurts my heart,

It is your incarnation

Originally a little happiness,

Long gone.

Whenever you see gardenias,

There will always be a lonely smiling face.

It's your incarnation.

Holding hands with first love promises the future

Eight years have passed...

Since toshiko broke up with Tetsuya Watanabe, she has not married anyone, and she is still waiting for Tetsuya Watanabe.

Watanabe also felt that Toshiko had been waiting for her for eight years, and if she did not get married at this juncture, she would be very sorry for the woman.

If you don't get married, you can have a future, so does Toshiko have a future?

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Tetsuya Watanabe decided to marry Toshiko.

Tetsuya Watanabe later said one by one

Toshiko has been waiting for herself for eight years, and I don't want to fail her anymore! “

Watanabe has also been let down by others, and he knows the pain of being let down, so he doesn't want to live up to Toshiko's obsession with him anymore.

Tetsuya Watanabe and Toshiko are getting married.

But toshiko's family also disagrees, they think that Tetsuya Watanabe and Toshiko broke up four times, and this man is not strong.......

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

In March 1971, 29-year-old Tetsuya Watanabe and 28-year-old Toshiko went to Hawaii, where they were married alone.

Tetsuya Watanabe has a straight suit and is personable.......

Toshiko was dressed in a wedding dress, shyly bowing her head...

They had their wedding in a chapel in Hawaii, USA...

In the presence of the priest, Toshiko and Toshiko each swore an oath to form a voluntary marriage, and the two shared happiness and hardships and never separated.

"The groom can now kiss the bride!"

The priest blessed them before God with their heads in old age...

Tetsuya Watanabe kissed Toshiko's face lightly...

Toshiko laughed shyly...

Major Japanese television stations broadcast the whole process of Tetsuya Watanabe's marriage to Toshiko.

Tetsuya Watanabe's public kiss of her bride caused an uproar in Japan at the time...

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Japan is a more conservative and traditional country, and to this day the bride and groom do not kiss in public at the wedding scene.

And Toshi also did this in the 70s, which was definitely a very awkward thing at the time.

Everyone was talking about it, and relatives and friends were dumbfounded...

Tetsuya Watanabe's father did not expect that his eldest son would be so open.

Tetsuya Watanabe and Toshiko were both educated in the United States, and they didn't care what others thought.

Getting married, embracing and kissing, having nothing to do with people...

What is even more incomprehensible is that after marrying Tetsuya Watanabe, the eldest son, he actually did not live with his parents, but lived a two-person world with his wife.

This is another big thing to do...

In Japanese society at that time, after the eldest son got married and married, he had to live with his parents, otherwise he would be considered filial piety by the public, then this person was an immoral person, and his work prospects would be greatly affected.

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

"In order to honor your parents, you would rather treat your wife as a passerby."

Back then, Tetsuya Watanabe's younger brother, Tsunehiko Watanabe, divorced and remarried because his mother did not like Reiko Ohara.

Wataru is not his younger brother, he is born anti-bone, does not play cards according to the routine...

"Go your own way and let others say go!"

He has his own pride...

It is said that when Sayuri learned the news of Tetsuya Watanabe's marriage, she cried bitterly and said that she regretted it!

In 1973, Yoshinaga Saiduri married Taro Okada, a tv asahi executive who was 15 years older than herself.

All sufferings follow, never abandon!

Tetsuya Watanabe and Toshiko's life after marriage was not smooth, it should be said that there are more times when things are not going well, and there are fewer times when they are too peaceful.

The year after they married, Tozhe also contracted pleurisy and was hospitalized for two months during filming.

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

When Tetsuya Watanabe first entered the hospital, he burned very badly, and after treatment, he still did not get better.

Mrs. Toshiko felt that the hospital where Tetsuya Watanabe lived was not good, so she went to her uncle (the director of the Tokyo Metropolitan Hospital) and asked for a transfer, and with the help of her uncle, Tetsuya Watanabe was smoothly transferred to to to-do Inuchi Hospital for further treatment.

