
The father of "Chaoyanggou" - Yang Lanchun a note of an era

author:Henan mobile opera
The father of "Chaoyanggou" - Yang Lanchun a note of an era

Yang Lanchun (1920-2009.6), a native of Liejiang Village, Guantao Township, Wu'an City, was a national first-class screenwriter and a famous opera screenwriter and director artist in China. He once served as the vice chairman of the Henan Provincial Federation of Literature and Literature, the fourth vice chairman of the Chinese Drama Association, a deputy to the 11th, 12th and 13th National Congresses of the Communist Party of China, and a deputy to the Fourth National People's Congress. The screenwriter and director of the modern Yu opera classic "Chaoyanggou" is known as the father of "Chaoyanggou".

The father of "Chaoyanggou" - Yang Lanchun a note of an era

This is an old photograph of the Yu Opera Troupe in Henan Province, which was taken on January 1, 1964, and records the actors of the three troupes performing the modern Yu opera drama "Chaoyanggou" for the central leaders at Huairen Hall in Zhongnanhai.

The father of "Chaoyanggou" - Yang Lanchun a note of an era

Mr. Yang Lanchun was born in October 1920 in Wu'an County, Hebei Province, joined the revolutionary work in 1938, joined the Eighth Route Army in 1943, successively served as the director of the Wu'an County Youth Anti-Japanese Salvation Congress, the propagandist of the Yuxi Detachment of the Eighth Route Army, and the leader of the Propaganda Team of the Fifth Division of the New Fourth Army; in 1947, he transferred to the local government, served as the head of the Luoyang District Cultural and Labor Troupe, studied in the Opera Department of the Central Academy of Drama in 1950, and after graduation successively served as the deputy head of the Henan Provincial Opera Troupe, the leader of the Third Regiment of the Henan Provincial Yu Theater, and was a member of the Fourth Committee of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Vice Chairman of Henan Provincial Federation of Literature and Literature, Third Director of China Drama Association, Vice Chairman of the Fourth Session, Vice Chairman of Henan Branch. He is a deputy to the Eleventh and Twelfth National Congresses of the Communist Party of China and a deputy to the Fourth National People's Congress.

The father of "Chaoyanggou" - Yang Lanchun a note of an era

Mr. Yang Lanchun is one of the most influential artists in China's opera art circle in the 20th century, especially in the field of modern opera creation, and occupies a prominent position in the history of the development of Chinese opera. In his lifetime, he has choreographed and directed more than 100 plays, including the familiar "Little Erhei Marriage", "Chaoyanggou", "Winter to Spring", "Li Shuangshuang", "Liu Hulan" and so on. Among them, "Chaoyanggou" has become a well-known classic of Yu opera modern drama and has been warmly welcomed by the masses. The play was later made into a movie, recorded, and sung for a long time to this day. A "Chaoyanggou" made the Henan Yu Opera Third Troupe a well-known modern opera creation "Red Flag Troupe" in the country. Because of "Chaoyanggou", Yang Lanchun has become a peak in the history of Yu opera. The Chinese opera community unanimously believes that Mr. Yang Lanchun is the founder of modern Chinese opera.

June 2 marks the 12th anniversary of the death of Mr. Yang Lanchun

Henan Radio and Television Station Liyuan Channel, Mobile Opera Channel

Special launch of [Yang Lanchun's works]

Don't forget to watch

Yu drama "Little Two Black Marriage" (Liu Lanfang)

June 2 at 4:35 PM

Yu opera "Chaoyanggou" (film)

June 2, 19:50 (premiere)

June 3, 11:55 (replay)

The father of "Chaoyanggou" - Yang Lanchun a note of an era

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