When Tetsuya Wataru was transferred to the Dunai Hospital for examination, the doctor found that his lungs were already full of water, and if he was late, he would be in trouble!

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Watanabe also stayed in The Tokyo Hospital for two months, and Mrs. Toshiko took good care of him every day until Tetsuya Watanabe recovered and was discharged from the hospital.

In 1973, when Tetsuya Watanabe starred in the filming of the Ōkawa drama "Katsukai Boat", he fell ill and was hospitalized, so that the protagonist was temporarily changed, which was the only temporary change of protagonist in the Japanese Okawa drama.

"I'm sick, I'm not going to be a man this time, I'll do it next time."

The Japanese attitude of "hanging on to their lives" is also ineffective against Tetsuru Wataru...

He was a man who knew how to protect himself.

For the next nine months, Todateru repeatedly fell ill and was hospitalized until the beginning of '74, when their son was born.

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

1974 was a year of mixed sorrow and joy for Tetsuya Watanabe and his wife, when Tetsuya Watanabe fell ill and was hospitalized, and his son came into this world.

The arrival of his son made the new father Tetsuya excited...

Tetsuya Watanabe decided to work hard for his wife and son so that they could have a better future.

"I want others to see if women will suffer if they follow me!"

Tetsuya Watanabe has never forgotten the words of Yoshinaga's parents...

At the beginning of 1974, Tetsuya Watanabe sang the song "Gardenia" that broke through the million mark and successfully appeared in the 1974 Red and White Song Festival.

Unfortunately, he did not sing better songs for various reasons.

Join Ishihara to the best of his ability

Soon after his marriage, Watanabe left Nissho Company and went to Yujiro Ishihara with all his savings of 1.8 million yen and asked to join his company.

At that time, Ishihara Company was on the verge of bankruptcy due to excessive investment in filmmaking, and owed a billion yuan in foreign money.

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Yujiro only received Tetsuya Watanabe's affection, but did not dare to grant his request, for fear of ruining Tetsuya Watanabe's life, but in the end he was touched by Tetsuya Watanabe's sincere sincerity, and the two decided to work together to work together to revive ishihara Company.

Tetsuya Watanabe gave up everything he had to join ishihara, which was about to go bankrupt, which really required double courage.

In Japan, a person enters a company and retires until the company goes out of business...

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Until now, many big business owners in Japan insist that loyalty is more important than ability!

However, Tetsuya Watanabe fired his boss, which seemed like a "traitor" at the time.

In 1979, it was a police drama filmed by the famous Japanese actor and singer Yujiro Ishihara. The series was well received and followed by a second and third sequel. The cast is strong, starring Tetsuya Watanabe, directed by Yujiro Ishihara, and the cast in the sequel continues to expand, and in the second part, Japanese youth idol Yukazu Miura joins, which can be called "Ishihara Legion".

Tetsu Watanabe also stabilized his operations with Yujiro at Ishihara Corporation in filming "Metropolis" and "Western Police" and a series of blockbusters.

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

During this period, Ishihara Company filmed the cross-era significance of "Western Police", which was filmed three times in a row, with a total of more than 200 episodes, and a total of 2,000 people participated in the performance.

When "Western Police" was broadcast in Japan, it reached the point of being empty!

Police officer Keisuke Daimon, starring Tetsuya Watanabe, also became a hero in the hearts of a generation of young people at that time.

And the team he led was called the "Ishihara Army" by the Japanese...

Du Zhe is also a well-deserved regimental commander, a leader...

"I want to make the Ishihara Legion the strongest legion in Japan's art world!" ”

The "Ishihara Army" was united and stable under the leadership of Tetsuya Watanabe, and this legion became the strongest legion in the Japanese art world.

The members of the Ishihara Legion are willing to get close to Tetsuya Watanabe and keep a distance from the president, Yujiro Ishihara.

Tetsuya Toru finally has a team of his own, he gradually matures, sophisticated...

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

The Ishihara Company had two factions, the Kobayashi Masahiko faction that had originally followed Yujiro, and the newly joined "Ishihara Legion" Tetsuya Watanabe faction.

Both factions are fighting for their own interests, working together but conflicting with each other.

Yujiro Ishihara strives to reconcile the contradictions and problems between the two factions.

Toratsu also chose to be patient and persevering, and he carefully defended the interests of the company.

To say that Tetsuya Watanabe's filming of the TV series "Western Police" is really not tolerated...

Wataru also recalled one by one

"I was born timid, but 'Western Police' is an action scene, there are gun battles every day, explosion scenes, I feel a lot of fear every day, but every time I have to complete this role, I don't know how to do it?" 」

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Yujiro Ishihara died of liver cancer on July 17, 1987 at the age of 58 due to his long-term busy work and lack of attention to his health.

The year after Ishihara's death (1988), Tetsuya Watanabe became the new president, and Masahiko Kobayashi became his deputy.

The two factions are still working hard together...

However, behind this unity there are hidden worries...

Husband and wife fight the pain together

In 1989, Tozhe also injured his heel while filming a police film, and at that time he thought that he was just crutching his foot, so he did not care.

Unexpectedly, the next day, the injury worsened, the foot was swollen and bad, and he could not get off the ground, and after being sent to the hospital for examination, he found that it was a serious heel stress injury.

Because Wataru is also the president and has a strong sense of responsibility, he did not go to the hospital for treatment immediately, but waited for the whole drama to be filmed before going to the hospital for surgery.

Because of the delay in treatment, there are sequelae left behind, and I can no longer run.

Tetsuya Watanabe's left foot dragged the ground for a year, and during this year of rehabilitation, he insisted on continuing to work and film.

In 1991, Tetsuya Watanabe was hospitalized for bowel cancer.

After Tetsuya Watanabe suffered from rectal cancer, he has been hesitant to announce his condition to the media.

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Mrs. Toshiko was the first to tell the media about Tetsuya Watanabe's condition, and she told Tetsuya Watanabe when she returned home

"Husband, you can't lie!"

After listening to his wife's words, Wataru decided to immediately announce his true situation to the outside world and actively cooperate with the doctor's treatment.

He was the first artist in the history of The Japanese art world to disclose that he had cancer.

Tetsuya Watanabe opened up the wind again...

The main doctor suggested that Dr. Dodo also remove all of his anus and replace it with an artificial anus, which could reduce the possibility of recurrence, and Doshi also listened and began to hesitate again.

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Lady Toshiko, together with his younger brother Tsunehiko Watanase, lies to him that if he does not install an artificial anus, his life will be in danger!

Tetsuya Watanabe listened and immediately decided to install an artificial anus...

He cherished himself too much...

Tetsuya Watanabe's surgery was so successful that he has not had a recurrence of metastasis so far.

Three years later (1994), Tetsuya Wataru made a comeback and made a successful comeback, first dubbing the first two parts of the film "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" Cao Cao.

In 1996, Tetsuya Watanabe starred in Oda Nobunaga in the Ōkawa drama Hideyoshi and was widely acclaimed!

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Mrs. Toshiko not only takes care of her husband in life, but also makes many suggestions for Tetsuya Watanabe's work, and it can be said that Mrs. Toshiko's shadow is behind every major decision of Tetsuya Watanabe!

Unlike other Japanese men, Tetsuya Watanabe does not believe that wives can only revolve around their husbands and children, and that they can also use their talents and roles.

This was the first of Japan's ethos...

In 2015, Tetsuya Watanabe had an acute myocardial infarction, but was fortunately found and hospitalized by his wife in time.

Mrs. Toshiko comes from a family of medicine, so she knows some medical knowledge.

She first asked her husband what the symptoms were?

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Tetsuya Watanabe said that his head was a little bloated, his stomach was uncomfortable, and he wanted to vomit.

Mrs. Toshiko immediately correctly judged that Tetsu Toru was a symptom of acute myocardial infarction, and promptly asked the manager of the ferry to drive him to the Tonai Hospital.

In The Dunai Hospital, the heart germimeter judged that it was an early myocardial infarction, and the operation was successful after only 1 hour and 30 minutes, leaving no sequelae.

For more than two months, Mrs. Toshiko has been accompanying and taking good care of her.

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Before Mrs. Toshiko was discharged from the hospital, she bought many rehabilitation equipment in advance according to the doctor's advice, and within the first month of Wadzu Tetsuya's discharge, his feet were puffy and even difficult to walk on the ground...

But he endured strongly and under the supervision of his wife, he underwent rehabilitation...

Probably because his wife is sometimes too strict, Wataru will also take advantage of his wife's absence to secretly call his colleague Guan Bo to complain about it

"Alas, I let my wife bully you again!"

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

However, after his wife returned, Wataru immediately obediently obeyed and continued to work hard to rehabilitate. It seems that the two of them will continue their three-legged battle.

After marriage, every time Tetsuya Watanabe fell ill and was hospitalized, Mrs. Toshiko has always accompanied her and never abandoned!

Their married life did not spend before the moon, you are thick and thick, only dependent on each other, plain as water.

The singer is devoted to lifelong unmarried

In tetsuya Watanabe's life, in addition to Lady Toshiko and Yoshinaga Koyuri, there was another important woman, she was the famous Japanese showa singer Mikiko Makimura.

Makimura Saeko, real name Mieko Chiba, born december 21, 1953, is a famous Japanese enka singer in Bibai City, Hokkaido.

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Michiko Makimura was born in Hokkaido, and her family has many brothers and sisters. Makimura's father is a miner who loves Mieko very much, and the father and daughter have a good relationship.

Later, Makimura's father collapsed, and As the eldest daughter, Makimura Mieko had to give up her studies and graduate from high school to find a job to support her family.

Makimura Has always loved to sing, and by chance, she entered a small record company by participating in a singing competition, but after a few years, there was no improvement.

After that company closed, Makimura went to another record company, but it was still tepid and there was no development.

Later, after the company was annexed by Polydor Records, Makimura Mieko also went to Polydor to work and sing.

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

At this time, Makimura Mieko was 27 years old and had been in the road for eight years, but she was still just a little singer.

Just when Makimura Mieko loses confidence in her future, she occasionally hears tetsuya Watanabe singing the song "Winter Love", she likes this song very much, and wants to ask Watanabe to sing this song to herself.

Makimura's manager went to see Tetsuya Watanabe, who agreed to meet with Mitsueko Makimura.

After the two met, after Listening to Makimura's singing, Watanabe immediately said that this person had a promising future, and gave "Winter Love" to Makimura Mieko to sing.

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Not only that, but in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Wataru also scrapped his original recordings and will not be published in the future.

Tetsuya Watanabe not only gave her own song to Mieko Makimura, but also taught her how to perform the single.

Later, Tetsuya Watanabe became the music producer of Mikiko Makimura's single "Winter Love".

"Winter Love" sung by Michiko Makimura became a hit, and the single sold for 1 million copies.

Later, Tetsuya Watanabe collaborated with her on a song "Like a Husband and Wife" and the response was still enthusiastic!

In 1981, Mieko Makimura finally appeared on the stage of the Red and White Song Festival to sing "Winter Love".

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Since then, Michiko Makimura has embarked on the practice of first-line singers and become a red singer in Japan.

Therefore, Tozhe is also the benefactor of Michiko Makimura.

They also filmed the TV series "Metropolis 02" together, during which time they were close to each other...

I don't know when It was, Makimura Michiko began to love Tetsuya Watanabe.

According to Makimura Michiko himself, one by one

"She only wants to marry a good man, and the good man in her heart is Watsusang, so she doesn't marry anyone but Tetsuya Watanabe!" But Tetsuya Watanabe is already a family member, so he is the only one who is single! ”

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

What is Tetsuya Watanabe's attitude towards Michieko Makimura?

"I just love her talent."

Michiko Makimura left Tetsuya Watanabe in desperation.

Tetsuya Watanabe was silent about this past...

He no longer intersects with Michiko Makimura.

In 2002, Makimura Mieko was diagnosed with hepatic dysplasia, and doctors told her that she had only a 5-year survival period. Later, with the encouragement and support of her friend Sachiko Kobayashi, Mieko Makimura tenaciously fought against the disease...

In 2006, after her comeback, Mieko Makimura sang "Winter Love" on stage, and behind her was a huge photo of her working with Tetsuya Watanabe on the TV series "Metropolis 02".

In his later years, Makimura Mieko lived alone...

The two factions are divided, who is right and who is wrong

In 2011, ishihara Company had a major incident, and Tetsuya Watanabe and Masahiko Kobayashi resigned from important positions.

Tetsuya Watanabe resigned as president, and Masahiko Kobayashi resigned as deputy.

Masahiko Kobayashi turned out to be just a bartender in the bar of Nikho Corporation, but Yujiro Ishihara discovered his superior abilities and invited Masahiko Kobayashi to join him when he started the company.

Masahiko Kobayashi is really talented, he can plan, he is good at communication, he knows how to manage...

A large number of explosion scenes in the series such as "Metropolis" and "Western Police" were also supervised by Masahiko Kobayashi.

Major television stations in Tokyo, Japan, were also agreed by Masahiko Kobayashi.

Masahiko Kobayashi is a veteran of the Ishihara Company, and he has a large number of personnel and is entangled...

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

At that time, Wataru was only an insignificant novice.

"I'm just a pawn..."

Tetsuya Watanabe knew that he was weak, and he strengthened his relationship with the members of the Ishihara Legion, who would film and play together almost every day.

When not filming, the "Ishihara Legion" would go to Tetsuya Watanabe's house, and they were as close as family together.

Tetsuya Watanabe plays mahjong with them every day and goes to the hot springs together.

The two strong generals of the Ishihara Army, Tateshi and Kanda Masaki, were Tetsuya Watanabe's right and left hands.

Tetsuya Watanabe uses wisdom and sincerity to build his own network of relationships.

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Not only that, but Tetsuya Watanabe is also closely related to Yukiko, the wife of Yujiro Ishihara...

Akiko is critical of Masahiko Kobayashi's stubbornness, while Tetsuya Watanabe is very appreciative.

"Only Tetsuya Watanabe can save the company."

Akiko said to Yujiro more than once...

Yujiro Ishihara has always been with Masahiko Kobayashi, but he also knows that Tozhe is also a rare wizard, and he hopes that the two of them can help each other and work together...

It's just that a mountain is difficult to tolerate two tigers...

Yujiro Ishihara, The Hereafter, Tetsuya Watari, Masahiko Kobayashi System Subtle....

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Most of the time it is Wataru who is constantly compromising...

With the passage of time, the scenery of large-scale action movies is no longer glamorous, the times have changed, and police dramas are no longer popular.

Masahiko Kobayashi is a traditional Japanese who insists on protecting Yujiro's property and continues to shoot large-scale TV dramas despite Tetsuya Watanabe's objections.

Ratings are falling, finances are tight, companies are in crisis...

In 2011, Watanabe, with the acquiescence of Yujiro Ishihara's wife, parted ways with Masahiko Kobayashi.

"If this man can't do it, let him go!"

That's what Akiko said...

Although Tetsuya Watanabe resigned as president, he remains a senior consultant at Ishihara Corporation and an ordinary actor.

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Members of the Ishihara Legion also remained in the company.

Only Masahiko Kobayashi really left the company, he walked alone...

It is understood that Masahiko Kobayashi specially ran to the tomb of Yujiro Ishihara and cried bitterly.......

Soon after, Masahiko Kobayashi sent members to leave the company one by one.

Tetsuya Watanabe is still in power...

Members of The Kobayashi Masahiko faction once revealed to the media that the company's collective resignation was led by Tetsuya Watanabe, and his purpose was just to drive out the Gang of Masahiko Kobayashi.

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Tetsuya Dodo remains silent about outside doubts...

Silence is the creed that Gold is his human being...

"I can't talk."

It is true that Toratsuya rarely speaks in public, because he understands the truth that if you say too much, you will lose.

After Masahiko Kobayashi left the company, he wrote the sequel to "Western Police", hoping that the company would help him shoot the film.

This proposal was rejected by Tetsuya Watanabe....

Masahiko Kobayashi died depressed at the age of 80.

Ishihara did not know the news of his death...

After Watanabe also knew, he went to Kobayashi Masahiko's house, but he remained silent...

Grateful for life to complete life

In the blink of an eye, Tetsuya Watanabe and Lady Toshiko have walked hand in hand for forty-six spring and autumn seasons, and they love each other and have deep feelings.

Tetsuya Watanabe's son, who has also grown up, graduated from Aoyama Gakuin like his parents and now works for a Kashima Construction Company in Japan.

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Kashima Construction Company is one of the world's top 500 companies and the number one construction company in Japan.

The son's wife also graduated from Qingshan College, and the husband and wife lived happily.

Tetsuya Watanabe has a deep affection for his son and son, and has a good relationship with his daughter-in-law.

In 2015, when Tetsuya Towa fell ill and was hospitalized, his son and daughter-in-law visited him in the hospital several times, and the son moved to his parents' home to take care of his parents.

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Looking back on the past years, Wataru also thanked his wife very much, saying that he always knew that she was a very good woman, and it was very reassuring that all his money was handed over to her for safekeeping, and that his wife would wear whatever clothes he bought, and that his wife would eat whatever dishes he cooked, in short, he must not make his wife angry!

Tetsuya Watanabe believes that communication between husband and wife is the most important!

When I go home, I always tell my wife about anecdotes or troubles at work. His home is very warm and happy, plain and calm is the best, and going with the flow is the high realm!

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Du Zhe also said with emotion

"Love is blind, marriage is realistic. For years I was silly and couldn't tell the difference! ”

March 14, 2017, was a very painful year for Tetsuya Watanabe...

During this year, he lost his younger brother, Tsunehiko Watanase, who was also an actor, and in his saddest days, it was Mrs. Toshiko who accompanied him through this sad time.

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

Du Zhe also gradually recovered from the pain under the care of his wife and his own efforts, and he recovered again...

Tetsuya Watanabe said one by one

"Although I now suffer from emphysema and heart disease, I have always told myself to live well!" I am confident that I will live well and accompany my wife for a more journey. Although he stepped down as the president of Ishihara in 2011, he will continue to pay attention to the development of the company and have the opportunity to do some work to repay the society! ”

However, in 2019, Tetsuya Watanabe suddenly announced the dissolution of the "Ishihara Army" and no longer held any position in the company...

It was he who single-handedly created the strongest legion in the Japanese art world, and it was he who personally disbanded this strongest legion.

"One day, I will return the Ishihara company to the Ishihara family."

Tetsuya Watanabe once said...

Media reporters came to the door of Tetsuya Watanabe's house to wait, and Tetsuya Watanabe remained silent...

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

He was always so caught off guard...

Is it true that Wataru can't speak?

Now Toshiya is really light, and he and his wife live a rich and peaceful life.

Lady Toshiko is known as the lucky one of the Showa era.

They have nannies, drivers, managers in their homes...

Tetsuya Watanabe has entrusted his important affairs to his wife for several years, and in his heart, Toshiko is the most reliable person.

"Good wind, with its strength, helps me to go to Qingyun!"

Mrs. Toshiko has realized her ideals in life, and these eight years of waiting are indeed worth it...

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

"I knew from the beginning that Michihiko Watanase was a good man."

Mrs. Toshiko smiled and said...

A happy woman never gets old...

I wish the couple happiness in their old age, white heads and old age...

Life is patience, patience will be complete!

The 78-year-old Tetsuya Watanabe is still laughing at life...

Life is in the world, contentment is always happy, life is in the world, let nature take its course.

Tetsuya Watanabe, a famous Japanese actor, has always been patient in his life

About the Author: A woman who likes to read, is obsessed with history, and loves to write articles. What is a good article, I don't know. I only know that writing an article is writing what I want to say, what I want to write. This is me, a layman in the world, who worries about the deep valley and the sky, and the fragrance of Youlan!

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